《By Chance 《Chanlix》》~ 27 ~


"Give me one week."

As soon as the words rolled off of his lips, he saw Chan's whole face light up. His eyes held stars and his bright, beautiful smile was on display. It was one of the prettiest things he'd ever witnessed. He desperately hoped he wouldn't have to take back his words.

Felix's happiness was suddenly replaced with fear and worry as he remembered something. School camp. His eyes widened. He'd completely forgotten about it, was he allowed to be gone for this long? What about his friends? We're they supposed to go back? Chan? Changbin? Had everyone forgotten?

"Felix! Felix what's wrong?"

Felix snapped out of his thoughts to see a worried Chan infront of him. "Chan. We completely forgot about school camp." He frantically let out.

Chan laughed again. "Stop laughing at me." Felix pouted as he smacked the man on the shoulder.

"Sorry baby boy, I think my father forgot to tell you. Both mine and your camps got cut short because apparently someone spotted a wild bear." He informed, still slightly laughing.

Felix made an 'o' shape with his mouth, now feeling that he overreacted. "Wait so is everyone back at school?" He once again freaked out.

"No, they sent everyone home to rest until the week is over. They'll start classes next Monday. Both schools."

Felix didn't know what to say anymore, he felt so dumb. "Get me off this sink my butt hurts." He decided to go with.

Chan grabbed his waist and pulled him down.

"Let's go out to the rest. We've been in here for about 20 minutes now, they must be worried." Felix panicked as he ran out of the restroom.

As he was rushing through the restaurant, he had accidentally knocked into someone. "I'm so sorry-"

"Ugh you again. Don't bother apologising and get out of my sight." It was the same man he had asked directions for. Jeez he didn't need to be so rude.


Out of absolutely no where, comes a wild Bang Chan. "Excuse me sir, you'll be hearing from my father I suggest starting to look for another job." He harshly grabs Felix's hand and walks away with pride.

Felix felt now a good time to ask the question that had been playing at his mind. "Chan do you own this place?"

"Nope." He spoke, popping the 'p', "but my father does."

Felix's jaw had dropped to the ground. But he picked it up as he realised that this probably wasn't even that rich for the family. Seeing their house.

Minho was busy staring at his whole world beside him, when Felix all of a sudden stood up and walked off.

Jisung noticed but as he was about to follow him, chan stopped him. "Let me handle this." He spoke seeming a little frustrated.

They'd now been gone for a while, "maybe they're, you know." Hyunjin had said with a smirk. From that, he earnt a slap on the shoulder from Jeongin, "inappropriate." The young boy had claimed with a disgusted look on his face.

The whole scene was pretty funny to watch.

"I don't think so." Jisung said, sounding worried. Minho frowned, not liking how upset he sounded.

"It'll be okay baby, they probably just had a fallout or something" he replied, putting an arm around Jisungs waist and pulling him toward him so he was practically laying on Minho's stomach, who rubbed small circles on his own.

Minho knew what was going on. Chan had told him that Felix wouldn't 'accept his love', yes, those were the exact words he used. The reason was unknown, Minho didn't want to pry, especially when chan seemed so upset about it.

He snapped out of his thoughts, Jisungs hair looked particularity fluffy today. Minho ran a hand through it and watched as Jisung shivered from the touch and looked up at him. Damn, he really did get lucky this time.


Minho mouthed the words 'I love you' to Jisung who blushed and mouthed it back with finger hearts.

Minho looked around the table, no one was paying attention. He leaned down and quickly gave jisung a peck on the lips. Jisung giggled quietly and slapped him on the chest before reaching up and giving Minho a quick peck too.

Jisung wiggled out of Minho's grasp and sat up properly. "Hey I'm going to check up on Felix and Chan" he announced loudly. Everyone replied with "ok" "sure" "mhmm".

"Minho," he looked at him, "come with me?" He begged.

"Okay, help me up." Minho reached his hand out.

As they were on their way, trying really hard to find the bathroom, they ran into Felix and Chan. "Oh! There you guys are."

They looked fine to Minho, did they make up? Judging by the look on Chans face- did, *gasp* Felix finally accept his love?

"Can you point us to the bathroom pleassse. And if the others ask where we are pretty please tell them we went to the toilet." Jisung asked with doe eyes.

So they did, and then walked off. Jisung and Minho reached the bathroom and Minho stopped at the door.

"Come on." Jisung said as he pulled his arm.

"I'll wait out here."

"Dumbass." Jisung deadpanned. "I don't need to go to the toilet."

Ohhh OHHHHH Minho now understood.

He walked in with a smirk.

The table was quiet, no one had really spoken since chan and Felix had returned. Everyone was too tense.

Hyunjin had something else on his mind that was bothering him though, and he really just wanted to ignore it. But he couldn't.

He cleared his throat, "Jeongin come outside for a second?"

He rushed out, not even checking to see if the younger was following him. Once he was out the front, he leaned against the wall and mentally prepared himself for this discussion.

Jeongin walked out seconds later and came over to Hyunjin, looking innocent as ever. "What's up?"

What's up? Really? Damn this kid was brave.

Hyunjin took a big breath, "when you said, you know, that you.."

"Liked you?" He cocked his head.

"Yes, yes that um-"

"Sorry Hyunjin i didn't mean it, some of my friends in the younger grades dared me to. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done it."

Hyunjin stood in shock.

"I'm gonna go back inside now." Jeongin said, pointing to the door.

Hyunjin could only nod. Really? But it seemed so real. His mind couldn't process the information for some reason. He was a bit hurt as he heard the words from Jeongins mouth. But why? This was a good thing, wasn't it? Something didn't feel right.

Hyunjin should feel relieved, however, he did not. Now he could freely like Seungmin, guilt free. But where was that relief he was supposed to feel. Where was the feeling of happiness at the thought of pursuing Seungmin.

Instead, he kind of just felt nothing. He only felt upset towards Jeongin. But why?

Is it possible to lose feeling for one person and gain some for another so fast? No. It's not, this shouldn't be the case.

It couldn't be.

Could it?

But he didn't remember ever catching feelings for Jeongin.

The door swung back open, "Hyunjin I lied." and all of a sudden lips captured his own, and he didn't pull away, even knowing who it was.

Instead, he listened to the butterflies in his stomach and wrapped an arm around the small waist, pulling him closer.

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