《Life in Zora's Domain》Chapter 20 - Homecoming
Summary: Mila and Midon come home and start growing up.
As any parent learns, time seemed endless living day-by-day but flew by looking back.
Mila and Midon grew and grew. Before long, they were one month old, had outgrown their hatchling tanks, and were moved to a single large one. It was cute watching them together for the first time. They would swim around as before, but when they crossed paths with their sibling, they would stop to stare at each other for a while. Link was afraid one might attack the other, but Mipha said that wouldn't happen. They were too big to be confused with food, and this early time together would help them bond. Nursery staff started cutting back on visits, and it was up to Mipha and Link to take care of them. But caring for them was more leisurely. They ate less often and more at one time. Keeping them fed was not the exhausting routine of newborn hatchlings. Since Zoras hatched into the world at a much earlier stage in life than a live birth child, evolution had made them more self-reliant earlier as well.
Soon they were three months old and needed more space. They were ready for the nursery. There were separate nursery pools of increasing size for 3-4 months, 5-6 months, and 7-8 months old children. Nursery staff and volunteer parents helped care for them. There were typically 4 to 6 children per pool at any one time. Parents could visit their children whenever they wished. Given the limited space in the Domain, it was impossible for each family to have a nursery pool, so a centralized nursery was the only practical way to provide enough room for the children to grow while keeping them safe. And interacting with other children helped their development.
When they reached 5 to 6 months old, they started looking more like little Zoras. Their tails were developing into tail fins and splitting off from the rest of their bodies. Their arms grew, and their legs started developing as well. By this time, their eyesight was quite good. They began to recognize their parents from their daily interactions with them.
Mipha and Link spent as much time as they could spare visiting the nursery pools several times each day. And King Dorephan would sometimes stop by the nursery as well, bringing Sidon with him and explaining to Sidon how the babies were growing. When either parent came to the nursery, they would splash the water to get their attention, and then Mila and Midon would both swim over and stare up at them. Mipha and Link would lightly stroke their heads or let them grab their fingertips and wiggle them. Sidon was thrilled when he gently stroked them and watched them stare back at him. Sidon had always been the baby of the family, and this was a new experience for him.
At seven months, the babies could poke their heads out of the water for a better view, and that exercised their lungs, which were getting stronger each day. Their eye color and skin color had been forming as well, and by eight months was well established.
Mila's skin was red, but a lighter shade of red than Mipha's, almost a pink. And Mila's eyes were a brighter shade of gold than Mipha's, more like a golden yellow.
Midon's skin color was closer to Mipha's shade of red. But Midon's eyes were quite striking for a Zora. They were a bright bluish-green, perhaps best described as turquoise.
Once their lungs were healthy enough, Mipha and Link could lift the children out of the water for a while to play with them. They always made sure both parents spent equal time with each child.
"They're so alert now!" said Link holding Midon.
Link was slowly moving his index finger in the air, and Midon was following its every move. Then Link would gently but rapidly slide his finger to Midon's side and tickle him. Midon would make a rapid giggling sound. Then Link would do it again. If Link showed signs of stopping too soon, Midon would reach for Link's finger and shake it. Link assumed he meant for him to continue playing. This game worked with Mila too, but her giggle sound was different, more of a slower cooing.
"Maybe she's not as ticklish," said Mipha.
Mipha had her way of playing with them while they remained in the water. She would gently move one hand in front of them then try to sneak the other hand alongside them to tickle them. They soon caught on and would keep an eye out for her other hand and quickly turn to catch it. Their coordination and reflexes in the water were already quite good.
"Notice they're smart enough not to bite anyone when they play? They recognize other Zoras from a very young age," said Mipha.
"But do they recognize Hylians?" asked Link.
"That's a good question," said Mipha. "Come here and pick one finger you wouldn't mind losing."
"What!" exclaimed Link. "I hope you're not serious."
"Of course not," she laughed. "We Zoras are smart enough from a very young age to only bite food. I've been teasing you about that from early on."
Finally, the big day came: Mila and Midon were leaving the nursery and going home.
Link woke up early, but Mipha was already awake, getting things ready.
"Hi," said Link. "All ready for the big day?"
Mipha and Link had set up two child-size pools of water in an area of the living quarters they had reserved for the children. Mila and Midon were now able to live on land or in the water, their lungs fully developed. Their tail fins were disproportionately long for their bodies, but that would change as they grew taller. Their legs still had a lot of growth ahead of them, and they were much better at swimming than walking at this stage. They would need a lot of practice walking to be considered steady on their feet.
"I'm excited to have them coming home with us," said Mipha. "I know it was for the best, but I missed them in the nursery."
"I know what you mean," said Link. "Is it too early to pick them up yet?"
"Maybe a little," said Mipha. "You should eat something first."
Link mixed a couple of small pieces of dried fish with some Hylian rice for a light breakfast.
"I think we can go now," said Mipha.
It was a short walk to the nursery, and the attendant on duty greeted them.
"Lady Mipha and Link, good morning," she said. "Today, you're taking our prince and princess home. It's been our pleasure to have them in our care, and I wish you and your family the best of times together."
Mipha signed a form. Then she and Link walked over to the nursery pool. Mila and Midon saw them, swam across, and lifted their heads out of the water, expecting to play. Now Mipha lifted up Mila, and Link took Midon.
"Time to go home, little prince," said Link. Midon stared back at him. It was a short walk home, and then they put each child down in its water pool while they prepared some food. They could be fed out of the water now as well as in water. Making food for them was relatively easy, too: it was fresh raw fish cut into small bite-size pieces.
"We should take turns," said Mipha. "First time you feed Midon, then next time you feed Mila."
Link thought he could handle this part. It was not much different from feeding a Hylian child. And they were pretty eager eaters. They soon finished the meal.
"Do they need to rest now, or can we take them somewhere to play?" asked Link.
"We could take them to one of the pools on the third level. During the day, they usually have one pool reserved for children," said Mipha.
They were still too little to walk, so they had to be carried up the stairs to the pools under the throne room. The pools were not used much during the day, and they had one all to themselves. This was the first chance to get in the water with them, and Mipha was especially looking forward to it. They placed the children in the pool then climbed in themselves. The pools were designed more for resting than playing, but they were big enough for the children at this age. Mila and Midon swam in circles around the perimeter, exploring the new environment while Mipha and Link watched from the middle.
"This is nice," said Link.
Soon the two children started slowing down.
"I think they're getting tired," we should head home. "Now, see if you can catch one."
Link climbed out of the pool, then reached into the water and made the gentle splashing sound they had used at the nursery. To his surprise, Mila swam right over to him and let him pick her up. Then she nestled her head on his shoulder.
"We can see who's daddy's little girl already!" Mipha laughed. "I think she'll be able to twist you around her fin anytime she wants."
Mipha swam over and collected Midon, then pushed herself out of the water. Midon rested his head on her shoulder.
"Naptime, little prince," she said.
They were both fast asleep by the time they reached home and were placed gently into their beds.
So, the days rolled on, and the children kept growing.
Next thing Mipha and Link knew it was going to be their two-year wedding anniversary. They agreed not to exchange gifts this time but write a note to each other instead.
"I still love the pendant you got me last year," said Mipha.
"And I still love the tunic you made for me," said Link.
Both children were still sleeping when they woke up on their anniversary and exchanged notes.
Link read Mipha's note.
"Dear Husband, Life with you is a dream come true, and you have made me happier than I ever hoped. My heart is yours now and forever. Mipha"
And Mipha read Link's note.
"Dear Mipha, You have made me happy beyond my imaginings and given me so many tender moments to cherish these past two years. I will always love you. Link"
"You may be quiet," said Mipha, "but you have a nice way with the written word. Happy Anniversary!"
"Happy Anniversary," said Link. "I meant every word of it."
They kissed, then walked over to watch the children sleeping.
"When they're older, we can drop them off with Father for some alone time together," said Mipha.
"It's hard to believe it's been a year since you told me I would be a father up at Veiled Falls," said Link.
"And two months from now will be the children's' one-year hatching party," said Mipha.
Link recalled from his citizenship test studies that Zoras did not typically celebrate birthdays. Maybe because they have so many of them, he thought. But the exception was the one-year anniversary of a child's hatching. Nothing elaborate was planned, just a small meal with the family. King Dorephan said he would make the arrangements.
"I know I read the book, but I forget," said Link. "When will they start talking?"
"It depends," said Mipha. "The more you talk to them, the sooner they'll learn, but typically around ten to twelve months from hatching."
From then on Link would take them around and point while naming everything he saw: things around the house, bed, tree, flower, bird, cloud, water, fish, eye, nose, ear, mouth, etc. He would even take them out in the evening and point out the moon.
"I'm glad to see you teaching them so many words," said Mipha. "Let's hope they didn't inherit your quietness!"
Apparently, they didn't because it was a bit before their first birthday that both children started forming words. As was typical, 'mama' and 'dada' came first. But their vocabulary expanded quickly. They soon learned their names but usually left off the last letter of Midon's name, so it ended up coming out 'Mila' and 'Mido.'
When the one-year day came, Mipha and Link took the children to King Dorephan's throne room. Mila and Midon could walk part of the way but needed to be carried most of it. Link was holding Midon, and Mipha was holding Mila.
"Happy one-year day," said King Dorephan when they arrived.
Sidon rushed over to hug everyone.
"Hi Bro," said Link addressing Sidon.
"Now that Mila and Midon are a little older, I think it's time you and I had another adventure together. That is if you're not too big," said Link.
Link was sensitive to Sidon feeling neglected with the two small ones around now and didn't want to lose that closeness with him.
"I'm not too big," said Sidon excitedly.
"Why don't we plan a family picnic next weekend," said Mipha.
It was time to sit down and celebrate Mila's and Midon's one-year day. Zoras didn't have birthday cakes, but instead, it was customary to serve a dish of Armored Carp and some Bright-Eyed crabs. The fish was to help strengthen bones, and the crabs improve overall stamina. Mipha and Link helped feed the children. They all wished them a happy one-year day and a happy life.
"It's wonderful to see such healthy children and such a happy family," said King Dorephan. "I hope you can leave them with me sometimes so Sidon and I can play with them. Playing with small children again will stop me remembering how old I must be!"
"Believe me, we'll be happy to take you up on that offer, father," said Mipha.
"Can I walk with them?" asked Sidon.
"Yes, if you go slowly," said Mipha. "They are much better swimmers than walkers now."
Sidon took the two children by their hands and slowly walked with them around the throne room. You could see how careful he was holding each of their hand.
"I think he'll make a good uncle," said Link.
Soon Mila and Midon were getting tired again, and it was time to take them home. They thanked father for arranging the celebration, and then everyone said goodnight. The children were too tired to walk, so they ended up carrying both of them home.
Mipha had some letters to deal with, so Link sat down and started thinking. The children were one-year-old today. But how old was he? He began to work it out in his head. He knew he was at most a year older than Zelda, and Zelda was 17 when Ganon attacked. That was two years ago now, so that would make him at most 20.
But out of curiosity, what about the other timeline? What would his age be from there? Well, again, assume he was 18 when put in the Resurrection Shrine. His body didn't age over the next hundred years, so that didn't count. Then he awoke, and eventually, he and Zelda defeated Ganon. But how long had that taken? Given all his travels around Hyrule, probably a good six months, maybe longer. So, rounding up, he might have been 19 when Ganon was defeated. Then it took about three years, he thought, for Purah and Robbie to get the Temple of Time to work. So, that would make him 22 when he traveled to this timeline. They defeated Ganon again, but much more quickly this time, and then he and Mipha finally got married a month later. So, he would have still been about 22. Then it was a year after their wedding that Mipha told him she was having babies, and eight weeks after that, she laid the eggs which hatched three days later. And now it was about a year after that. So, he was between 24 and 25 in his old reckoning. But Dr. Purah was pretty sure he would be physically the age he was supposed to be in this timeline. So, he would stick with 20 years old now. Anyway, who cares? Zoras don't celebrate birthdays, and neither would he.
The next weekend they had a family picnic with Sidon at Veiled Falls. Mipha took the little ones into the water with her while Link enacted another battle with Sidon. Link had been a Hinox and a Stone Talus already, so they needed something different.
"How about a Moblin this time, Sidon?" asked Link.
"Okay," said Sidon.
They played out a battle using tree branches as weapons, and of course, Sidon finally won. But Link made it challenging enough to keep it exciting for him.
"You're getting pretty good at battling all these enemies, Sidon," said Link. "Let's all go in the water now."
Soon all five of them were swimming together. Midon seemed to like swimming over to catch Sidon. Sidon would swim away at first, then let Midon catch up to him. Then they would do it over again. Meanwhile, Mila swam over to Link and hugged his neck. Link would gently pull her loose then start to swim away when she would turn on some speed and grab him by the neck again. Then she would stare into his eyes with her bright gold ones. Link could feel his heart melting.
"I guess I'm the odd one out here," said Mipha laughing. "No one to play with."
"Here, why don't you take Mila now," said Link.
Link gently detached Mila from his neck and carried her over near Mipha. Mipha called Mila by name, and Mila quickly swam over to Mipha, climbed into her arms, and nestled against her. Then she turned her head and looked back at Link.
"I don't believe it!" said Link. "I think she's trying to make me feel jealous."
"I think I'd better watch out for this one," Mipha laughed. "She's too smart for you."
After finishing the last of the food, it was time to head home. Sidon said he had a lot of fun and couldn't wait until they could have a three against one adventure with Link.
"That'll be fun," Link said. "Give Mila and Midon another year or so, and the three of you can try to battle me. But I'll have to be a tougher enemy."
They dropped Sidon off then headed home. Both children were asleep in their arms again, worn out from all the exercise. They lay them gently into bed.
"Nice picnic," said Link. "I'm not too tired. How about you?"
"Not tired either," said Mipha smiling.
More time passed, and soon the children were three years old. They could walk on their own now and speak in complete sentences. It was three years since their hatching, and a picnic was always fun. They could get some exercise and enjoy nature.
"How about another picnic at Veiled Falls," said Link.
"Sure," said Mipha. "I have good memories of there. And you should too by now, memory lapses or not," she laughed.
"Indeed, I do," said Link.
Sidon had plans with some friends from school that day, so it was just the four of them this time. They had lunch together first. The children could feed themselves now too. After lunch, Mila and Midon ran over to play in the water while Mipha and Link relaxed under a nearby tree.
"It's wonderful they can play nicely together now," said Link. However, the words were barely out of his mouth when Mila came running out of the water crying. She ran right to Link and into his arms.
"Daddy, Mido's throwing frogs at me," Mila said sobbing.
Link comforted her, patting her gently on her tail fin while she nestled her head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Mila," he said. "I'll talk to him as soon as you're feeling better. I'm sure he was only playing with you, but I'll tell him you don't like it."
Mila kept nestling her head on his shoulder. After a minute or two, Link thought her sobbing had stopped, and he could talk to Midon.
"Okay," Link said. "Let me put you down, and I'll talk to Midon."
"I'm not better yet, Daddy," said Mila holding onto Link's neck.
"Oh, for the love of Hylia," said Mipha laughing. "I can see who's going to be the authority figure in this family. I'll go speak with Midon while the Hero of Hyrule comforts his little princess."
Mipha went over to Midon.
"Midon, come over here," said Mipha. "Now, please don't tease Mila anymore. She doesn't like you to throw frogs at her. If you can't behave and play nicely with her, you are going to have to sit out of the water."
"Okay, Mommy," said Midon.
Mila watched Mipha scolding Midon, and then she suddenly and miraculously recovered.
"I'm all better now, Daddy," she said, detaching from Link's grasp.
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