《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 25 - Twilight Princess
Summary: The Yiga Clan is causing trouble, and Urbosa needs Link's help in the desert. In the course of dealing with the problem, Link plays a role in reuniting two from the past who spent much time together.
Life for Mipha, Link, Mila, and Midon had returned to normal for a month or so after Link completed the simulation challenges from Dr. Purah. Then a letter marked urgent from Urbosa arrived.
Dear Link,
We have a problem here and need your help. Our scouts have noticed some strange dark creatures in the desert. They only appear at night and are sensitive to light. So far, only a few of these creatures have been seen, and they have not attacked anyone, but they are a matter of concern. A historian here thought perhaps the Master Sword would be of use against them, and since you are the only one who can wield it, we are turning to you for help.
Please give my love to Mipha, though I know she will be unhappy with this request.
"It looks like Urbosa needs my help," said Link. He passed Mipha the letter.
"Another crisis in the desert where I can't help you?" said Mipha. "You know I'm not happy about this. But I understand you're still the keeper of the Master Sword, so I guess I will have to live with it. Promise me you'll be careful."
"You know I will," said Link. "I want nothing more than to return safely here. I had better start arranging for travel. It's a pretty long journey."
Using a combination of rafts and horseback, he was able to shave some time off his journey as compared with following the roads. His last raft trip brought him to Gerudo Canyon Pass. From there, he followed the trail as it curved beneath Koukot Plateau and turned south to Gerudo Canyon Stable. He spent the night there, and after a quick breakfast, headed into the desert toward Kara Kara Bazaar, about an hour away on foot. Urbosa was there expecting him.
"Sav'aaq," said Link. "It's good to see you again, Urbosa, but can you explain the trouble?"
"Sav'aaq," said Urbosa. "We don't know much, Link. As I wrote, our scouts have noticed these strange creatures in the desert at night in an area southwest of the Southern Oasis. They have not proven hostile to us. Attempting to communicate with them has proven fruitless. We have no idea where they are coming from or what they want."
"Is there anything of interest in the area southwest of the Southern Oasis?" said Link.
"Only some ancient ruins," said Urbosa. "There were Molduga there at one time, but we destroyed them."
"It sounds like I should investigate," said Link.
"And I will accompany you," said Urbosa. "I want you to safely return to Mipha and your family."
Link restocked some food and Hydromelons from the bazaar. Urbosa secured two Sand Seals for them.
"I suggest we head for the Southern Oasis," said Urbosa. "We can camp there, and it affords a good view of the surrounding area."
They hitched onto their Sand Seals and were soon heading south across the desert. The desert was scorching hot, but he was wearing his Desert Voe armor and was reasonably comfortable. Finally, they reached the oasis and climbed up onto it. Food and water were here as well as a cooking pot. And as Urbosa noted, the elevation provided a good view.
"Since these creatures only appear at night, I suggest we rest now and wake up in the evening," said Link. They lit a fire and cooked some food, then lay down to rest. He drifted off to sleep.
He awoke to the sound of a wolf howling in the desert below the oasis. He rubbed his eyes. It was late at night and a crescent moon faintly illuminated the surroundings. Urbosa was already up. The fire had gone out, and it was cold.
"Can we risk a fire?" said Link
"Perhaps not," said Urbosa. "You brought warm clothes?"
"Yes." Link switched into his Snowquill armor to fend off the cold. They sat and waited, scanning the area from time to time for any activity. Suddenly they noticed a blue flash to the southwest. It was hard to make out, but it appeared a large structure had suddenly appeared in the desert there. They watched quietly. There seemed to be some activity around the building. They needed to get closer.
Urbosa and Link climbed down from the oasis and slowly and as quietly as they could, made their way closer to the structure. It looked like it was only a partial structure. There was a round object of some kind and a portal behind it. Now and then, a dark creature would emerge from the Portal, then slink away into the night. None were headed their way, however. They noticed now there was also a single Yiga Clan warrior. As they continued to watch, eventually, the sky started to brighten, and the creatures stopped arriving. The Yiga warrior approached a glowing blue stone and struck it. Suddenly everything disappeared, save some ruined pillars and the Yiga warrior. The warrior was apparently from this time. He picked up the Stone and left toward the south.
Link and Urbosa went over to examine where the structure had stood. There were only several ruined pillars left.
"I recognize the blue stone," said Link. "It's a Sheikah Timeshift Stone and allows one to travel through time within a limited area around the Stone. We need to understand what stood on these grounds in the past."
"I'm sorry I can't help you with that," said Urbosa. "But we can check with a historian in Gerudo Town. Her name is Kaidu, and she may be able to help."
They returned to the oasis, and he changed back into his Desert Voe armor. After a quick breakfast, they mounted their Sand Seals for the ride back to Gerudo Town.
"Sorry, I can't invite you inside, but you know the rules," said Urbosa. She approached one of the guards on duty.
"Barca, would you please ask Kaidu to join me here?" said Urbosa.
"At once, Lady Urbosa," said the guard.
She ran off into Gerudo Town. After a short time, an older Gerudo appeared and approached them.
"Sav'otta Lady Urbosa," said Kaidu. "How can I be of service?"
"Sav'otta," said Urbosa. "This is Link. We have some questions about what structure stood where the ruins now lay just southwest of the Southern Oasis."
"Ah, yes," said Kaidu. "That place is called the Arbiter's Grounds. It had a tragic history and was a prison at one time. Is there something more specific you need to know?"
"Was there ever a means of travel housed there? A portal of some kind?" said Link.
"Now you are talking about something from many years ago," said Kaidu. "And the history of that is more Hylian than Gerudo. I know something about it, but you should consult a Hylian historian for more information."
"I am sorry, Kaidu," said Urbosa. "We don't have time to consult anyone else. Please tell us what you know about it."
"Alright," said Kaidu. "The story as I have come to learn it happened many years ago. At that time, there was a parallel world to ours called the Twilight Realm because it was a land of perpetual twilight. A race of creatures lived there, called the Twili, and it was said they were highly advanced in magic and technology, but cannot abide light. The Twili are believed to share some ancestry with the Gerudo and Sheikah. At one time, there was a portal referred to as the Mirror of Twilight that was a means of traveling between our two worlds. But an evil enemy named Ganondorf, someone who I am sad to say claims Gerudo lineage, managed to take control of their realm through a puppet ruler and launched an invasion of Hyrule. The Hyrule hero of that era, together with the princess of the Twilight Realm and the princess of Hyrule, managed to defeat Ganondorf. It is said that thanks to the power of the Master Sword, the Hero of Hyrule could travel safely to the Twilight Realm. Afterward, the Twilight Mirror was destroyed as the princess of the Twilight Realm returned to her world. No means of communication between our realms has existed since."
That explained a lot, thought Link. The Yiga Clan had used a Timeshift Stone to travel back in time to a point where the Mirror of Twilight still existed. Then they had somehow convinced the Twili to come to Hyrule. They would flip the Timeshift Stone on and off every evening since the Twili could not tolerate light. The Twili did not seem violent. Nevertheless, they could not be allowed to roam Hyrule, and the fact the Yiga Clan was involved bode only ill.
"Sarqso, Kaidu," said Urbosa. "That is helpful information and explains who these beings must be and where they came from. But we still have no idea why they are coming here."
Kaidu said she was happy to be of service and returned to Gerudo Town.
"If the Yiga Clan are behind this then perhaps the Gerudo could investigate further," said Link. "The warrior we need to defeat will be missed. We should leave the Timeshift Stone alone as if it was unnoticed and make it look like a Gerudo patrol just waylaid the warrior. Perhaps his replacement could be followed. However, since I possess the Master Sword, it seems I may be able to visit the Twilight Realm and perhaps get some answers there."
"Link, that sounds very dangerous, almost reckless," said Urbosa. "Are you sure you wish to do this? What if you cannot return from that realm? I could never face Mipha if that happened."
"I don't see what other choices we have," said Link. "It might also be a good idea to get a message to Dr. Purah. She understands Timeshift Stones."
"Very well," said Urbosa. "But when the Yiga retrieves the Timeshift Stone here, you will have no way back. How will you know when it is safe to return?"
"I'm hoping I can tell if I see any Twili accessing the portal or Purah figures out something."
They made their way back to the Southern Oasis and camped there. They thought their best opportunity was when the lone Yiga Clan warrior was finishing up. Evening came, and they again saw the flash of light from the Timeshift Stone and the structure emerge. More Twili were coming to Hyrule and heading who knows where. They waited until dawn was approaching and crept closer to the structure. The last Twili had passed through the Portal, and the Yiga Clan warrior was getting ready to leave. Link stood up from where he had been crouching and froze the warrior with an Ice Arrow. Urbosa finished him off with her scimitar.
Now came the part he had no idea of what to expect. The Portal was still in place, glowing black and white and swirling. Stairs were leading up to it. He felt over his shoulder, and his Master Sword was still there. He walked into the Portal.
He emerged into a strange environment. It was peaceful, and the sky did indeed look like it was twilight. The light was dim, but he could still see clearly. And there were Twili evident throughout the area. But for some reason, no one paid him any attention. This was very odd. Was he invisible? He took a few steps forward, and while the view ahead of him was unchanged, everything behind him disappeared, including the Portal. And he was anything but invisible. Two tall Twili guards approached him.
"Halt! You are from the Light World," said one of the Twili. "We have standing orders from Her Highness to bring any Light World visitors directly to her. Please come with us."
A Twili guard stood on each side of him, and they escorted him into a building. They spoke to one of the guards inside the structure, and after receiving permission, brought him to an empty room.
"Wait here," the guard said. "Her Highness wishes to speak to you privately. Two guards will be right outside so do not attempt anything."
Link waited for a few minutes. And what happened next was nothing like he expected. The door opened, and a tall, slim woman entered the room, then turned to face him. Her skin was pale bluish green, her lips a light shade of purple, and her hair and eyes both fiery red. Her eyes were especially penetrating as she looked at him. She wore a green and black outfit that revealed almost as much as it covered. But above all, she was stunningly beautiful! He was awestruck.
"Hello, I am Princess Midna, the ruler of this realm," she said.
He was still mesmerized by her appearance and stared with his mouth open.
"This brings back memories!" she laughed. "Do all you Light World Hylians lose your words when first seeing me? You look a bit like someone I knew, but your hair is lighter and eyes a bit bluer."
"My name is Link, Your Highness," said Link. "I apologize. But I think the person you knew lived way before my time. I came from your future and traveled to today using what we call a Timeshift Stone."
But wait a minute, he thought. Was this situation even possible? The story he heard indicated the Twilight Princess destroyed the Mirror just as she left Hyrule. The Yiga Timeshift Stone must transport one to a time before the Mirror was damaged. But then either she would not have met Link by then, or she would still be in Hyrule at that point. So, how could Midna be here and still have known Link with the Mirror intact? If she knew Link and was back in the Twilight Realm, then the Mirror was already destroyed. This didn't make sense.
Then he remembered the view disappearing as he walked forward and realized how they did this. They used two Timeshift Stones. The one in Hyrule took that location back in time to when the Mirror of Twilight still existed. And then the Yiga Clan had somehow brought a Timeshift Stone to the Twilight Realm and activated it here to propel the area he was now in into the past as well, but not quite so far: instead to a time slightly after Princess Midna had returned to the Twilight Realm. So, in effect, they had partially restored the Mirror of Twilight's functionality. But why?
"You seem lost in thought," said Midna. "But I am curious what brings you to our realm and even more curious about how you got here. I destroyed the Mirror of Twilight when I left."
So, she didn't know about the Portal. It must be just outside the range of the Timeshift Stone here. This was getting confusing. There were three zones, all with different times. Everything outside the range of both Stones was his present. The Stone in Hyrule's time zone area encompassed the Mirror in Hyrule and the Portal in both worlds. Then as you walked forward from the Portal in the Twilight Realm, you entered into the second Stone's time zone area, which was slightly later than the first Stone's.
"Yes, Your Highness, that is what I heard," said Link. "But I fear there is some trickery by enemies of the Hyrule Royal Family we call the Yiga Clan. They have developed Timeshift Stones, which can control time travel within a limited area. I suspect they have used two stones to, in effect, bridge the past and future between our worlds. So, the Mirror of Twilight is restored in my world, and you are back here in your world."
"So, the Portal exists? If I were to travel through the Portal now, I could visit the Link I knew?" said Midna.
"No, Your Highness, because the Timeshift Stone only affects a small area around it," said Link. "The time you are interested in would exist only near the Mirror, and the Link you knew is not there. Besides, I suspect that the Link of that era had not yet met you at the point the Timeshift Stone is programmed."
"And what about the Timeshift Stone here?" said Midna. "What do they look like? I gather if that were deactivated, I would cease to exist, and your world's time and mine would coincide again?"
"No, Your Highness," said Link. "If the Timeshift Stone here was deactivated, you would not notice anything. I am the one who would disappear and emerge in this location in my time since I am the one who is only here in what is my past under the Timeshift Stone's influence. And they look like a bluish glowing stone, not too large, small enough to carry."
"But what if I were to walk outside the Timeshift Stone's range?" said Midna.
"Then I believe you would suddenly appear in the future before the Timeshift Stone was struck, which would be my time, Your Highness," said Link.
"So, if the Link of my era were to join me here, we could be together in our time, or leave this Timeshift Stone range and be together in your time?" said Midna.
"Yes, I believe so, Your Highness," said Link. "But I don't know how we could get the Link of your era to the Mirror of Twilight. Your time in my world only exists in a small area around the Timeshift Stone."
What was this obsession of hers with the Link of her era? He needed to discuss the problem.
"Your Highness, if I may, I would like to discuss the reason I am here? "said Link.
"Yes, of course, forgive me," said Midna. "I was guilty of being lost in thought as well."
"As I said, Your Highness, the Yiga Clan are allowing some Twili to travel to my time in the World of Light as you call it," said Link. "They have not harmed anyone to my knowledge. But we are concerned about this. I assume you are unaware of this and would not approve of it?"
"No, I was not aware of it," said Midna. "And of course, I do not approve of it. I destroyed the Mirror of Twilight to prevent this kind of thing. Though I sometimes feel regret over that."
"Then, Your Highness, perhaps we can work together to stop this? Also, it would be helpful to learn why the Yiga Clan are so interested in this," said Link.
"Yes," said Midna. "I will help you, but I have two conditions. First of all, I would like to see my subjects in your world returned safely to mine. And secondly, I wish to see the Link of my time."
"We can certainly do our best to safely return any Twili who are in my world, Your Highness," said Link. "But as I said earlier, I am not aware of any way to get the Link of your time to the Mirror of Twilight."
"Perhaps you have not thought hard enough about it," said Midna. "Or perhaps I haven't. We have some advanced technology as well. I do not wish to treat you as a prisoner, but rather as a guest. I apologize, however, but I cannot let you leave until I understand what is happening. I will have some food brought to you. Meanwhile, I will ask my guards to investigate the Twili disappearances. We will speak again soon." She turned and left the room.
So now he had to sit and wait for whatever Princess Midna decided. If he was the Link who knew her, he mused, he could imagine him being very happy in her presence and inconsolable at losing her. Besides being beautiful, there was a hint of something dark and mysterious in her eyes, something very tempting. She could make you come to love the twilight, he thought. But he had better snap out of it. He was in love with someone with beautiful eyes that were equally tempting. He hoped Urbosa was having some luck.
After Link entered the Twilight Realm, Urbosa returned to the oasis, hid behind a tree, and watched the area from a distance. After an hour or so, two Yiga Clan warriors arrived. Apparently, they had been sent to investigate. They looked around the area, then struck the Timeshift Stone. The structure and Portal vanished, and they headed south with the Stone. Urbosa followed carefully at a distance until she saw them enter a cave in the sand and disappear from view. So, the Twili must be there as well, sheltered from the light. But for what purpose? She would need help to investigate further. She made her way back to the oasis and rode back to Gerudo Town in her Sand Seal.
Urbosa went directly to the throne room and summoned the Captain of the guards.
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