《Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)》15



Dream went radio silent for a week now. The longer he doesn't pick up my phone calls, the more I feel more awful for what I said.

"Please pick up the phone." I try calling him again, it rang a few times and went to voicemail. I sigh and hung up as I hear it go to voice mail. I call Sapnap next, and after a few rings he picks up.

"Hey Sapnap,"

"Hey George,"

"Anything from Dream? Text or calls?"

"No, he read my text but didn't respond."

"I tried to call him about four times,"

"Any answer?"

"No, I left two voicemails but I tried to call him more but still no answer."

"Have you tried to knock on his door?"

"No, if he's not going to answer my calls do you think he'll answer the door?"

"Probably, at least try."

"Okay I'll try."

I first go to the store and go to the boutique part of the shop. I look around and find the thing I want, a blue orchid. I grab it and head to the cashier.

"Hello." The lady says with a smile.

"Hello, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good."

"So are you buying this for your girlfriend?"

"Oh um, it's for my mom." I say putting my credit card in.

"Oh that's nice."

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in a little bit so I just wanted to give her a nice gift."

"That's so sweet of you." She hands me the flower. "Have a good rest of your day."

"You too." I say.

I go home and sit the flower on my island, I stare at it. Should I really give this to him? I go and grab and piece of paper and start writing a letter; once I finish writing the letter I walk the flower to his house. I knock on the door and stand there, I wait, and wait, and wait. He wasn't going answer the door. I leave the flower on his porch and walk away. Then I texted him to check his front door.


◆ ◆ ◆


There was a knock at the door, I laid in my bed and I didn't want to answer it. Then my phone buzzed, I looked at the notification and see it was from George.

'I left something in your porch.'

I sat there staring at the message before deciding to get up and grabbing it. I look through my peep hole to make sure he wasn't there, I don't want him to see me like this; he wasn't there. I open the door and see a blue orchid with a note under the plastic pot. I pick up the note and I place the flower on my island, and before opening the note, I watered the flower. If I'm going to get something nice, might as well keep it nice.

I opened the note.

'Dream I know you probably hate me right now, and I wouldn't blame you. I wanted to apologize in person but it'll kill me to see you upset and me being the reason you're like that, and for that I'm sorry. I was careless with my words and I 100% regret what I said. I want to call you to explain everything and clear everything up. Remember when we had our first sale and you wanted the blue orchid back? Well I wanted to give it back to you.'

He wants me to call him, he's ready to talk but I'm not sure I'm ready to talk. Not even to Sapnap about this whole situation. I tried to text him, but deleted the message after the second sentence. I want to talk to him, I really did. But I'm not ready.

Not ready for the truth

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