《Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)》2


It's been a few days after I talked to George and Sapnap. We've made a video for my YouTube channel but we haven't talked much then. I got a knock on my door, I wasn't expecting anything to be delivered or anyone to come, which was odd. I walk downstairs and open the door and see George standing there.

"Oh hey, I wasn't expecting you."

"Yeah, I should of texted you or given you a call, but I still wanted to see you."

"That's nice, I had nothing planned today anyway," George comes inside and pets Patches, then we both go upstairs to my room. He goes and lays on my bed and I go back to my computer and decide just to speedrun.

"Trying to beat the world record again?"

"I guess, I just hope I get a good seed."

"Even if you get a bad seed I bet you would still do really well." I could feel myself start to smile after he said that. The little things he does makes me smile, anything he does makes me smile.

"How's that speedrun coming?" George asks.


"Are you focused?"


"Okay, I miss talking to you just to let you know."

"I'll just do this as my run and then I'll stop." Once I finished I turned off my computer and I lean back in my chair and turn around to face him.

"You finished?"


"Finally," He says smiling.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I say standing up from my chair

"I would like a glass of water."

"Okay, I'll be right back." I went downstairs to get him water. Once I got back he thanked me and grabbed the water. He sipped it and then looked at me weird.

"Why are you staring?"

"Oh sorry, I just dozed off."

"I see," He says raising an eyebrow.

I clear my throat, "Do you want to go outside on the roof and see the sun set?"


"Sure," I go towards my window and open it up. I felt a cold breeze once I got out there; I climb out of my window and sit onto the roof where I wouldn't fall, later George joined next to me and sat beside me. The sun started to go down and I could see that George was shivering.

"Do you want me to grab you a blanket or something?"

"No no, I'm all good." He said as his teeth were chattering,

"Are you sure?"

"If you don't mind," I got up and quickly climbed back inside and grab a thick blanket to keep George warm.

"Here you go," I say wrapping it around his shoulders.

"Thank you so much." Soon after his teeth stops chattering. We both watch the sun go down and I scoot closer to him and eventually the sky has turned from an orange color to blue and purple. George had his arms on his knees, and rested his head onto his arms. I look at him and he turned his head towards me.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good, but still a little bit cold."

"It's almost winter to be fair."

George sits up and exhales to see his breath, and I do the same. He laughs and so do I. I stare at him while he continues to exhale to see his breath. George rests his head onto his arms again and just smiles.

"I'm glad you came over." I say looking at him.

"I am too, I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"I kind of missed having you around, when we were little kids and had sleepovers like every weekend at our old neighborhood." George says staring into the landscape

"And we would sneak into our neighborhood pool and swim late at night then try to sneak out quietly."

"I missed being young stupid kids." George says laughing.

"I do too, we didn't have a care in the world." I look at him and lean in close, but George doesn't. "Um," I look near his eye and see an eyelash on his cheekbone. "You have an eyelash and I didn't want it to annoy you." I say grabbing it and showing his eyelash on my finger tip. "Make a wish." George thinks for a bit, then blows the eyelash and it blows off my finger and into the darkness. "What did you wish for?" I asked.


"That's a secret, if I tell you it won't come true."

"Fine, be that way." George rolls his eyes, then he opened up the blanket signaling me to sit closer to him. I put the blanket my shoulders and look out into the landscape and admire the dark night and the stars shining up the sky. We eventually go back inside to warm up George immediately sits onto my bed and is shivering.

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm really cold." I nodded my head and headed back downstairs. I go to my Keurig and turn it on so the water can heat up, I go into my pantry and grab two hot chocolate packets; one for me and one for George. Patches hops onto the countertop and she was staring at the hot water being poured.

"Hey Patches," I say scratching her head. "What do you do when you when you're in love?" She meows and I continue to scratch her head. "Thanks Patches." Once I finish the hot chocolate I go up the stairs carefully and make sure I don't spill anything then once I get to my room, George's eyes light up.

"Here you go." I say handing him the cup.

"Thank you so much." His cold hands touch mine and I got butterflies in my stomach. I sit next to him on my bed.

"You better not spill on my bed or else."

"Or else what?"

"I would be so pissed at you."

"Okay, I promise that I won't spill on your precious sheets." George says mocking me. I roll my eyes and drink my hot chocolate.

"You're really good at making hot chocolate." George says smiling, then taking another sip.


"How have you been? You seem a bit off."

"No no, I guess I'm tired because I've been staying up super late."

"Have you been stressed?"

"Not really."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Sleepless nights I guess," I take another sip to avoid conversation.

"Okay." He says in a harsh tone. I feel bad, he's the one who keeps me up. I think about him. But I can't tell him that he's the reason I'm like this, at least it doesn't seem nice. Eventually we finish our drinks and we both put it downstairs. Once we get back to my room I start to get ready for bed and turn off my lights except my LED's which I turned to blue. I lay on my bed and George lays next to me I lay on my side facing him, so does he.

"I feel like you're lying to me," George says in a soft and calm tone.

"Lying about what?"

"How you're feeling." I broke eye contact and he knows I do that when I get nervous. "What's wrong?"

"I've been having a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

"Just everything, really. The world can feel amazing one minute, but then it'll crush you the next." I lay on my back but I turn my head to face George, he's just listening. Not yawning, not saying how he relates to me, just laying there listening to me talk. "Life has this way of making you feel like you're on cloud 9 then-"

"You crash and burn."


"Don't think about all of this right now, Dream." I lay on my side to face him again. "Get some rest, you deserve it." My eyes start to get heavy and so does his. I drift off into a sleep, and so does he.

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