《Just Admit It // dreamnotfound》Feelings



I don't know what to do,

I don't know how to feel about this.

It feels so sudden.

But It just snapped,

Why had I always gotten so flustered around dream?

Why had I always gotten happy when he made flirty remarks?

When he called me cute last night?

I drop my fork,

It falls on the table, making a loud noise.

He called me cute last night...

I throw the remaining food away, putting my dishes in the sink and walking up the stairs,

Into my room, shutting the door.

I go on my phone for a bit, staying away from everyone.

I need to be alone.

I need to distract myself.

Are the Dreams gonna stop..?

Now that I know..?

That I admitted it?

Millions of questions rap around my head,

He is my friend,

We film videos together,

A fan base watches those videos,

How would they react?

I have other friends,

How would they react?

To know I've fallen for my best friend?

I cant distract myself, no matter what I do.

I cant stop thinking about this.

About Dream.

I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to ruin things with me and dream.

We live together, you know how awkward it would be if I fucked it up?

I hear a knock on my door,


I hear him say.

"I'm coming in."

The door shuts and dream walks in.

"What's up?" He asks, "something is off with you."

He sits next to me.

I'm Feeling like my world just broke,

Like there was a mess up in the code of my life.

Usually when you realize you love someone..

It doesn't make you feel like you wanna die.

It doesn't make you feel like your world is crushed.


But it's different.

We have millions of people watching us.

Looking up to us.

We have friends.

I'm suppost to like girls.

I live with dream.

He is sitting next to me.

He has been my friend sense I was 13,

And I need him in my life.

"George? What's wrong?"

"Nothing I-I just need some alone time ok? I'm sorry.."

"It's fine." He says, walking out my room, "I'm here if you need to talk ok?"

"Yeah thanks."

He walks out, shutting the door.

I sit wondering what happened, what was wrong in my head and why I was upset with myself.

I was mad at myself, guilty and disappointed,

I had felt this way for a while, I have had

thoughts about it and pushed it away instead of letting myself think it.

And the Dreams were a way of telling myself that.

How I felt.

-Dream Pov-

I walk out of George's room,

Confused on what had happened.

He was just sitting still, when I talked to him he looked more anxious like he was about to cry.

He asked me to leave,

And now I'm outside his door, confused.

Did I do something?

He was acting weird around me, from the second he woke up.

I don't know what happened, why he was acting like this but it made me feel like shit, I feel like I did something.

I wish I could help him, help him figure out whatever is wrong but I can't.

He wants me to leave him be.

And it hurts.

I stand outside his door, hearing him slowly start crying from outside.

Sapnap walks out and sees me,

He waves to go into his room.

"What's wrong?" He asks, "why are you just standing outside his door?"

"He was upset, and told me he wanted to be alone. It hurt me sap, I heard him crying. I cant help."

Sapnap raps his arm around me shoulder,

"It's ok, he probably is just upset, he will tell us later."

"Will he be ok?" I ask.

"He'll be fine."


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