《Just Admit It // dreamnotfound》Falling


Woah just wanna say ty for 300 reads! When I first made this it only got 2 up to the 3 chapter so it means a lot! Ly all :)


-Dream pov-

I knock on George's door an hour later,

No response, so I open the door.

He's asleep on the bed, music from his phone still playing.

I smile, he looks calm asleep, his eyes look kinda puffy.

He must have been crying for a while,

He must have fallen asleep crying.

I sigh as I look down at him,

I hear a familiar song coming from his phone,

I reach down at his phone carefully trying not to wake him.

I click on the playlist he is listening to, it's called "falling."

It's a private playlist, which is kind of weird.

I read the songs name as I scroll down:

We fell in love in October, girl in red.


I love you, Billie Eilish.


Can I call you tonight? Dayglow.


Line without a hook, Ricky Montgomery.


My heart is buried in Venice, Ricky Montgomery.


Heat Waves, Glass Animals.


It says the playlist was made today.

The songs go on and on, all with a familiar meaning.


Falling in love?!

My heart starts to beat a little faster, my thoughts running through my head,

Does George love someone?

Sapnap walks in the room, seeing me on George's phone, him asleep.

What are you doing? He mouths.

Nothing. I mouth back, go away he's asleep!

Sapnap gives me a confused look as he slowly walks out the door, I will tell him about it later.

I continue to scroll through tons of love songs.

Who is it? Why don't I know? Does Sapnap know? Why wouldn't he tell me?

I set his phone down, walking out of the room, shutting the door behind me.


"Dude," Sapnap says, "what were you doing?"

He was standing outside the door, and nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Nothing." I said trying to walk away, Sapnap grabbed my arm.

"Tell me what the hell is wrong right now."

"Fine," I say, "George has been acting weird all day, I don't know if I did something because when I went to check on him he told me to leave him alone for a while.. I came back in his room and he was passed out asleep. He had music playing and I liked the song so I wanted to see what it was called.."

"I know that's bullshit."

"What's bullshit? I wasn't lying he was acting weird aro-,"

"Not that dumbass, the 'oh I liked the song' part." Sapnap said mockingly.

"It's not." I respond.

"I don't think you liked the song so much you were about to pass out, you looked like you were about to cry dude."

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were."

"Fine." I said, "don't tell him I said this, he had a playlist called 'falling' with a ton of love songs on it, it was private too."

Sapnap goes silent for a second.

"Sap?" I say, "Does he have feelings for someone and your not telling me?"

"No I swear, if he did I wouldn't know."

"Are you lying? You know how I feel about George.."

"Dream I'm not lying to you. I can talk to him later if you want? Try and get something out of him."

"Yeah, please. Thanks sap. I don't know why he is being like this."

Sapnap smiled, walking away down the stairs.

I went back into George's room, listening to the music play out as I sat on my phone on the floor.


So can I call you tonight?

I'm tryin to make up my mind.

Just how I feel?

Could you tell me what's real?

The music plays softly in the background, it makes me upset.

The thought of George loving someone,

Is it me?

The thought rings in my head, my mind blocking it out.

The chances of George liking me back are like 1 in 7.5 trillion chance.


A soft voice said.

"Morning George, well not really."

"morning." He mummered, his face started to look startled and his cheeks turned a light pink.

"George?" I said,

"Can we talk?"



Also did y'all love my heat waves and speedrun reference, idk if the number is right 😭🤚

Idk when I will update next, I will try in the next 2 days :)

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