《By Chance 《Chanlix》》~ 2 ~


"-mm cozy"

Chans eyes fluttered opened, he yawned, but then they shut again.


Chan woke up to something warm pressing against his front. He pulled his squishy pillow closer to him, and only then did he realise that it had a funny smell.


As far as he can remember, Chan didn't drink last night.

He leaned his elbow against his mattress and elevated himself into a sitting position, the blanket sliding to around half way down the bed.

Chan rubbed his eyes harshly, trying to rid the sleep from them. In the process, he felt the blanket being pulled up again and he was abruptly knocked down by force.

He was now laying on top of a boy, elbows on either side of his soft baby face, legs on either side of his.

He had cute, light pink, cupids bow lips and his nose was like one of an infants.

His hair was a soft brown colour and Chan stroked a bit out of the boys eyes.

All he could do was stare in awe.

The boys eyelids started to slowly flutter open and as he stretched his arms up, his eyes widened and rested on the still staring Chan.

Chan could only now see his eyes that they were opened, and they were beautiful. A dark brown colour, which held such innocence but will-power.

They exchanged stares for a few seconds before the boy let out a startled scream.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Chan joined.

"SHHHHHHHHHHHH" he whispered as he slapped a hand over the boy's mouth.

He looked around to see if any of his roommates had woken up, but while he was doing that, he felt something slimy against his palm.

He slowly turned his neck towards the boy and looked him in the eyes, "you did not."

Chan removed his hand and wiped it on his boxers.

Oh right, he was in boxers.

From the pink on his face, the stranger had just noticed too.


Chan finally realised the situation they were in and let the boy up, removing his arms, only then did he note that both he and the boy were shirtless.

"Chan what the fUCK"

Chan whipped his head to the voice of his friend, panick flooded his mind and clouded his thoughts.

Oh no, he knew exactly what this looked like.

"H-he climbed into my bed and tried to seduce me" Chan said, pointing a finger at the boy but still facing his friend.

"Get lost you creep! I'm straight!" Chan screamed right into the boy's face before immediately looking back to his friend.

He only saw the back of the stranger leave through the door, his clothing in hand.

"Phew, he's gone" Chan breathed, acting relieved.

"Dude, nice one, now not only girls are trying to get in your pants, but even guys. Thats wack."

Chan laughed loudly in response.

Oh iiiiii am the creep?????? Who was the one stAring at me while i was asleep!?

Felix collapsed onto his bed and sat with his arms and legs crossed. He puffed his bottom lip out.

That was just plain rude.

That guy infuriated felix so much. Lies were one of the few things on his small list to hate people for.

The look in his eyes when he claimed to be 'straight', that, was the look of a liar.

So blondy likes to believe hes straight hmmmm???

Felix had better things to do than hate unworthy people.

He couldn't even remember how he got there in the first place, he was guessing by his pounding headache that he was drunk.

Bambam and Jackson had some explaining to do.

He decided to text his friends to see if they could go out with him to get some pain relief.

Jisung: sorry, im busy

Seungmin: no can do

Hyunjin: already got plans x

Wow, i need better friends.

Felix reluctantly changed into a pink, oversized sweater and black ripped jeans, ready to go out alone. He checked the time and realised that it was 1 already. How on earth did he sleep so late?


Felix explored the area after buying the pain relief and happened to spot a convenience store.

His face lit up with a smile as he skipped along the path way to food.

Once inside, he searched the isles for ramen and ended up grabbing two packets. On his way to pay, something, or someone, caught his eye. Felix stopped in his tracks as he spotted a familiar blond boy stuffing his thick jacket with food.

Felix rolled his eyes, first he lies, and now he steals too. How much worse could he get.

He walked up to him and slapped his hand that was about to grab a bag of chips.


"It's not good to steal" Felix simply stated, glaring at the blond boy who looked shocked.

"Does it look like I care?" The blond boy said while continuing to shove his jacket with all sorts of things.

He walked to the back of the isle, Felix following him, and picked up 4 packets of cigarettes. Felix was beyond shocked, he rolled his eyes and saw Chan give him a side glance before shoving those into his jacket.

Felix decided to ignore him and walked up to pay for his things. The cashier scanned the ramen and stated the price.

He dug deep into his pant pocket and pulled out his black wallet, he scavenged through it only to realise that he had no money left.

Looks like he would have to go hungry. Felix sighed as he eyed his empty stomach.

Felix's head rose to the sound of the same lady's monotone voice "here you are sir" she said handing him a plastic bag.

"B-but i didnt pay" he stuttered, eyes wide open.

Suddenly, a confident, friendly voice came from beside Felix, "I did."

Felix turned to the sound and saw a boy short in height, with brown hair and a sharp jaw. He smiled. "Hi, i'm Changbin" he stated, outstretching a hand for him to shake.

Felix hesitantly grabbed Changbin's hand and replied with a simple but cheerful "i'm Felix"

His hand felt warm and almost immediately, Felix felt that this was a stranger he could trust.

"Here I'll give you my number if you give me yours?" Changbin suggested.

"Sure!" Felix happily agreed.


Night fell once again and it was time to sleep. But felix could not.

He lay in bed for hours, a strong feeling of lonliness that he could not get rid of devoured him.

He tossed and turned until he finally came up with an idea he thought he would never try.

Felix rose out of bed and cautiously tiptoed past Bambam and Jackson's sleeping figures. He had succesfully escaped without a creek of the floorboards.

Felix was proud.

It was dark outside, almost pitch black. Felix was a little afraid of the dark, but he'd have to get over it.

He walked around with the flashlight of a phone and recalled what he could from the blurry night.

He recognized a bush, a tree, a large tree, and tadaaa, there was the cabin.

But there was one problem, Felix didn't know how he unlocked the door last time, and he didn't know what to do now.

He leaned his ear against it to see if any movement or voices could be heard, but as he leaned further, the door slowly swung open.

Felix sighed, these idiots even sleep with their door open?

Felix avoided stray clothes on the floor and again, tip toed over the floorboards to the bed of the blonde boy.

Would this work?

He lifted the blankets and buried himself once again, this time, very aware of the radiating manly scent.

He closed his eyes and lay next to him, their bodies once again pressed against eachother tightly.

Felix smiled, this felt warm.


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