《By Chance 《Chanlix》》~ 1 ~


School camp.


This was the best time of year, when Chans whole music department was forced to attend a two week trip in november that he oh just absolutely enjoyed.

He rolled his eyes as the same words once again repeated, just like every year, "this trip is compulsory!!"


Felix lugged his red duffle bag, bursting at the seams, to the back of the medium sized school bus, struggling with his scrawny arms.

Looking around, he saw couples sitting ln eachothers laps uncomfortably, with no surrounding spare seats.

oh, the bus must not be big enough.

He then looked toward his friends, to unsurprisingly find Seungmin sitting on Hyunjins lap. His face was twisted and he didn't seem to be enjoying it much, but Hyunjin, smiling like a cheshire cat was obviously having a blast. Felix laughed.

Next to them was Jisung who was staring to felix eagerly. He patted the spot on his lap, ushering Felix to sit on his own lap, "come here Felix!". He happily ran over to his best friend and plopped into his lap.

Jisung let out a fake groan "Felix you're so heavy ugh"

"YA!!!" Felix screamed a little too loud.

"Felix! Jisung! Keep it down!" Oops. the pair laughed as they tried to give a sincere apology to their teacher.

He placed his bag near his feet and then got comfortable, laying his body against Jisungs front.

Seungmin 'ooohed' as he continued the whole ride, to make comments on how cute Felix and Jisung would look together. As a couple.

Felix laughed at the absurd idea but he peeked at Jisung and his cheeks were bright red, Felix decided not to question it and chatted with his friends.

Jisung heard a vibration come from the front pocket of his oversized, black hoodie.

He looked at the message and immediately felt a blush rise to his face.

: Why is he sitting on your lap. Tell him to get off and sit on the floor or something.

: Oh and tell Seungmin that if he doesn't stop with the couple thing, someone is going to die by my hands.


It was obvious that Minho was upset. Jising was now starting to feel a little guilty for letting Felix sit on his lap in the first place. Only a little longer to go... Jisung sighed.

It was around 6pm when the students had arrived at the camp site.

Felix stretched his arms as he lifted himself off Jisung's lap, "that was a long ride" he spoke with a yawn.

"Yeah...." Jisung mumbled back quietly, not meeting Felix's eyes "hey i gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." He spoke fast and walked away swiftly.

What was wrong with him?

Knowing his best friend, Felix decided that it was best to just leave him alone for now.

The students walked to their cabins, Seungmin, Jisung and Hyunjin sharing one, with Felix alone with two randoms. He didn't mind though.

Night fell and everyone was settling into their rooms.

Felix walked in to his wooden cabin and was met with two boys leaning against a bunk bed, chatting.

One had jet black hair paired with a combination of dark eyes and eyebrows which held an eyebrow piercing. His neck was tattooed and it seemed to join up to a sleeve tattoo. His build was quite small, especially compared to the other one. He had dark brown hair and held a domineering look in his eyes as he spoke. His two black lip rings gave him an edgy look and felix thought that he should avoid them both.

He dawdled into the room, duffel in hand, with his head down, careful not to meet their eyes, and headed to the vacant single bed.


Oh no

He slowly spun on his heels, clenching and unclenching his fists by his sides to try and confine his fear, and gave a little wave with a hesitant smile.

"I'm Jackson and this is Bambam" the one with the lip rings said gesturing to the smaller boy, "you probably don't know us because we don't attend class" he giggled, putting a posh accent on the word 'attend.'

Dont attend class? What does that mea- ohhhhhhhhh

Oh. The fear he felt was suddenly replaced with a feeling of distate.


Felix loved everything and everyone, but there was one thing that he absolutely hated and that was those whom skipped school and didn't try in tests.

"Hello" he spoke, trying to keep the poison out of his tone.

Bambam suddenly leaned down, as if remembering something, and reached into his duffel bag. Felix was confused as to what he was doing until he saw the 3 bottles of liquor Bambam had yanked out.

He offered one to felix, "here lix, we have a free day tomorrow anyway"

Felix didn't really drink ever, but he didn't want to be rude either, he was the kind of person who couldn't say no to a stranger, no matter how much he hated them. 'maybe just this once.'


It was late.

Felix looked around the fuzzy room as he tried to figure out where he was, he simply couldn't remember.

He heard distant voices that sounded echoed, 'Lix? You okay?'

He looked around to try and find the source of the voice but everything was spinning, he couldnt make out any human figures.

He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I-i have to find my cabin" he spoke in a voice so low that he himself could barely hear.

"Lix this is your cabin" one of the voices tried to say, but to felix, every noise was blended together and he could not make out what was being said to him.

He placed his hands on the hard wooden floor and pushed himself up from his sitting position.

He held on to rails and benches and pushed himself forward, stumbling over almost everything in his spinning path.

After a while of walking around outside, a wooden cabin finally came into sight.


Felix smiled loosely as he did his best to walk through the door and soon, with trouble, found his bed. He removed his shirt and threw it to the corner of his room before falling backward onto the bed and pulling the blankets up to cover all of him except his face.

He felt something warm against his back as he laid on his side

"Mmm cozy" he mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

As soon as the bus had come to a stop, jisung heard another vibration of his phone.

: Bathrooms. Now.

"After looking up from his phone, jisung realised that Felix was talking.


"Yeah..." he mumbled as a reply, not quite sure if it fit the context. "Hey felix i gotta go to the bathroom, ill be right back"

After looking around the camp site, jisung finally found the bathrooms.

He took a deep breath before entering slowly with shaking legs.

"AAAaah" he screamed with a hand over his heart, startled. Minho was standing right near the enterance, arms crossed, as if he was a parent, waiting to scold their child.

The fear inside jisungs stomach only grew, "h-hyung."

Minho unfolded his arms and begun to take very slow steps toward jisung

"Jisung, that was not very nice of you."

Jisung matched minhos pace and stepped backward everytime he stepped forward.

"Why don't you ever let me sit on your lap?"

Jisungs back hit the wall and Minho stopped centimetres away from his face.

They were so close now that their breaths mixed together.

Jisungs heart was beating out of his chest as he stared into minhos eyes.

They held fury and anger, mixed with lust, but were only staring at one thing.

"Hyung-" jisung begun but was cut off by Minhos angry lips.

Jisung almost automatically kissed back as his hands made way to Minhos hair.

Minho let out soft moans as jisung yanked his hair.

Jisung slipped his tongue into Minhos mouth and soon, felt Minhos playing with his.

"You taste so good" minho said breathless, as he pulled away from the kiss.

Jisung, breathing heavily, was about to reply but was interrupted by two boys walking into the bathroom "ew are they gay?" One said to the other, eyeing jisung and minho.

Jisung saw Minho fill with rage at the words. His fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Uh oh


Chan woke up to something warm pressing against his front.




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