《Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)》1


The Earth turns, the trees flow, people continue to breathe, and the sun rises and falls. The sun hitting your face when you wake up early just to have some fresh air, and the sun falling when we sit on the roof and just talk about the life we want to have in this cruel world. The seasons changing, us playing pool football in the summer, and the ability to see your breath in the winter when you laugh about stupid joke about snowmen's balls. And you, you being the one thing in this life that doesn't make it as bad as it usually is.


"You really are just a lazy person." George says laughing.

"Well I'm sorry I have nothing better to do when I can't do much when I have nothing planned." I say trying to defend myself.

"Well, I need to go to bed soon, it's 2 am." George says yawning. I turn towards my phone which was right next to my face.

"I know it's 2 am, can you please stay in call with me for a few more minutes?"

"You said that an hour ago, plus I didn't get any sleep last night."

"Why not?"

"I dunno; I guess it's because I was thinking too much."

"Thinking too much about what?" I ask. He doesn't respond. "Hello? George?" No response. I lay on my back again and then I turn my head towards the phone again and see how long we've been talking. 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 3 seconds.

"Goodnight George." My voice trails off, "I love you." I hang up and drop my phone onto my bed. I rub my face and sit up, it really was 2 am.

I never find myself being able to sleep unless I talk to him. His voice just calms by body and I just relax, and I guess I'm the same with him. I get under my sheets and just lay staring at the ceiling, he's on my mind, he always is. I put my hands onto my face and just sigh. I turn on my phone again and look through our texts and smile to myself, I text him,


'I'm always here for you, let me know if you need anything.'

I turn off my phone and go to sleep. In the morning I woke up around 7:30 and get up and go downstairs and Patches come to me and rubs her head on my leg.

"Hey Patches," I say in a soft tone as I rub her head. She starts to purr. I eventually make breakfast that consists of cereal and milk, and Patches was of course trying to steal my milk while I was trying to eat. I notice that George sent a text back from last night, I could feel myself get butterflies from the notification.

'Thank you so much! That really means a lot. I'm

also always here for you and if you need anything. You can text me :)'

I started to smile and my heart felt warm. After eating breakfast, I went back to my room and to my desk. To see Sapnap and George in a discord call, and I joined to see what they're talking about.

"Oh hey Dream." Sapnap says greeting me

"Hey Sapnap,"

"Hi Dream." George says kind of shyly

"Hey George. What are you guys doing right now?"

"I'm just streaming some speed runs." Sapnap responds,

"And I'm just on a call with him, talking about whatever."

"I see," I clear my throat, "How did you guys sleep last night?"

"I slept well last night," George responded

"Hm, I wonder why."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sapnap says confused.

"Oh nothing,"

George laughs nervously, and so do I. George always sleeps well we are on call, but only can't sleep when he decides not to pick up late at night.

"Y'all are weird." Sapnap says trying to considerate on beating Minecraft.He streams for an hour or so, then eventually ends the stream.

"Okay I officially ended the stream."


"Dream are you okay? You seem off today."

"I'm fine, just tired."

"Are you sure?" George says sounding kind of worried. I can't lie to him, George can never be lied too. He doesn't deserve it.

"Yeah, I'm sure." But I did it anyway, and I feel guilty for doing it. Plus I don't wanna say that he's the reason I'm like this, that I feel like I'm not enough for him.

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