《Princess Marinette》The Jet


Alya:Wake up,Mari!!

Mari:I'm up,Tikki.

Alya:Who is TIKKI!!!

Mari:*gulps* No one, a small birdie.

Alya: WHAT!! ok


They got ready and wore a beautiful dress, ate breakfast, and went in a golden limo to the Airport.

Alya and Mari's dress:

Adrien's POV:

Mari: Hey, guys!!

Chloe: How do Mari-TRASH afford a limo, or rented it!!

Mari: SHUT-UP Chloe!! I have my ways and this is my Limo, not a rented one!!

Chloe: Whatever!!

Then a jet came

Lila: Guys, thank me I'm friends with Princess and I brought this Jet for us

Marinette and Alya burst out laughing!!

Lila: Why are you laughing!!

Ms.B: Sorry Lila, but this private jet is Marinette's not yours!!

Lila: Hmph

Ms.B: In this jet, there are four people for first class.

Chloe: Oh, my Daddykkins did not tell me that I, Sabrina, Adrikkins, and Lila are going in the First class!!

Ms.B: Sorry Chloe, The 4 people are Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien

Chloe: Hmph!!

Lila: Can I take Marinette'S seat in first-class I have a disease in which I always have to sit beside Adrien.

Ms.B: Sorry Lila, but there is no disease like this and the Queen has arranged everything so you will sit in second class with others.

Lila: Hmph

Ms.B: Now let's go!!

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