《Possessed: book 1 {COMPLETE}》Chapter 11


Alya's POV


We set up the Ouija board and sat around the table. We were scared. We didn't know what this could do or why WE had to do it. It's for Mari's sake though.

"I don't think this is a good idea" Adrien whispered.

"It definitely is a good idea sweetheart!" Gaby said and got out a price of paper with ancient writing on it. "Now recite these words. I'll be back, I'm going to have a chat with my friends over there." She pointed to the door.

As she walked away I got an idea.

"Why don't we recite this spell backwards?" I said still keeping my voice at a low level. They nodded and we looked at the spell.

Adrien's POV


I saw as Gaby put the dangerous knife towards Mari's stomach. And I realized, I didn't want to loose her. When this is all over, I'm... I'm going to ask her out on a nice date. We're going to go out for ice cream, watch a movie... Have dinner...I just have to ask her when she gets back to... You know, herself.

Wait... Didn't Nino and Alya said we needed true love's kiss? We have the spell. And maybe I could kiss her! Then that would answer my question.

Nino's POV


We stared at the spell and figured out how to recite it backwards.

"Almost ready?" Gaby said turning around.

"Yeah!" I lied.

"Ok, you recite it, I'll stand here by my friends." She said closing her eyes and sitting against the wall.

I won't fall asleep this time!


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