《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》Sorry


Hi guys, its Kai and I wanted to let you guys know that I am going through and fixing all of max's grammar mistakes. Now from what Max has told me they do plan on continuing this story, and they currently have a draft that they are working on. While I have been going through and fixing mistakes I realized how interested I actually am in this book and that along side of you guys I would also like for Max to update it. So just know I'm pushing for an update as much as I can and I even brought up an idea of making this a multi person project. Now what that means is that we have been talking to Raven about getting them in on the actual writing of this book, as I am only here for editing and collaborating ideas. If we did make this a multi person project then we could get out more chapters and make more progress with this book. We haven't decided anything yet because we want your opinion on the topic. You probably wonder why we would ask seeing as it doesn't affect you, well it actually does. Raven and Max write fairly different so you might see two different writing styles if we go through with this idea, and I know that might be confusing to some so please let us know how you feel about this idea. Again this book should at least get a small update soon and I'm sorry for the wait.

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