《Possessed: book 1 {COMPLETE}》Chapter 9


Alya's POV


"God, that scared me. Why didn't you tell me she was going to talk,Adrien!" I sighed gripping onto Adrien's arm. He shrugged.

"So that gorgeous, perfect, young man is Adrien? Well this should be my lucky day. After this... Is all over, you wanna, go grab coffee or something?" Gaby said winking. How dare she ask out Adrien at a time like this! If he said yes then I will personally kick his ass in front of Paris.

"Why would I go out with you?" Adrien said. Thank god, he didn't say yes. That would've crushed Mari's heart.

"I don't know. One, your cute. Two, I'm beautiful. Three, we would be the power couple of the century." She said. Her scary smile still plastered on her face. "Sweetheart, believe me. We don't need these losers."

He made a sour face, shook his head and stood up. We followed his actions.

"Ok time for more questions. What do you want from us?" He asked.

"I want you guys to chant a special spell that gets me and my friends over there" she pointed to the door. "Back into our human bodies instead of being a spirit."

"We'll think about that." Nino said. We all gave a look that said "we are never doing that".

"Anyways, when I get out of this useless body, I was invited to a party. I have to bring something salty to the party what should I bring?" She said.

" oh, I don't know. Maybe your attitude!" I said. She was getting on my nerves...

"RUDE!" Gaby said turning around to look at the wall.

"How are we getting her out of Mari's body. I miss her, dude!" Nino said sadly looking back at the ground. We all agreed. I miss her too! We gotta do something now, and fast.



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