《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》Falling


My head was pounding as I sat up. Looking around I realize I was no longer at the camp but back on the ark. I was in my cell, it was cold, dark, lonely I've stayed here ever since I was taken from the Murphys. I stood up wondering why I was here, how I was here. "Hello" I yelled out wondering if anyone was here. I didn't get a response "hello is someone here" I ask again. Still no response i sigh. I tried to open the door but it didn't work. I didn't know why I was here or what was happening. "Hey fuckers if you're out there let me out" I yelled again this time I was met with a response. "Mh why would we let you out" the voice was raspy and cold, yet familiar. "You're dangerous" it continued. I shook my head " no I'm not you don't even know me" I yelled out. My thoughts rang in my head who is this, why do they think I'm dangerous, why am I here. I wanted to tell them off say they are delusional but a part of me thinks they're right. "I know you I know exactly who you are Jess. I know you're dangerous we all do" it said. How the fuck did it know my name like who the hell is this "who the hell are you how do you know me" I yelled back. It let out an eerie laugh "you killed me" it said in a cold voice that sent shivers down my back. "Remember your training huh remember all the people you killed...because we remember you" I remember the thoughts I buried the memories. All the people I fought the blood, the screaming, the sounds of bones breaking, the pleading. I remember it all. I hit the bars "what do want from me" I asked. "We want you to feel the pain we felt" it's voice cold and loud as if it was standing right in front of me, yet there was nothing there. "We" I questioned "oh sweetheart you thought it was just me. Well you thought wrong" it's voice taunting me. "I didn't want to hurt anyone" I said gripping the bars "I didn't I really didn't" I say again. "You're a monster" it tells me. "You're terrible" a different voice says "you did this to me" another but this time I see a flash of an image, a bloody corpse "murderer" another one and another you until there where millions of voices and images flashing. "Stop please stop" I begged grabbing my head as it suddenly started pounding. They didn't stop instead they became louder and louder. I couldn't take it anymore dropping to my knees. "Stop" I beg "stop" I say louder hitting the floor "stop stop stop" I scream hitting the ground each time. "STOP" I yell at the top of my lungs, yet they don't stop. I hit the ground harder and harder "please stop" I quietly say. "FUCK" I yell as I hit the ground again and they stop. My hand is bleeding and my head is pounding. I slowly stand up as I hear a noise behind me. I turn around to come face to face with a man. He stabs me and smirks "you're a monster" he says before pushing me back. I'm suddenly falling from the sky straight down. Right as I'm about to hit the ground every thing goes black.



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