《The Ground ( O.BxO.C)》Hunting with a twist


"power -hungry self-serving jackass" Monty mutters and i nod in agreement "he doesn't care about anyone but himself" he looked at Octavia "no offense" it is clear that she still cares for him, he is her brother at the end of the day. I really don't know how she deals with him and his ignorant ass. Then again this is Octavia we're talking about she is one of the strongest people i have met in life.

"yeah Bellamy's all that" Finn looks up at Clarke "but he happens to be right" he says reluctantly. We all know in some way he is right, but we are not gonna give up on Jasper not while im here. I wont allow it he deserves to live and without him we may have been ambushed without knowing there was people down here.

Me, Bellamy, Atom, and some other people I don't care enough to learn their names were out hunting. Bellamy spotted a boar he held his hand out "shh shh she mine" he said lifting his axe ready to throw when a twig snapped behind us. He whipped around throwing his axe it hit a tree right beside Charlotte? Why is she here its not safe.

"who the hell are you" Bellamy ask walking up. "Charlotte" she answered "i almost killed you" Bellamy states the obvious while getting his axe from the tree.

"why aren't you back at camp" i asked me and Atom walking up. "well well with that kid who was dying i just...i couldn't listen anymore" she try's explaining.

"there's grounders out here its too dangerous for a little girl" Atom says "I'm not little" Charlotte retorts.

"ok then" Bellamy looks at her reaching down "but you cant hunt without a weapon" he holds out a knife. She takes it looking it over.


"ever killed something before" I ask and she shakes her head "who knows maybe your good at it" I smile at her and we started walking again.

We are running threw the forest away from this weird yellow fog that came out of nowhere. "Come on there are caves this way" Bellamy yells continuing to run grabbing Charlotte to help her. Me and Atom were running with them when Atom trips and falls. "ATOM" I yell as much as i hate the guy im not gonna let him die. I run into the fog trying to grab him but i cant see. My legs start burning and Bellamy grabs me out and pulls me to a cave.

"BELLAMY" "JESS" "BELLAMY" he cries i try running back out but Bellamy pulls me back into the cave.

We were waiting for the fog to go by I was checking my leg when Charlotte let out an era ringing scream. "Charlotte wake up" Bellamy put his hand on her knee to comforter her. "I'm sorry" she says looking away.

"Does it happen often" he ask sitting up Charlotte just sighs "what are you scared of" he ask again. I looked at Charlotte then Bellamy and decided he's got it so I laid down and let sleep take over my conscience.

It was now morning and Bellamy walked out of the cave I limbed after him with Charlotte at my side. "IS ANYBODY OUT HERE" he yelled looking around "JONES" he yelled again

A faint "were her" was heard from Jones and we started walking their direction. We got to the group "Lost you in the stew were did you go" Bellamy questioned. "we got to a cave down there" he pointed down the small hill "the hell was that" he asked.

"I don't know" Bellamy looked at the small group "where's Atom" he asked. The guy looked at him in panic Bellamy but the pieces together. I already knew he didn't make it out of the fog.


We heard Charlotte scream and rushed over as fats has we could. There was something on the ground. I limbed closer to see Atom? He was covered in the things i have up and down my legs. Charlotte was about to cry "son of a bitch" Bellamy whispered "Atom" he called and we ran over. We kneeled in front of him we looked at him closely and he whispered something not quite hearable so we leaned farther down.

"kill me" he said in a whisper voice "kill me" he repeated when he saw Bellamy's face. "kill me" he said again he was gasping for air as Bellamy stared Jones and his group walked up and Bellamy stood. Atom coughed Charlotte walked up hands going into her pockets as she looked at him "I.....cant....breath..." Atom choked out. Charlotte handed Bellamy the knife he had given her. He looked at her and she looked back eyes flicked to Atom then back to Bellamy letting him know she knows what has to be done. "don't be afraid" she says he looked at her then back to Atom "go back to camp" he instructed the group. All but me and Charlotte left he looked at Charlotte "Charlotte you too" he said. She looked at him and then left leaving just me and Bellamy. He bent back down and Atom said "kill me" again he was crying in pain. Bellamy looked hesitant .

"Bellamy...you don't have to do this" he looked at me "taking someone's life is something you have to carry around your whole life" I sighed "let me do it I am already a killer let me do it you don't deserve this" I said. I still remember all of them the new guards i faced that didn't make it. Bellamy was almost one of them i could not let him go threw with this. This is the kind of thing that you can't forget.

"Bellamy please" Atom cried softly i looked over Bellamy's shoulder to see Clarke. Atom coughed and Bellamy follow my line of sight seeing Clarke. She rushed over kneeling beside me "i heard screams" she says looking Atom over.

"Charlotte found him" I say "Bellamy sent her back to camp" I explain. She looked at Atom then Bellamy shaking her head. We both know what she means, he cant be helped "ok" she says to Atom "i'm gonna help" she reaches out and strokes his hair. She starts humming Bellamy looked at her she went to take the knife but I did it for her. Garbing the knife do what has to be done and push it into his neck. As i pull it out Clarke shocked continues humming Bellamy just stares.

"goodbye Atom" i whisper in a sad tone. I was on the verge of tears he didn't deserve any of this. With Clarke still humming and stroking his hair his eyes closed.

We were back at camp me and Bellamy carrying Atom. "i better go get this grave dug" Wells says and walks off. "get Clarke whatever she needs" Bellamy tells a women who walks up. Octavia starts walking up. " Octavia just stay back there just stay back" Bellamy pleads. She kept walking so I held her back "Octavia don't" I say "stop" she breaks out of my grip walking over to Atoms body. She knells down and slowly pulls the jacket off of his face. Murmurs break out amongst the crowd.

"Atom" she whispers in disbelief.

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