《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》A killer?


She stares at him "there's nothing I could do--" Bellamy starts.

"Don't!" Octavia holds her hand up. She looks at Atom one last time then covers him up. She goes to walk off but Bellamy stops her " O O please"

"don't" she says again walking off. Murphy walks up "lose anyone here" Bellamy ask looking down. I wanna follow her so bad she looked so broken. "no" Murphy answers "Jasper" Bellamy ask. "Still breathing barley i tried to take him out but you psycho little sister--" Murphy started but Bellamy grabbed him by the collar. His blood boiling as much as mine. "MY WHAT MY WHAT" Bellamy asked angerly getting in my brothers face. I jumped in and pulled Bellamy back. "your little sister" Murphy says "yeah that's right my little sister" Bellamy huffed.

"got anything else you wanna say about her" I gritted out angerly taking both men by surprise. "nothing" Murphy said and I stormed off in the same direction as Octavia roughly hitting my shoulder with Murphy's.

I found Octavia helping with Jasper "im really sorry about Atom" Clarke spoke as i walked over. Octavia looked up at her "i guess were gonna have to get used to people down here aren't we" she said coldly. I sat down beside them "but not you" she looked down at Jasper "your not aloud to die"

Me, Finn, Octavia, and Monty were sitting in a circle beside Jasper trying the booze Finn found in a bunker him and the others stayed in during the fog. "smooth" Monty said taking a swig. Coughing while handing it to Octavia.

She took a drink disgust written all over her face "disgusting" she says pausing "love it" she finishes staring at the bottle. Handing it to Finn. He went to take a drink when "hey uh can i get a hit of that" Jasper says weakly. We all jump up and run over to him "Jasper!" Finn pulls a thing of water out of a bucket "lets start with the soft stuff" he says helping Jasper drink. "Welcome back buddy" Finn says smiling Jasper and Monty Grab hands "was that a dream or did I actually get speared?" he ask.


"you'll have a very impressive scar to prove it" Clarke says coming up the latter. "My savior" Jasper looks at her. "hey thank you for not dyeing" I say "I don't think any of us could have taken that today" i look at him. "oh no problem ill try to not dye tomorrow if that's cool" he half joke. Octavia grabs his hand "oh hello" he says looking at her we all laugh and he falls asleep.

Me and Octavia were trying to get Jasper to come outside of the walls. "what's wrong" Octavia says turning to Jasper who was hesitating to step forward. "hmm nothing im good" he say trying to play it smooth.

"Jasper its been a week you've been given a second chance you got to use it" i say as Octavia walks back some more. "Ahhhhh" Octavia screams as she is pulled into the bushes "Octavia" i yell "Octavia" Jasper yells we both run over. A guy pops out laughing i grab him push him to a tree and put my forearm to his neck out of instinct "what the hell cant you see he's already scared" Octavia yelled. I punched him "get the hell out of here" i shove him. Jasper starts walking back inside the wall "Jasper come on there's nothing to be afraid of" Octavia say walking after him me shortly behind. He trips landing on the ground looking forward in shock when me and Octavia see what he sees my eyes widen in shock hers in horror, two fingers lay in front of us.

We are now in a tent Clarke observing the knife and fingers "this knife was made of metal from the drop ship" she says. I recognize the knife but I cant believe that no he wouldn't.

"what do you mean" Jasper asked "who else knows about this" Bellamy ask. "no one we brought it straight here" Octavia answers. "Clarke" Jasper ask "that means the grounders didn't kill Wells it was one of us" she says looking up.

"so there's a murderer in camp" Jasper ask terrified "there's more than one murderer in this camp this isn't news we need to keep it quiet" Bellamy say. "I agree" i say stepping out of the tent looking for Murphy. Clarke ran out of the tent and got to Murphy before I could. She shoved him say "You son of a bitch" he steadied himself


"Wow what's your problem" asked she scoffed holding up his knife "recognize this" she angrily said.

"its my knife were did you find it" he reached for it and Clarke pulled it behind her back. "where you dropped it after you killed Wells" she said with a sad and angry tone.

"where i what" Murphy asked i could tell he was genuinely confused. He stepped forward "the grounders killed Wells not me" he said "i know what you did and you gonna pay for it" Clarke said in his face. He looked over at me and Bellamy "you guys really believe this crap" he asked looking me dead in the eyes. Before i could answer Clarke said "you threatened to kill him we all heard you you hated Wells" Clarke said.

"plenty of people hated Wells his father was the chancellor that locked us up" he retorted raising his voice a bit at the end.

"yeah but your the only one who got in a knife fight with him" Clarke blurted "yeah but i didn't kill him then either" he said more calm.

"tried to kill Jasper too" Octavia spoke from the crowed. This is not good i know Murphy didn't kill Wells. Me and him both hate him for what his father did but Murphy is a good person deep down.

"come on this is ridiculous I don't have to answer to you I don't have to answer to anyone" he threw his arms up he walked around Clarke "come again" Bellamy asked crossing his arms.

"Bellamy look im telling you i didn't do this" he walked closer. "they found his fingers on the ground with your knife" Bellamy said back Murphy looked from him to me.

"is this the kind of society we want" Clarke yelled from behind him. "you say there should be no rules" she turned to Bellamy "does that mean that we can kill each other without....without punishment" she asked.

"i already told you I didn't kill anyone" Murphy turned to face her.

"i say we float him" some random guy says and he is lucky that i cant see him or he wouldn't be able to talk. The crowd burst out in 'yeahs' "that's not what im saying" Clarke say's.

"why not he deserves to float its justice" the man ask again. "revenge isn't justice" Clarke says.

"ITS JUSTICE FLOAT HIM" the same guy yells everyone started chanting "FLOAT HIM" he went to run but was tripped. The crowd started kicking and beating him.

"NO STOP NO" i screamed. They gaged him and threw him down a small hill. Someone picked him up while a man hit him. I lunged and tackled him punching him repeatedly until i was dragged off and was punched and fell to the ground. They had Murphy standing on a piece of wood with a rope around his neck.

"you can stop this they will listen to you" Clarke shoved Bellamy. "Bellamy you should do it" a guy said "Bellamy" the crowd started chanting his name. Bellamy looked at Murphy who was shaking his head. "i saw you in the woods with Atom you not a killer" Clarke said. "Bellamy please dont" Octavia pleaded. "Bellamy please he's my brother i cant lose him" i pleaded as i stood Bellamy looked shocked at the new information but he still kicked the wood out from under Murphy. "NO" i yelled as the rope tightened around my brothers neck.

"what the hell are you doing get him down now Charlotte get out of here now" Finn yelled rushing threw the crowed. "cut him down" Finn walked up in a hurry but the kid I tackled thought it was a good idea to stop him.

Threw all the commotion a yell was heard "Just stop Murphy didn't kill Wells i did" Charlotte screamed. How could she let him go threw all that. I scrambled to my feet to help my brother Clarke cut Murphy down and Finn got him. I quickly untied the rope from around him. He wheezed and gasped for air while I helped him stand.

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