《Possessed: book 1 {COMPLETE}》Chapter 12


3rd Person POV


"Hey I have an idea. You guys recite the spell while I... You know... Kiss her" he blushed and they nodded in reply.

Adrien walked over to Gaby.

"Hey Gaby. Kiss for good luck?" He asked and turned around to look at Alya and Nino. They nodded and held up the paper.

"Yes!" She said. Adrien leaned closer until their foreheads were touching. Then their lips crashed together. Alya and Nino started reciting the spell as he heard Gaby gasp. Her eyes blown wide. Her eyes were no longer black, but back to the ocean blue color that you could just stare at for hours. Adrien opened his eyes and smiled.

Marinette was back and she was blushing like crazy. They pulled away and Mari looked at the ground.

"I'll get you back... I promise!" Gaby yelled before disappearing along with the ghosts on the other side of the door.

"Mari!" Alya and Nino yelled as the ran to give her a big hug. Adrien joined and they embraced each other for a couple seconds before parting. They sat down and started talking.

"That was super scary. Let's never use that thing again!" Alya said. They all agreed.

"So Mari, what was it like to be... Possessed. If you don't mind me asking" Adrien said.

"Well, it was like you are totally aware of what was going on, but you had no control over your body, whatsoever." She said. Adrien leaned against her and held her hand.

They stood in silence till Adrien spoke up.

"Umm, Mari, would you like to... go on a date... With me?" He said pausing between words.

She had no words. She had been wanting this since he gave her the umbrella. So instead, she just hugged him and whispered "I would love that" into his chest. He blushed and hugged her back.


One more chapter before the end!!! Don't worry tho, I'll make a sequel.

Ending coming up!


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