《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 24 - Trial of the Hero - Part 2
Summary: Dr. Purah's Trial of the Hero simulations throw Link some challenges, but Mipha supports his efforts.
Link felt he had sharpened his skills enough with the training exercises. It was time to tackle the real trials. He and Mipha headed back to Vah Ruta.
"You feel ready for this?" said Mipha.
"I do," said Link. "I know my skills may not be as good as five years ago, but I think they are still good enough. I am curious about what Purah cooked up for me."
Mipha activated the simulator and pressed The Trial of the Hero option. Again, Link blacked out as if in a trance. He awoke in a Sheikah Tower in Central Hyrule. A disembodied voice began to speak.
"In this challenge, there are four separate trials, the objective of which is to achieve what is best to save Hyrule. If you complete a trial, you will have the choice of continuing to the next trial or exiting the simulation. The simulator will save any successful trial completions, and you do not need to complete all four trials at one time. Each trial is independent. The first trial will begin now."
Suddenly the Sheikah Tower faded, and he emerged standing in front of Gerudo Town. It was mid-day, and a blazing hot sun was in the sky. He was wearing his Desert Voe armor, and Urbosa was standing next to him.
"Link, you arrived just in time!" said Urbosa. "Against my advice, Princess Zelda left here on her own for Kara Kara Bazaar. But she is overdue there, and I fear something has happened."
So, this test involved finding Zelda or, more likely, rescuing her.
"Do you know how long ago this was?" said Link.
"Not more than 30 minutes," said Urbosa. "One of the guards here saw her leave, but another guard returning on the road from the Bazaar said she never passed her."
Link thought back to his Gerudo training session, which involved the Yiga Clan.
"I suspect the Yiga Clan may have kidnapped her," said Link. "In which case, they would take her back to their hideout for their leader to question her. We need to hurry. Let's take two of these Sand Seals."
Soon Urbosa and he were streaking across the desert on Sand Seals toward the Yiga Clan Hideout. They got as far as they dared on the Seals, then proceeded quietly on foot. As they got closer to the entrance, three Yiga Clan warriors appeared. Link managed to stun two of them with ice arrows, while Urbosa eliminated the third warrior with a blow from her scimitar. Then she and Link took care of the remaining two while still frozen in place. They quietly approached the Yiga Clan Hideout entrance and crept inside. The usual contingent of guards was pacing the halls. Link remembered the technique of using Mighty Bananas to grab their attention and distract them.
"I probably don't need to tell you, but we need to distract the guards with some Mighty Bananas," Link whispered. "Then we climb the ladder over there. I will need to repeat the process again as we approach our destination."
It was a little trickier with two people, but they proceeded slowly and methodically. Finally, they reached the inner chamber with the secret exit to where he had fought Master Kohga in his original timeline. He didn't have Magnesis to open the secret door, but this time merely pushing it worked: another Purah modification. When Urbosa and Link emerged, they saw Zelda lying on the ground, surrounded by three Yiga Clan warriors and Master Kohga. She was still alive.
"I'll take care of these three," said Urbosa. "You deal with their fat leader."
Link took on Master Kohga. He thought this might be challenging without a Magnesis Rune, but it turned out there were only two phases to the battle, and Magnesis wasn't needed. He had to dodge and shield parry. But eventually, he wore Kohga down with some well-timed arrows, and Urbosa had little trouble with the three warriors. Zelda rushed, crying into Urbosa's arms, safe. Suddenly the scene began to fade, and he emerged back in the Central Tower Sheikah Tower.
The disembodied voice intoned, "You have completed the first trial. Please select 'Continue' for the next trial, or 'Exit' to return to your reality."
He was tempted to continue but remembered his promise. He selected "Exit."
"How did you do? Are you alright?" asked a worried Mipha.
"I did okay, and I'm fine," said Link. "I completed the first trial. It involved rescuing Zelda from the Yiga Clan. I should rest up before tackling the next one. Let's go home."
The next morning, he and Mipha were back at Vah Ruta. Link was ready to try the subsequent trial. Mipha selected The Trial of the Hero, and Link again woke up on the Sheikah Tower. He heard the disembodied voice intone the instructions. Then the second trial began.
The scene faded, and the next thing he knew, he was in Goron City dressed in the full Flamebreaker Armor set. Daruk was standing next to him.
"Link, we've got problems," said Daruk. "Vah Rudania just started acting up, and one of our scouts noticed a small army of Moblins and Fire Lizalfos heading our way from up north. You and I need to split up. I'll take care of Vah Rudania while you help with the monsters."
Daruk was about to run off to Vah Rudania. But this was wrong, Link thought. If he let Daruk go to Vah Rudania, Daruk would likely be defeated again by Fireblight Ganon.
"No, Daruk," said Link. "Trust me, I need to handle Vah Rudania, and you need to lead your Goron warriors in the battle against the monsters."
"Are you sure?" said Daruk. "I've spent a lot of training time with Vah Rudania. And you're pretty handy dealing with Moblins and Lizalfos. I think it makes more sense to do it my way."
"I insist," said Link. "If you insist on going to Vah Rudania, I'm going with you. I fear it's a trap."
Daruk thought for a minute.
"Alright, I'll tackle the monsters," said Daruk. "But if you have trouble with Vah Rudania, wait for me there."
Daruk headed toward the battle, and Link started up the Death Mountain trail to Vah Rudania alone. There were no enemies on the way. But several parts of the path were blocked by boulders, and he had to do some climbing and navigating around lava flows. It was similar to what Purah had put in her Goron Region training simulation. Finally, just before he reached Vah Rudania, an Igneo Talus rose up and blocked the path. He was pretty comfortable battling this. Some ice arrows and a few spin attacks with his Cobble Crusher put an end to it.
He entered Vah Rudania. But unlike in his original timeline, he didn't need to activate any terminals. Fireblight Ganon was already visible hovering by the central terminal. Okay, he thought, he knew how to deal with this thing too. He had plenty of ice arrows, but no remote bombs. The first phase of the battle went as he remembered, using ice arrows to destroy any fireballs and stun his enemy, and then attacking with his sword. He took a few hits, but his armor was strong. He wasn't sure how he was going to deal with the second phase of the battle without any remote bombs. But Purah was fair about that: there never was a second phase to the attack. Link kept wearing the creature down with ice arrows and then finally finished it off. As the creature dissolved into nothingness, the scene started to fade, and Link found himself back on the Sheikah Tower.
The disembodied voice intoned, "You have completed the second trial. Please select 'Continue' for the next trial, or 'Exit' to return to your reality."
He selected 'Exit.'
"I did okay, Mipha," said Link. "I think I can do this. Only two more to go."
They followed the same routine the next morning, and Link began the third trial. But this one would prove to be very different.
He was back near Zora's Domain and standing on the northwest pier of East Reservoir Lake. Vah Ruta was visible out on the lake, and he could make out Mipha discussing something with Princess Zelda near the entrance. Zelda must be visiting to inspect how Mipha's training with Vah Ruta was coming along. Okay, he thought. So, what was he supposed to do? Perhaps he should swim out to Vah Ruta and join them? He started swimming toward Vah Ruta and was about halfway there when suddenly the sky darkened. A purple streak of malice flew down from the sky and materialized as Waterblight Ganon just outside Vah Ruta. In this scenario, Ganon attacked Hyrule while Mipha, Zelda, and Link were all at Vah Ruta. Link's job was to accomplish what was best to save Hyrule. But he was still in the midst of swimming to Vah Ruta, and in the water, there was nothing he could do. He saw Mipha push Zelda behind her to try keeping her safe and raise her trident to defend herself. But she was no match for this enemy. Mipha was cut down with one swing of Ganon's spear, and a second swipe eliminated Zelda. He had failed. The scene faded, and he was back at the Sheikah Tower.
The disembodied voice intoned: "You have failed the third trial. Please select 'Continue' to try again or 'Exit' to return to your reality."
Well, he had misplayed that scenario. But now he understood what it was. Somehow he needed to divert the creature's attention, allowing Mipha and Zelda to get to safety. He selected "Continue" to replay the scenario.
This time he waited on the pier for Waterblight Ganon to appear, and when it did, he fired a salvo of arrows at it. But that only distracted it for a moment. It still proceeded with its successful attack on Mipha and Zelda. That approach didn't work either.
He needed to think. He was too far away to reach them in time, but could he warn them in time? He selected "Continue" for the third time. He shouted from the pier as soon as the scene began: "Get inside Vah Ruta quickly, Ganon is coming."
They heard him because they both ran and were inside Vah Ruta when Ganon appeared. Link fired some arrows in an attempt to lure the enemy to him, but it didn't work. Ganon proceeded to enter Vah Ruta. Link dove into the lake and swam as fast as he could to Vah Ruta then climbed aboard. But it was already too late. The simulation faded, and he was back at the Sheikah Tower.
He stopped to think again. At least this time, they both survived longer, but he still couldn't get to them in time. So maybe he should start swimming at once and then shout to them to hide while on the way? He selected "Continue" again.
This time he immediately dove into the water and swam as fast as he could. He was mentally counting down to the time he estimated Ganon would appear. A moment before that he stopped and yelled, "Quickly hide inside Vah Ruta, Ganon is coming!" They both heard him clearly and ran inside as he resumed his swimming. He was closer to Vah Ruta now when Waterblight Ganon appeared. Ganon took no notice of him but immediately entered Vah Ruta. Link resumed swimming and then boarded Vah Ruta. The simulation was still active, so they must be alive. He proceeded further into Vah Ruta and could hear Waterblight Ganon screeching. The sound came from straight ahead. He rushed forward and entered the cavernous room that housed the central control tower. Ganon was there, and both Zelda and Mipha were crouched behind the tower but on opposite sides. Ganon was preparing to strike at them. Link launched an arrow, and it stunned Ganon long enough for Link to reach the control tower.
Again, Waterblight Ganon prepared to strike, and Link had to choose which direction to go. He could only defend one or the other, but not both. His heart told him to defend Mipha, but Zelda was needed to save Hyrule. He thought this simulation must be a test to see if he would put Hyrule's survival above his feelings. Link ran in front of Zelda to defend her, and seeing Mipha unguarded, Ganon swiped his spear at Mipha, killing her instantly. Ouch, thought Link. That was painful for him to see. He hoped he wouldn't start having nightmares again. But something was wrong. He and Zelda were both still alive, but the simulation was fading, and he was back at the Sheikah Tower. The voice told him he had failed again. So, saving Zelda at the expense of Mipha was not the right answer, either.
Now he had to stop and think again. Saving Mipha at the expense of Zelda couldn't be right either, so there was no point wasting time enacting that scenario. He recalled the objective was to achieve the outcome that was best for saving Hyrule. Obviously, both Zelda and Mipha surviving was a better outcome than either one being killed. So, he was expected to keep both of them alive. But they were too far apart for him to block Ganon's attack on both of them, and trying to stun Ganon long enough to call them together didn't work either. Purah had come up with a puzzler. He needed more time to think about this scenario. He pressed "Exit."
"Did you pass?" said Mipha when Link returned to reality.
"No, this one is puzzling," said Link. "I need to think about it."
"Do you want to talk about it?" said Mipha.
"No, this one I would rather not," said Link. "I just need to replay some of it in my mind and explore options."
They headed home together. In the evening, Link took a stroll alone around the Domain. It was a clear, cool evening, and the stars were shining overhead. The sound of falling water helped him to relax, and walking alone helped him think. He made his way to the plaza then wandered into the general store, Marot's Mart. They had the usual assortment of food, including fish and rice, as well as arrows and ice arrows. He walked out of the store and started back. Suddenly, recalling the ice arrows, he had an idea.
The next morning, they headed back to Vah Ruta, and Link began the trial again. He followed the same scenario as last time. Mipha and Zelda were on opposite sides of the central terminal, and Link was preparing to rush forward to defend them. As soon as he was in range, he hit Waterblight Ganon in the eye with an ice arrow but then proceeded to launch an ice arrow at Zelda. It hit her in the leg. She was stunned frozen and collapsed into the shallow water around the terminal. Link rushed forward to the central tower in time to block Ganon's strike at Mipha. Ganon ignored the frozen body of Zelda and now concentrated his attention entirely on Link and Mipha. But Link knew how to battle Waterblight Ganon, and having Mipha alongside him only added another trident to his side of the battle. They soon finished off their enemy.
"Mipha, hurry over to Zelda and heal her," said Link.
The ice arrow had only wounded Zelda and Mipha was able to revive her and heal the wound. Link was about to speak when the scene dissolved, and he was back at the Sheikah Tower.
The voice intoned, "You have completed the third trial. Please select 'Continue' for the next trial, or 'Exit' to return to your reality."
He selected "Exit." He was thrilled this trial was over and wanted to forget it.
The next morning Link was in high spirits hoping to finish the trials.
"Okay, let's do this," Link said. "This is the last one."
Mipha again activated the simulator, and Link was back on the Sheikah Tower. The voice repeated the message as before and informed him the fourth trial would now begin.
He found himself in Hyrule Castle in the Sanctum confronting Calamity Ganon. But it was different. Princess Zelda was there beside him this time. He remembered how to battle Ganon, but before he could do much damage, Ganon struck Zelda with his long spear. She screamed in pain, fell to the ground, then lay still, dead. There would be no way to seal Ganon now. Hyrule was doomed. The scene faded, and he was back at the Sheikah Tower.
The disembodied voice intoned: "You have failed the fourth trial. Please select 'Continue' to try again or 'Exit' to return to your reality."
Wow, that was fast. Okay, he thought. He needed to protect Zelda better or get her out of the way. Let's try again. He selected "Continue."
The scene was repeated as before. But this time Link yelled to Zelda.
"Zelda, run outside," Link shouted. "I'll deal with this."
Zelda rushed toward the exit but not fast enough. Ganon's spear hit her in the back, and she collapsed dead on the floor of the Sanctum again. And he was back at the Sheikah Tower.
Okay, he thought, fleeing didn't work, so how about fighting? He would need to protect her instead. He pressed "Continue" again.
Again, the scene unfolded as before.
"Zelda, get behind me," said Link. Zelda rushed in back of him. This approach seemed to be working as Link peppered Ganon with arrows and then rushed in with his sword when Ganon was stunned. He was able to ward off most of Ganon's attacks. But then Ganon launched a slow-moving firebomb. Link tried disabling it with an arrow, but the bomb still exploded. He deflected most of the damage with his shield, but Zelda screamed in pain and fell to the ground. She wasn't dead, and Link continued to battle. But eventually, Zelda was overcome with her injuries and died. He was back on the Sheikah Tower.
That hadn't worked either. What kind of scenario had Purah created? Maybe Zelda should stay far away from him instead. He pressed "Continue."
"Zelda, stay far away from me while I keep its attention," said Link.
But that didn't work either. Purah must have programmed the simulation in such a way that Ganon's primary objective was destroying Zelda, thus preventing her from sealing him away. He was running out of ideas. It was time to exit and think about it.
"Did you finish?" Mipha asked, hopefully.
"No, I can't figure this one out yet," said Link. "I need to sleep on it."
The next morning, he was ready to try again. Of all the scenarios he tried, protecting Zelda while battling seemed the most promising in that she lasted longest in that approach.
However, despite trying five more times, he could not prevent Zelda from being mortally wounded. Whenever Link rushed in to attack Ganon, Ganon would recover enough to focus his attack on Zelda. And Link could not defeat Ganon without approaching him. He tried having Zelda cling to his tunic throughout the battle, but again, Ganon's firebombs' impact was too powerful, and she succumbed to her injuries. He went home more discouraged than before. Had Purah simply made this scenario too difficult or even impossible? It sure seemed so. Maybe Purah expected him to dispatch Ganon more quickly?
The next morning, he was at it again another five times. He tried his best to finish Ganon off with the weapons at his disposal, but no matter how hard he worked, Ganon always managed to get in a fatal attack on Zelda. His mood soured.
"I'm beginning to think Purah messed this scenario up," said Link to Mipha one morning. "I've tried this simulation over thirty times by now, and every time Zelda ends up dead."
He went back to Purah's letter to see the date and how much more time he had. He re-read the letter carefully to see if he missed anything. All he could do was keep trying before time ran out.
The next day Mipha and Link journeyed back to Vah Ruta again. Link kept thinking about Purah's letter. Then suddenly, he had an idea. Purah had said there was more than one way of solving a scenario. He would try his plan now. He had nothing to lose.
"Don't get discouraged," said Mipha. "I have faith in you, and you'll figure it out."
"I think I may have figured out a way, but I am not sure if its cheating or being creative," said Link.
"Why, what is it?" said Mipha.
"You're coming with me," said Link.
"What?" said Mipha. "Is that even possible?"
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