《Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)》4



I wake up with a splitting head ache to the next morning. I went downstairs and chugged a cup of water than checked my phone. I got a few texts from Sapnap and George. I look at what Sapnap texted me.

'Hey text me when you wake up. I just wanna know if you're all good'

I text him back to tell him I'm okay and I just have a headache. Then I looked at George's, 5 unread texts.

'Hey you okay?'

'I don't think you remember anything and I just want you to know I brought you home.'

'I also put food for Patches for the next morning.'

'Let me know when you wake up.'

'You can text or call me :)'

I called him and it rang once and he answered.

"Hey, Dream."

"Hey George,"

"How are you? You drank, well, a lot."

"I'm okay, just have an headache. Did I do anything stupid?"



"Define stupid," His voice trails off. I start to get nervous about what I did last night.

"Something illegal, dumb, something that people would do without common sense."

"Well...no," He said kind of hesitant.

"You hesitated,"

"I think the only dumb thing you did is try to eat snowflakes that came out of the air."

"That's the dumbest thing I've done?" He pauses.


"Okay, well thank you for bring me home and feeding Patches."

"Of course,"

He hangs up and I put my phone down. I did do something wrong besides eating snowflakes, I feel like I did something I will regret.

What did I do? The infamous question that I ask myself after a fun night with alcohol. I feel like I did something stupid, George is just sugar coating it. I start to think, what would I do that I would usually not do? I try to think all the possibilities until I realized, George. Did I tell him, everything? I frankly text him,


'George did I say anything stupid to you?'

'No, you were saying that you love me, but we say that to each other all the time lol.'

I told him I loved him? That's it?

'That's it?'

'Pretty much.'

'Are you sure that's the only thing?'

'Yeah, I tried to take you home as soon as possible,'

'Okay, thank you again.'

'Anytime :]'

I just said "I love you," Just that? I lean on the counter top, I'm not known for saying something I usually say and that's it. But if I did something else, what did I do?

I go on Discord and call Sapnap, it rings a few times and then he answers.

"Hey Dream, how are you feeling?"

"A little groggy, other than that I'm pretty okay. I have a question."


"What did I do last night?"

"You sang, a lot, but once we went outside I left and George brought you home."

"Gotcha, was I a good singer?"

"Sure," He said sarcastically.

"Come on, don't lie."

"Fine Dream, you were way better singer than everyone." I laugh and he does too. It was nice to talk to him, I should call him more often.

"How have you been, overall?"

"Fine, why do you ask?"

"George and I are worried about you, you've been off lately."


"You just haven't been yourself lately, you just been off."

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, so you don't need to worry," I say laughing.

"You 1000 percent sure?"

"1000 percent sure."

People lie, I hate when they lie to me, so why do I do it? To protect George and Sapnap? To protect myself from the horrible truth? I might never know, but I'll find out soon.


I remember when I first found out I had a crush on George, it was homecoming and we both had dates to the dance. We both got ready at his house and his mom of course tying both of our ties. When George dressed nice, he looked really nice. I first denied the feelings as an admiration, but I quickly found myself lying to not confuse myself. I didn't tell anyone except Patches when I first got her as a kitten, she listened but didn't understand, which makes sense because she's a cat. I remember taking photos with George and Sapnap and my cheeks were always red when I was photographed next to George. The feelings didn't change, but just intensified. He doesn't know, but he might have to find out soon.

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