《Diamond|bellamy blake》9|bad guys
"The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true ."
The events after Murphy's exile were very rushed.Monty tried to fix the communication to the Ark but ended up frying all the bracelets.
Clarke and Finn were God knows where, Bellamy was in his tent where Althea saw two girls enter and Althea? Althea was trying to take a freaking nap.
She turned around in the dropship but all she saw when she closed her eyes was Charlotte's dirty and tear stained face before everything that happened.
"Ugh. Screw it . " the ginger groaned on her back as she got back on her feet and climbed down to the tents.
She smelled like a donkey , well they all did . Her hair was starting to get greasy , she had to talk to Monty and Jasper about building some sort shower to at least throw some water on themselves .
She glances at Bellamy's tent and hesitated.
He didn't want to see her. Why would he ? But still if she could barely sleep than he probably had the same issues . He cared even more than her about Charlotte .
She walked up and entered the tent but she instantly regretted .
The two girls were next to each other almost naked in Bellamy's made up bed .
"Hello ? A little privacy ? " one of them hissed making Althea want to rip her hair for some reason .
"Is Bellamy here ?"Althea asked in a relaxed tone .
" Shit . " Bellamy whispered behind her.
" Sorry to bother the party, Tinker Bell but may I have a word ? " Althea asked as she turned around and tried not to stare at his naked abdomen , he just had a threesome so she was not exactly happy with him but Althea couldn't explain why .
"Yeah ." he murmured and followed her out of his tent not before he put a shirt on .
" Sorry about that - "
"You are a big boy you do not have to apologise for having sex . " Althea said , her hands up with a small forced smile .
" What did you want to talk about ? " Bellamy asked trying really hard not to meet her eyes .
"Uhm , how are you ? " Althea asked , biting her lip .
"What ? "
"Well you know after everything that happened , Murphy ... Charlotte - "
"Look, ginger , if you want to play therapist you came to the wrong person . " Bellamy said all of the sudden with anger in his voice , glaring at Althea who was very confused .
"I am not trying to play therapist with you , I was just checking on you because you cared about Charlotte more than I did -"
" I am in no mood to braid each other's hair and share our feelings so sorry to burst your bubble ." Bellamy snarled at her and Althea was speechless at his very aggressive attitude.
"Uhm , okay . " she whispered and tried to ignore the stinging in her eyes as she slowly walked away from Bellamy , not wanting to let him see her emotions .
"Althea - "
"Forget it , Bellamy ! " she shouted with a shaky voice, not facing him and she could not explain the tears forming in her eyes .
"Al, what's wrong ? " Peter asked as she walked into the his tent .
"N-nothing ... it's been a long night . " Althea whispered and Peter frowned ."Can I stay here for a while ? " she asked and the tears spilled out , she was so damn tired .
"Of course , Al . " Peter hurried to her and hugged tight with his chin on her head , stroking her hair . Althea hated crying in front of others , purely hated it but she couldn't stop herself in that moment . Peter knew better than to ask her to talk about it , in that moment she needed to talk about something else .
After she calmed down both her and Peter talked until they fell asleep , but only after twenty minutes she was awaken by a more voices .
Peter snored on his side , he was such a heavy sleeper . Althea got out of the tent with a groan, twenty minutes of sleep were not enough .
"O, what is going on ? " Althea asked an ecstatic Octavia .
"A pod was seen , it landed a few minutes ago I think , maybe it has weapons or supplies . "
"The Ark finally sent help ? That's awesome ! Who's going after it ? " Althea asked , relieved to hear some good news .
"I was just on my way to ask Bell . Come with me . "
Althea wanted to protest but Octavia grabbed her hand and dragged her along . She was not really in the mood for Bellamy after their last encounter .
"If it cleared the ridge, it's probably next to the lake . " one of Bellamy's puppies explained to him as the girls entered his tent .
"We should get moving , everyone's ready . " Octavia said getting her brother's attention . Bellamy 's eyes found hers but she broke the eye contact quickly, he looked worried with his arms crossed at his chest .
"No one's going anywhere . " Bellamy murmured and Althea thought he was messing with her tonight ."Not while it's dark , it's not safe . "
Octavia squinted at him , not believing it , Althea tried to understand why he wanted to wait , he didn't worry about it being dark, she knew it . In fact the grounders could get to the lord before them and take whatever it contained .
"We'll head out at first light . Pass the word ." Bellamy said to his goons who nodded and left him with Althea and Octavia who jumped right in front of Bellamy .
"Everyone from a hundred miles saw thing come down . What if the grounders get to it first ? Bell, we should go now ." Octavia explained but Bellamy seemed puzzled like he was completely somewhere else .
"O, leave me and your brother to discuss . " Althea pleaded with Octavia who at first rolled her eyes but then left the tent .
"Bellamy , what is going on with you ? " she asked in a serious tone . Bellamy was not facing her , he avoided her gaze entirely.
"I have no idea what you are talking about . " he murmured .
"Why don't you want people to go to the pod ? Octavia is right ! The grounders could get to it before we do -"
"I do not agree to go now , it's dangerous ! " Bellamy barked at her , trying to shut her up and she had had it .
"Fine , I'll go myself . I do not need your permission. Seems like that whole trio of leaders thing went down the drain fast . " Althea grumbled annoyed , she kept telling herself that she would be fine on her own .
"Wait . " Bellamy called in a low tone ."I'll go with you ." Bellamy said with a sigh and Althea nearly jumped with relief , the thought of actually going alone made her tremble and even though she was not happy with Bellamy , she knew he was hurting as much as she was .
"Okay, I just need my jacket it's up in the dropship." Althea explained .
" I'll come with you . " Bellamy said and Althea thought it was a bit odd but she went along with it .
They climbed up to the dropship and before Althea grabbed her jacket she felt Bellamy really close to her body .
"What are you doing, Tinker Bell ? " she asked and it confused her .
"I just wanted to say sorry for earlier, I was being an ass ." he nearly whispered looking this time right into her eyes .
"Uhm, no problem ? " Althea would have made a joke at those words but his behaviour really confused her , Bellamy apologising so easily was odd ." Let's go ."
The next second Bellamy grabbed her wrist and out of nowhere a pair of handcuffs appeared in his free hand , he cuffed her right hand to a pipe of the dropship .
" Bellamy , what in God's name are you doing ?! " Althea shouted at the sight of her cuffed hand .
"You are not going to that pod . I'll be back in the morning which is in a couple of hours so don't worry Ginger I am not locking you in here .
"Only for a couple of hours ! Bellamy we need to get to that pod - " Althea shouted but then realised ."You want to go alone ." she nearly whispered . "What did you do ? " she asked and Bellamy sighed again not meeting her eyes , he threw at her feet some rations and opened the hatchet that was too far from Althea .
"Bellamy don't go, Bellamy get back here right now ! " Althea snarled but Bellamy was already down the ladder . " Bellamy ! "
" Peter ! Jasper ! Finn ! Clarke ! Monty ! Octavia ! HELLO ! " Althea screamed at the top of her lungs but it was in vain, everyone waited outside for news of the pod . Althea 's throat was already sore from the shouting . She yanked her wrist so many times trying to at least shimmy her wrist out of the handcuff that it made a small red bruise .
The sun was starting to arise .
Althea was munching on one of the rations from Bellamy after stuffing three of them in her jacket . If the jackass locked her up at least she got something from it .
The door opened and Jasper and Monty climbed up .
"Althea ? What are you - "
"Where have you idiots been ?! " Althea shouted , it was not their fault but she was more than angry and needed to let that anger out . " Help me ! " she nearly screamed and Jasper nearly jumped to her aid .
"What happened ? " Monty asked .
"Bellamy locked me in here so I would not go find the pod . " she muttered and then hissed at the pain her wrist felt when Jasper managed to uncuff it .
"Weird since he went after it ." Jasper muttered .
"What ? " Althea breathed out getting up, her butt a bit sore . " I need to go after him . Stay here both of you . " Althea nearly jumped down and ran into the woods hoping to catch Bellamy before he he did something idiotic .
The sun was up , the forest was so quite , all Althea heard was the crunching under her feet and the birds chirping .
Althea 's feet ached but she finally found the ass . He looked like he was just taking a walk through the woods . Althea was going to change that calmness .
"HEY, BLAKE ! " she shouted and Bellamy's eyes widened . Althea started stomping towards him . "I am going to beat the crap out of you with a stick ! "
"Okay, Althea, I understand you are angry - " Bellamy tried to reason with her and then saw her wrist . " How did you do that you were cuffed for an hour and a half ?! " he exclaimed with a confused look on his face .
"Oh this ? You recognise the wrist ? The one you decided to get kinky with and cuff it ?! "
"Look - "
"Hey ! Where is it ? " Clarke ran to both of them barely looking at Althea as she glared at Bellamy .
"Where is what ?"
"They're getting ready to kill 300 people up there . To save oxygen . And I can guarantee you it won't be Council members It'll be working people . Your people . " Clarke explained as she pointed an accusatory finger at Bellamy's chest .
Althea was going to be sick , they couldn't do that , 300 people ... they had to do something but first she had to understand what Bellamy did .
Before she got a chance to ask anything , Finn came out of nowhere and pushed Bellamy .
"Where' s the radio ? " Finn asked.
What radio ?
"I have no idea what you are talking about !" Bellamy pushed Finn back .
"Bellamy Blake ? "
A girl appeared behind Althea , she had not seen her before . She was gorgeous with a long dark brown hair tied in a ponytail with Latina features . Althea noticed that she had a big wound on the side of her head and Finn's jacket over her .
"They're looking everywhere for you . "she said and Althea turned to Bellamy even more confused .
"Shut up . " Bellamy hissed at her .
"Why ? " Althea asked but still facing Bellamy .
"He shot chancellor Jaha . "
Althea's feet got weak , that is why he did everything he did since they got on Earth , the wristbands, the speeches .
"-you just care about saving your own skin ." Finn said with disgust . "
Bellamy looked at Althea but she was just speechless, she had no clue what to say to the boy who she was starting to trust before all of the mess from yesterday .
Bellamy started to walk away but the girl who Althea assumed came with the pod started following him .
"Where's my radio ? " she asked more like demanded .
"What radio ?" Althea asked Clarke .
"A radio that Raven brought from the Ark so we can talk to them , Bellamy took it . " Clarke explained and it was another blow to Althea . Bellamy just ruined any chance of her being able to reach her mother .
"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Bellamy snarled at the girl who apparently was named Raven and his tone scared Althea .
"Really ? " Raven on the other hand did not flinch as she walked closer to Bellamy . " Well, I'm right
here. " she almost whispered , challenging Bellamy who roughly grabbed her and slammed her to a tree trunk but Raven took out a knife and angled it at his neck asking again about her radio .
Althea , Clarke and Finn ran to them but couldn't do anything , Althea's stomach dropped when she saw Bellamy's fingers curl around her throat .
"Okay, stop it . " Clarke said but it was not hear by the two .
"Bell, " Althea almost whispered to Bellamy who was not breaking the intense stare him and Raven were sharing ." Please let her go, you are not that person, Bellamy let her go ." Althea said in a stern tone and Bellamy sighed as he lost his grip on Raven's neck and walked away from them .
"Jaha deserved to die . You know that ."
"Yeah, he's not my favourite person either . " Raven snarled as she sustained herself on the tree trunk ."But he isn't dead ."
Bellamy's eyed widened in shock ."What ? "
"You're a lousy shot . " Raven cried out with a smirk .
"Bellamy don't you know see what this means ? You're not a murderer . " Clarke said walking to him . You always did what you had to do to protect your sister , that's who you are ! And you can do it again by protecting three hundred of your
people . " Clarke pleaded with him and his eyes met Althea's when he looked up from Clarke's gaze .
"She's right , Bellamy where's the radio ?" Althea asked and walked in front of Clarke .
"It's too late . " he murmured to her and she felt her stomach drop .
They were all looking for the radio in the river Bellamy threw it in . Althea had no idea what she was feeling , it was a mix of anger , sadness, disappointment and understanding. She was angry at Bellamy for cuffing her in the dropship , sad that they could've help the Ark but lost that chance , disappointment again because of Bellamy because he threw the radio in the river , because of how selfish he was but then the understanding annoyed her , she kept asking herself what would she have done in his situation . If she would have been scared and alone and would have had a breakdown , not wanting to get arrested and leave her only sister behind . Would she have acted the same way ?
"Hey, are you okay ? "
Raven's voice startled her , she now had a red jacket on her grey shirt which showed her slim figure .
"Oh , yeah, I'm fine . " Althea murmured .
"I didn't get the chance to actually meet you , you are ? " Raven asked and Althea realised in the mess she was that day she never introduced herself .
"Althea Sparkles . " the girls shook hands .
"Sparkles ? You are Jennifer's daughter ? " Raven asked and Althea's eyes widened .
"How do you know my mother ? "
"Her and Abby helped me come down here . " Raven explained and Althea felt her heart warm for a second .
" Is the lack of oxygen affecting her sickness ? " Althea asked , a ball of anxiety building up in her stomach .
"It's not doing any wonders for anyone but she is a trooper , she was supposed to come down with me , Abby thought that fresh air would be amazing for her . Hopefully we find the radio to tell her that it's safe for them to come . " Raven explained and Althea knew her mother was a survivor , that's where she got it from , she was going to make it on Earth .
Her eyes looked behind Raven and saw Bellamy looking for the radio by himself , the look on his face was one of sorrow that broke her heart .
"Excuse me . " Althea said to Raven who nodded with a smile .
"Hey ." Althea walked to Bellamy who looked up in surprise .
"Wow you're talking to me , I didn't think I was your favorite person at this moment . " Bellamy joked without meeting her eyes .
"Well you're not . " she continued the joke but then got serious . " Bellamy , I just wanted to say that I understand . "
Bellamy looked up , his expression full of vulnerability. "What ?"
"You were afraid you'd get arrested and taken away from Octavia , you were scared and sometimes when you are scared you do stupid shit plus you had no idea about the oxygen problem on the Ark . " Althea said . "But Bell tell me one thing , why shoot Jaha ? You didn't do it just because he's an ass . "
Bellamy looked up at the sun and sighed , he wet his lips before meeting her eyes .
"The head guard said that if I did he would get me a spot on the dropship . "
Althea remembered who took her father's place , he was an arrogant ass , when he was working for her father he was always trying to undermine him and now after she heard what he made Bellamy do she hated him even more .
"That bastard . " Althea whispered more to herself but then saw Bellamy's distress .
"Althea , " he nearly whispered, his voice shaking ." If they come down here I'll be arrested . I can't do that Octavia , leave her like that . "
Althea realised how frightened he must have been . If they did find the radio and the people on the Ark would come down , he would be charged with attempted murder .
"Hey, don't even think like that , if the rest of the Ark comes down here and they even try to touch you , they will have to go through us first , we are a team , Bellamy . Plus you think I am still not through with you for this ?" Althea finished with a joke and lifted her bruised wrist .
Bellamy broke in a laugh and took her wrist in his hands , the action surprised Althea , she felt goosebumps on her skin , he gently grazed the bruise with his thumb .
"Sorry about that . " he said and his gaze met hers , a look of trust , she wanted to keep that trust .
"It's all in the past, Tinker Bell . " she whispered with a smile .
She needed to keep her promise , she was not going to let Jaha get his claws into Bellamy , she would fight for him , for his freedom .
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