《Possessed: book 1 {COMPLETE}》Chapter 8


"Now... Where do we begin?" Alya said tapping her chin.

3rd person POV


"Why did you posses Marinette?" Adrien said. He was a bit angry. Truth be told, they all were. Why did Gaby have to go after Marinette?

"You sure you wanna know, sweetheart?" They nodded."Well. I was going to go after the loser with the ugly hair color... But, I didn't think it was going to be fun. Then I look at this piece of trash, I mean what ever you call her, and thought 'this should be fun!' So I possessed her. I figured you would trust her enough to get me what I want." She said with the same evil smile she showed us before we knocked her out.

"What makes you think we will get you what you want?" Nino said.

*knock knock*

Gaby began to laugh.

"This is going to be a long night for you guys." She exclaimed. She sighed and fell asleep as we looked at the bedroom door.

"Is your family home?" Adrien asked.

"N-no." Alya said nervously. Her family had gone out hours ago and said they'd be back in two days. "They went to my grandma's house."

"Ok, nobody panic, but I think this is the part in a horror film where something is trying to come in and kill us all." Nino said backing away from the door. They nodded and took a few steps away from the door. They began to hear giggling. Then they heard screaming and something asking to be let in. They immediately went to the other side of the room and took out their flash lights.

"How do we scare away those ghosts?" Alya whispered.

" You can't scare them away till you get me out of here and back to where I came from, cupcake. They're with me." She said with her eyes still closed and tied to the chair. She giggled and snapped her head up, opening her eyes.

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