《Caught (ON HOLD)》Chapter One Debt


Copy written. Don't steel.

I stare at my registration papers, then back to the smog filled sky of Conilinia. Conilinia is the capital of our countrey, Lienethrealixs. I look back at the papers.

Name: Jennifer Hope

Age: Twenty

Cause: Debt

Owner: Sebastian Mythe

I know and the presidential court know, I'm here because I was caught. Five miles past the border of my home state, Sitheranlica. The rules say we're not supposed to leave.

Of course the was the tiny exception of Sebastian Mythe, The old Mayors son, I had known him. Thats what gives this all of its irony.

Five years is a long time to work off debt, Lucky me. My old friend is hard to be around, he's an arrogant idiot.

I hold my paper to my chest, as the screeching train stops in front of the station. Eleven of us were in the monitored debt section. How many of us are actually here because of debt? Eleven people walk from the train in our direction.

There he is. Now he's blond, now he looks just as I do, blond hair and blue eyes. Even if he's three years older than I am.

"I do hope you remember me Jenn." He says. I wish I didn't remember him, but how could I not.

"Yes Sebastian, I remember you. Don't call me Jenn." I say. He smiles a crooked evil smile.

"I'll call you Jenn if I want to." he replies. Remember the whole arrogant idiot thing, that applies now. I'm not here to mend old friendships, I'm here to work of "debt".

A loud whistle blows, it makes me flinch.

"That, would be our train." He says, but it's barely more than a mutter. He leads me the train, and takes a seat on a long bench in the back. I curl up in a ball under that same bench. For some reason or another, trains terrify me.

In about a half hour the train stops short, sending me sprawling out on the floor. "What are you doing Jennifer?" He half asks half smirks. I open my mouth to answer, but am interrupted by a bold female voice over the speaker.


"Stop one three four nine, I repeat stop one three four nine."

Sebastian stands up, and I follow him into the suburban Conilinia area.There is a wide path way leading from the station, but he doesn't follow it. Instead he cuts through the backyard of a small wooden house.

"Why aren't we following the road?" I ask. He snorts, but continues to walk in a diagonal line.

"Four miles, and this, is only one." He answers. I used to walk Five miles back from school, he didn't though. If it cuts of three miles.

We soon approach a large yellow house. He opens the unlocked door, and leads me to a living room the size of my old home.

White, is word I use to describe this room. White couch, loveseat, chairs, lamps, and walls. And then i see the guy, asleep on the couch.

"JACOB!" Sebastian yells. Jacob jolts upright. "Give me your key." He orders. Jacob smiles.

"Sheesh I Just wanted to meet the lucky victim." He says, and turns to me. "Congratulations, you are officially owned by an idiot."He says. Finally, someone I can relate to.

"Get Out!" Sebastian snaps. At that Jacob walks to the door and exits.

I stare at Sebastian, wondering what to do now.

"It's late, almost six, take the rest of the day off." He says, obviously reading the curiosity on my face.

"Really? Are you sure?" I ask. He cocks his head in confusion.

"If you want, but stay in the backyard." He says. I walk out of the sliding glass door, into what is a willow tree and a few shrubs.

I climb the willow tree and stare at his house. Five years.

I stay up in the tree until Sebastian calls me in.

"Sorry....Sir...I was....up in the willo-" I start.

"-Its okay Jennifer. And don't call me sir. It makes me feel old." He says, giving me reason to smile. "You, are sleeping upstair, you can have the whole thing." At that he grabs my wrist and leads me up the stairs.


"I can sleep on the floor you know." I say. "This is too much." What is front of me, is a living space identical to the one below us.

"Okay, I know you were expecting torture, but you're only twenty. We both know you're not here because of debt." He says.

"You own me, all of that stuff in Sitheranlica." I say. I don't know how he thinks this whole servant thing is supposed to work.

"Look at me! What happened all of four years ago, in the past. You're here for five years, I'm not letting you sleep on the floor that long."He yells. I nod. "Why are you really here Jennifer?" He asks. I don't want to tell him, i really don't want to tell him. Legally though I have to.

Sebastian, I um, punched a limit guard in the face-" Broke his nose actually "-And made it five mile past the Sitheranlican border." I finnish.

"Well, you know me. I'm going to be here for you whether or not you like it." He says. I nod.

"Why'd you choose me?" I ask impulsively. He smile brilliantly.

"Better me, that some fifty year old with ten cats." He replies. I laugh. Then he walks back down stairs.

I find what is downstairs exactly. A kitchen, a white living room, beige bedroom, and a blue bathroom. Thank you Sebastian!

I wake up stretched out on the floor of the bedroom, I going to feel that tomorrow. I walk into the tiny mirror, I have some work to do. A bird could live in my hair, a very, very large bird. I walk back into my bedroom and rip a thin strip of fabric of the sheet, I tie it in a loop and binde my hair in a ponytail. Then I walk down the stairs.

"Good morning-" He turns around and stares at me. "What on Earth happened to your hair?!" He exclaims. I bite my lip.

"I um, am a violent sleeper." I reply.

"Obviously, here." He says, as he hands me a comb. I roll it over in my boney hand.

"Thanks." I say, and unloop the fabric to comb my hair. When i look well enough for his liking he grabs a brown leather jacket from the counter.

"Will you run this to Jacobs for me?" He asks "Here are directions, and a address." He says, and hands me a slip of paper.

"I have to, or I'll be breaking the law." I reply. He cocks his head again, but this time stares at me long and hard. I can feel it, almost like he is shooting lasers from his eyes.

"But do you want to?" He asks again. I nod,and force myself to smile.

"Sure." I say, and take the jacket.

I stumble around the Conilinia suburbs for almost two hours before i find Jacob's home. I walk up the front door steps and knock on the door. "Here." I mumble out stretching my arm. He doesn't take the jacket.

"Jennifer, the lucky victim?" He asks.

"Here." I say more loudly, and shove the jacket into his chest. Then I spin on my heels and run.

"Jennifer!" He yells "GET BACK HERE!" I smile to myself before yelling.


I retrace my steps back to Sebastian's house, and try to make it through the door unnoticed, stupidest thing I've ever tried to do.

"Well?" He asks.

"Quick." I reply before he has time for a snide comment.

"So I heard. You ran? From Jacob?" He asks. Before I can reply he says. "I probably would have done it too."

"I thought you two were friends?" I ask, almost laughing.

"We pick on each other. It's kind of how our friendship lives on." He replies.

"That makes more sense." I say, and walk back up the stairs and into my living room.

I lay in my bed, it must be near three in the morning by now. I can't figure out why I can't sleep. Then I realize

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