《Diamond|bellamy blake》7|chaos
I need to believe, that who we are, matters more than our station.
A shocking death marked the camp after the acid fog.
Wells Jaha's dead body was found at almost dawn with his neck slashed and three of his fingers missing.
Althea,Clarke,Octavia and Finn were already up and chatting at the bonfire,so they wouldn't bother Monty and Jasper who were asleep.
A boy came running into the camp looking for Bellamy.One of Bellamy's group,he was supposed to replace Wells at standing to watch for any grounders next to the camp.
He told Bellamy who immediately took his boys and didn't let anyone see what was going on,especially Clarke and Althea.Althea remembers it so well.
"What is going on?!"Althea asked exasperated.
"Is Wells okay?"Clarke asked one of Bellamy's subjects as Althea liked to call them who stood silent.
"Alright,that's it,"Althea said."Blake!What is going on?!"Althea shouted as hard as she could and she got a pretty good set of lungs apparently because Bellamy rolled his eyes on the other side of the boys who shielded the view.
He decided that it was time to let them know what happened after looking over the body to see how the hell the grounders killed him right next to their camp.
He told his boys to move and shouted at everyone except Finn,his sister,Althea,Monty and Clarke as Jasper was still sleeping to stay.
Everyone gasped at the sight.Wells' dead body laying in front of them,the jacket Bellamy had on him,laying next to his body.
Althea's eyes filled with tears,Wells and her had just started to get closer.He was a good man,with a heart of gold.He didn't deserve this.
Clarke tried to hold her tears that badly that she was shaking as she crouched next to Wells' body,touching his arm.
"How did this happen?"Finn asked Bellamy.
"Obviously,the grounders showed how powerful they are.They killed one of our people right next to our camp."Bellamy said not looking at Clarke or Althea who was hugging her body with her arms as two tears left her eyes.
"We need to do something to helps the defense of our camp."Bellamy muttered putting a brave face on.
"To honor Wells."Althea said,wiping her tears.
"Yes,to honor Wells."Bellamy said to her with a soft look which he quickly wiped off of his face.
Clarke stood up quickly and ran into the dropship.
"I'll go."Finn said.
"No,let me."Althea stopped him before running as well into the dropship.
Clarke was where they usually slept on the second floor of the dropship,almost chocking on her tears.
Althea looked at her with sad eyes as she turned to her.
"I'm so sorry,Clarke."she said as she sat next to her and Clarke collapsed into her arms,crying.
Althea shushed her as she stroke her hair,knowing that Clarke was in a tremendous pain.
"Hey."Peter said starling Althea out of her thoughts as he sat next to her outside the dropship.
"Hey."Althea muttered."What happened?Your girlfriend ditched you and you decided to come back to your friends?"
"Look,I know I literally ignored you these past days but I ended everything.She was way too clingy and obsessed to know where I am and never leave her side.I realized what a jerk I have been.I wasn't there to help with Jasper and now Wells is gone."Peter said,his voice cracking at the mention of Wells.
Althea then remembered about his pretty big crush on Wells but considering Wells was only into girls and well pretty much into Clarke,it was never gonna happen.
"Hey,what happened is in the past.If we wanna survive down here we must be united."Althea said placing a hand over Peter's.
"You're right.I'm sorry.From now I won't let alone drive me away from you or the others."Peter smiled as Althea hugged him.
"Welcome back to the coolest gang in this camp."
Althea sighed as she pulled her hair into a ponytail and tied her leather jacket around her waist.She was helping around with the building of the wall that was supposed to keep the grounders away.
People got so scared after Wells' murder that Bellamy decided to build a wall around the camp.
She was helping some kid with carrying logs as she noticed Charlotte helping with some wires.Peter belonged to another section.
Another pair was carrying logs as well.A boy with dark skin dropped the log as she fell tired on his knees.
"Hey!"Murphy shouted,walking to him."You think the grounders are just gonna wait for us to finish the wall?"
Us?Althea hasn't seen Murhy move a muscle all day.
"Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you."Murhy mocked the boy.
"I just need some water,okay?Then I'll be fine."the boy explained out of breath.
Bellamy walked closer to them with a neutral look on his face.
"Murhy,get this guy some water."he commanded Murphy making Althea let out a small smile as she carried the log.She was finally seeing a better side of Bellamy Blake.
"Hey,you got this?"she heard Bellamy ask and as Althea looks up she sees his question being directed to Charlotte.
"Wait,what?"Althea asked more to herself as she nearly dropped the log making the boy she was carrying with roll his eyes.
Althea noticed Charlotte jumping to carry the log but Bellamy quickly stopped her with a grin on his face.It was just a joke,fact that made Althea sigh in relief.
Bellamy grabbed the other side of the log and started walking as his look met Althea's.
She sent him a small smile which he returned as he continued to carry the log,breaking the eyes contact.
Althea put the log down as she heard the kid she learned from her buddy,Don,she has been carrying the logs with is named Connor groan,sounding disgusted.
Althea looked in that direction and her eyes widen in shock as she gasped.
Murhy was urinating on Connor.
"What the hell is wrong with you,Murphy?!I'll kill you!"Connor yelled as he pushed Murphy causing other boys to grab him.
"You wanted a water break."Murphy said with no emotion making Althea scoff.
"Jerk."she muttered making Don smirk.
"He really is."Don said walking next to her."He could at least do something instead of just yelling at others who actually work."
"Well,I think it's time that someone says something."Althea declared as she started walking towards Murhy.
"Get back to work!"
"Who don't you start working,Murphy?"Althea asked annoyed."You sit around while we work our asses off.This wall is supposed to protect everyone,so everyone should work on it."Althea confronted Murphy as he walked to her with a sly smirk.
"I don't know if you remember,Ginger but back on the Ark our privileged council,which included your father,didn't move a finger while my people worked their asses off.It's time that changes.It's time the real leaders come to light."Murhy said getting closer to Althea.
Althea didn't like the way "Ginger" rolled off Murphy's tongue.It sounded different from Bellamy.
Althea broke in a fake laughter making Murhy raise his eyebrows,trying to pretend she didn't hear the insult he made about her father.
"You actually think you're a leader,Murphy?We all know that you're just Bellamy's little bitch."Althea mocked the boy walking even closer to him with a smirk on her face.
"Oooo" was heard across the camp as kids gathered to see the fight.
Bellamy sighed as he noticed the tension himself,walking to the two and placing himself between them.
"That's enough.From both of you."Bellamy said like he was talking to children.
Murphy scoffed and walked away as Althea glared at Bellamy.
"Keep your dog in his leash."Althea hissed making Bellamy try and hold in his laugh.He wouldn't tell a soul but her being mad at him in this right moment made him think she was adorable.
"Murhy is not my dog.He just has a temper."Bellamy explained.
"Oh do you pick dogs that match your personality?"Althea joked,letting her anger go.
"Very funny,Ginger."Bellamy said making Althea try and hold in her smile.
It did sound better coming from him.The two chuckled at each other before Althea remembered that she still needed to help Don.
"I have to go back to work."she said making Bellamy's smirk fall off his face.
"Yeah,me too."he said but Octavia grabbed the both of them out of nowhere.
"Guys,you need to come at Bellamy's tent,now."Octavia said,almost whispering.
"What's wrong,O?"Althea asked as she noticed the scared look on Octavia's face.
"It's about Wells."she said in a lower tone making another eye contact between her and Bellamy.This one had only looks of confusion.
As Althea stood beside Bellamy she looked at Clarke's hands which contained a knife found by Octavia and Jasper next to Wells' fingers.
"It's similar to my knife".Althea said getting out of her boot her knife made by Octavia for her when they went after Jasper.Bellamy's eyes widened for a second when she pulled the knife out of her boot but went back to normal."Meaning it's made out of metal from the dropship."
"What do you mean?"Jasper asked.
"Who else knows about this?"Bellamy asked with a straight face.
"No one.We brought it straight here."Octavia replied.
"Clarke, sweetie?"Althea called after Clarke when she saw her gaze locked on the knife, not saying a word.
"It means the grounders didn't kill Wells.It was one of us."Clarke revealed, even if Althea figured it out before but didn't say it it still sent shivers down her spine.
"So there's a murderer in the camp?"Jasper asked looking scared.
"Jasper, I'm afraid there's more than one murderer in this camp.Not all of us were arrested for theft or to keep a secret."Althea said not mentioning the reason O was arrested because in Althea's opinion it was not Octavia's fault .
"This isn't news.Keep it quiet."Bellamy said making Althea furrow her eyebrows but then sort of agreed.The wall needed to be built plus nobody would confess.
Clarke ignored his words and walked straight to the exit of the tent but Bellamy stopped her with Althea behind him.
"Get out of my way, Bellamy."Clarke hissed.
"Be smart about this.Look at what we've achieved.The wall, the patrols.Like it or not thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us."Bellamy said making it the first time he spoke to Clarke calmly.
"Oh good for you you mean."Clarke said with a glare.
If looks killed, Bellamy would be destroyed by Clarke's.
"What?Keep people afraid and then they'll work for you?Is that it?"Clarke asked.
"Yeah, that's it.But it's good for all of us.Fear of the grounders is building that wall."Bellamy continued and Althea could notice how he tried to be civil.He probably understood that Clarke was harder to handle about this subject.Wells was her best friend.
But telling people would cause chaos.
"Clarke, nobody will admit.You can't just ask the killer to come forward."Althea spoke as walked and stood besides Bellamy."We don't know whose knife that is."
"Oh really?"Clarke snapped at Althea."J.M."she said showing the initials carved on the knife."John Murphy"
"Clarke it will break chaos all over the camp, I'm asking you to calm down and re-think this."Althea said trying to grab Clarke by her shoulders but the blonde who probably got upset by the fact that Althea took Bellamy's side and not hers backed away at her touch, making Althea's eyes widen and causing a frown on her face
"The people have a right to know."Clarke decided and stormed out of the tent.
"You son of a bitch!"Clarke shouted as she shoved Murphy behind.
Althea walked with Bellamy, Octavia and Jasper behind.Stopping a few feet away from the action.
"Ho-ho-ho-ho.What's your problem?"Murhy asked with a grin on his face.
"Recognize this?"Clarke asked as she showed him his knife.
"That's my knife. Where'd you find it?"Murphy asked trying to grab the knife but Clarke didn't let him.
"What's happening?"Peter asked as he walked behind Althea,Monty and Jasper.
"We found the knife used to kill Wells.It's Murphy's."Althea filled him in making him gasp.
"No way!"he whispered shocked.
"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells."Clarke shouted revealing the need to everyone.The teens stopped their work and stared at the confrontation.
"Where I what? The Grounders killed Wells, not me."Murphy defended himself, looking confused.
"I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it."Clarke hissed at the boy.
"Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?"Murphy asked Bellamy, hoping he would defend him but Bellamy crosses his arms and watched the scene not saying a word.
"You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells."Clarke accused him again.
"Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor that locked us up."Murphy replied.
"Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him."Clarke added.
"Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either."Murphy continued.
"Tried to kill Jasper, too."Octavia spoke form her spot.
"What?"Jasper asked confused.
"You were unconscious."Althea whispered to him.
"And in pain."Monty whispered too making Jasper nod.
"Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone."Murphy shouted angry.
"Come again?"Bellamy asked trying to sound offended.
"The bitch got caught."Althea said mockingly making Murphy glare daggers at her.
"Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this."Murphy tried to convince his friend if they even were that.Bellamy being his last chance.
"They found his fingers on the ground with your knife."Bellamy said, making it sound obvious that it was him.
"Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without... without punishment?"Clarke said to the people.
"I already told you. I didn't kill anyone."Murphy said again.
Althea was confused.Murphy may be a jerk but he seemed truly honest but the evidence spoke for itself.
"I say we float him."Connor spoke from behind.
"You can't float him on Earth, genius"Althea said trying to defuse the tension.They weren't killing anyone.They weren't on the Ark anymore.
"That's not what I'm saying."Clarke spoke.
"Why not? He deserves to float. It's justice."Connor continued.
Althea couldn't believe Connor.Just because Murphy urinated on him.And now that he found the perfect opportunity.He was ready to kill him.
"Revenge isn't justice."Clarke tried to explain.
"It's justice!Float him!"Connor said to the people and then started repeating.
Soon flows of "Float him" could be heard in the camp.Althea saw Murphy trying to slip away but a foot placed in front of him on purpose made him fall.People started kicking him with their feet hard.
"Hey!Knock it off!"Althea said going to the crowd to stop them, not being okay with what they were doing to Murphy.
She noticed Octavia being dragged back by Bellamy as she wanted to stop them.
"Althea don't!"Bellamy shouted after the ginger lunging his arm and grabbing her arm.
Althea felt Bellamy's grip as she faced him.
"You can't let them do this!"Althea said angry.
"If you go there you'll only get hurt."Bellamy said as he still held her arm and looked for Octavia not to slip past him.
Althea couldn't even see Murphy.The voices of the delinquents mixed together and it caused exactly what Althea knew it would happen all along.
In a few seconds Murphy was tied and gagged.Some boys picked him up and threw him rolling onto the ground.
Althea,Bellamy and Octavia rushed to the action as Clarke tried to stop them but it was useless.
"Hey don't touch her!"Althea shouted at Connor who kept pushing Clarke back so she won't reach Murphy.Althea would have walked to him and taught him a lesson if Bellamy wouldn't have grabbed her arm again.
Soon enough after being beaten up, Murphy was on a box and a rope around his neck.They were gonna hang him.
"You can stop this!They'll listen to you!"Clarke shouted as she shoved Bellamy who looked confused as fuck.
"Bellamy, you should do it!"Connor awfully suggested making Althea look at Bellamy shocked.
"Bellamy,"this time Althea was grabbing his arm."please they'll me you aren't considering this!I saw in the woods with Atom.You are not a murderer!"Althea calmly looking right into his eyes as people chanted his name."Bellamy!"
"I'm sorry."he almost whispered as he walked to Murphy.
"Don't!Bellamy!"Clarke shouted after him but it was useless.
Bellamy looked at Althea's terrified expression again before facing Murphy and kicking the box from under his feet leaving Murphy's body dangling, desperate for air as cheers were heard.
"No!"Clarke cried as Althea just gasped.She was in pure shock as tears stung her eyes.Bellamy actually did it.
"How could you?!"Clarke cried pushing Bellamy with her hands.
"This is on you princess!You should've kept your mouth shut!"Bellamy shouted as he shoved Clarke.
Althea quickly recovered from her shock and tried to make her way to Murphy as she slipped past Connor to free him from the rope but it was hard.People kept pushing her back as she tried to reach Murphy before he ran out of air.
"What the hell are you doing?!"Finn shouted making Althea turn around and look at him."Cut him down!Charlotte, get out of here now!"
Octavia kept trying to take Charlotte away but she fought the younger Blake.
"Just stop, okay?!Murhpy didn't kill Wells!"Charlotte shouted making everyone get quiet and face her, confused."I did!"
"Oh, God!"Althea shouted as she finally got a clear way and cut the rope around Murph's neck leaving him fall on the ground.
She ran to Bellamy's side and both looked at s crying Charlotte terrified.
"Shit."Althea muttered not knowing how else to reach to what she just heard.
Guess who had a major writer's plot for this chapter?
So this is like twelve minutes of the show but a lot happen plus I liked the ending with Charlotte confessing and everything.
Don is a character I randomly invented and I don't know if he will make another appearance or everything and I don't fit him with any actor really.
Althea and Bellamy are getting closer and I'm here for it!Althea and Clarke were cute at the beginning but Clarke was hurt that Althea took Bellamy's side and not hers.An I love Belthea and Clarthea so much!!!!!
Also flirty Belthea is just abfjenwiwj
Anyways I don't have my schedule ready yet but I will soon I promise!Wish me luck for Sunday because I'm having an interview to be accepted into the debate's team of my school!Fingers crossed!
Any Reign fans out there?If you are and you want to, please check out my Reign book called Love and War with Bash as love interest.
I hope someone still reads this book lmao.
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