《Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy Blake》5| I Trust You


Right out the gate, Bellamy held a knife to Cattleya's neck. "Octavia may trust you but I don't. Pull one stunt and I will kill you." He sneered at her face. "And don't act like you don't understand me because I know you do." Cattleya rolled her eyes. Even if she wanted to kill Bellamy, she wouldn't. Her hands were still tied together, and plus, Cattleya gave her word to Octavia. "Which direction do we go in?" Bellamy lowered the knife and allowing Cattleya to study the ground. She was looking for footprints or for any area on the ground that was most disturbed. The leaves to the right of her were squished into the soil. They had to have gone right.

Cattleya began to walk to their right until Bellamy gripped her arm again. What was his problem? Cattleya groaned at him. "That's not how we're going to do things. You're gonna tell me which direction we're going in." Bellamy wanted her to talk. Cattleya had stayed quiet for nearly a whole week and Bellamy was tired of her bullshit. They glared into each others eyes. Cattleya smirked at Bellamy, she was angering him, and she was wasting no ones time but his.

Cattleya nudged her head to the right to tell him which direction to go in. At this point, Bellamy didn't have time for this so he let it go for now. He had bigger things to worry about right now. They stalked off to the right of the woods. Both remained quiet as they followed Murphy's path and nightfall was beginning to approach. Cattleya looked up at the pink and orange sky as she inhaled a breath of fresh air. Being in the Dropship for a week, Cattleya had missed the fresh air and all the colors- "What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy said. "You're tracking what's on the ground, not in the sky."

"Fuck you." Cattleya sneered under her breathe.

"Speak up." Bellamy commanded. Cattleya was done with his attitude.

"Fuck you." Cattleya sneered in his face. Bellamy forced Cattleya to look at him.

"I don't have time for your shit. It's either we find her first or Murphy does and kills her and then I kill you. So find Charlotte." He hissed. Cattleya realized then just how desperate he really was. It was an all too familiar feeling. Maybe Bellamy thought of Charlotte as a sibling. He felt responsibility to protect her. She could at least understand that. Bellamy saw the change of emotion in her eyes as she nodded in understanding.

By the time nightfall came, Cattleya and Bellamy began to hear the rowdy voices of Murphy and his friends. Cattleya spotted a flicker of light through the trees. "Charlotte! You can't hide forever!" Cattleya and Bellamy turned their head in direction Murphy's voice came from. They're getting closer. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you!" Murphy taunted. Cattleya saw movement in distance.

"Bellamy. There's movement ahead." Bellamy squinted his eyes in the darkness trying to see the figure.

"It's Charlotte." He gasped. Bellamy began to run toward Charlotte with his grip still on Cattleya.

"I can't run." Bellamy groaned and quickly untied the rope between Cattleya's feet then continued to run after Charlotte.

Bellamy grabbed Charlotte by the waist and attempted to take her further away from Murphy. It didn't help when Charlotte wasn't making any attempt to be quiet. "Let me go!"

"I'm trying-" Charlotte squirmed in Bellamy's arms until he put her back down on the ground. "Hey, hey. I'm trying to help you." Bellamy said.


"I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me! I'm over here!" Charlotte shouted. Murphy and his friends shouted with joy. Cattleya wanted to slap the girl for being so stupid! She came all the way out here to help her and she didn't even want it!

"Are you trying to get us both killed!" Bellamy hissed to her.

"Just go, okay? I'm the one they want." She argued. They could hear Murphy getting closer.

"Stop fucking around, Charlotte! He's trying to help you." Cattleya stressed. Bellamy grasped onto Charlotte's shoulders.

"Okay, Charlotte, listen to me. I won't leave you." Bellamy sincerely said.

"Please, Bellamy." Charlotte begged but Bellamy didn't care. He threw Charlotte over his shoulder and carried her away. "Murphy, I'm over here!"

"Come on out, Charlotte! Come on out!" Murphy taunted.

Bellamy ran as fast as he could with Charlotte protesting and squirming over his shoulder, only to be caught in a dead end. They met the edge of a cliff. They could all hear the river at the bottom. "Charlotte!" Murphy shouted.

"Put me down!" Charlotte said. Bellamy did as he was told because he had no other choice to. They had no where else to go. No where else to run.

"Charlotte!" Murphy and his friends emerged from the wood. Bellamy created a protective shield with Charlotte behind his body. "Damn it, Bellamy! You can't fight all of us. Give her up." Murphy had them surrounded. Bellamy looked down at the rushing water.

"Maybe not, but I guarantee I'll take a few of you with me." Bellamy said.

"Bellamy! Stop!" Clarke and Finn ran out from the woods. "This has gone too far. Just calm down. We'll talk about this." Clarke said before Murphy snatched her and held a knife to her neck.

Cattleya slyly took Bellamy's knife, from his other pocket, and prepared to aim for Murphy's head. She was starting to regret saving his life. "I'm sick of listening to you talk." Murphy sneered in Clarke's ear.

"Let her go." Finn and Cattleya said in unison. Murphy's eyes lit up when he heard Cattleya.

"Oh! Is the Grounder bitch trying to be the hero? Are you actually trying to be the good guy!" Murphy laughed but she didn't care.

"I guess you don't know who saved your life today." Cattleya replied.

"I will slit her throat." Murphy threatened.

"No, please!" Charlotte begged Murphy. "Please don't hurt her."

"Don't hurt her? Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go." Clarke shook her head against Murphy's offer.

"Don't do it, Charlotte. Don't do it." Clarke pleaded. Charlotte began to walk toward Murphy, offering herself to him. Bellamy still had a protective stance on Charlotte and he pushed her back before she could move any closer to Murphy.

"No! No, I have to! Murphy, this is not happening. I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did." Charlotte jumped off the cliff without a second thought. Cattleya wish she could she was surprised but she wasn't. Guilt always consumes people. Charlotte was no exception to that.

As sad at the situation was, Cattleya had no pity for the young girl. She knew many girls her age that had sacrifice themselves in battle. Great warriors who have died at the hands of their enemy. Charlotte was no warrior but she respected her for telling the truth. So with each death, her people said the all too familiar words. "Your fight is over." Cattleya said under Clarke's crying.


In a blink of an eye, Bellamy was up and punching Murphy's face into the ground. Cattleya watched the events unfold in but didn't intervene because she felt it wasn't her place too. Yet, they were all kids, with the possible exception of Bellamy, still trying to figure themselves out, as well as, their new environment. They had no idea what they wanted other than to survive. But, Cattleya knew all to well that surviving and living are two very different things. She had nearly died trying to survive everyday until she realized what was she surviving for?

"For now, we make the rules. Okay?" Clarke stated.

"So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" Bellamy said.

"No! We banish him."

"Get up." Bellamy picked Murphy off the ground by the collar of his jacket. "If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here. Understand?" He threw Murphy back on ground and faced his friends. "As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die. Your choice. " And with that, he snatched the stolen knife from Cattleya's tied hands and tugged her along into the woods.

Cattleya didn't say a word to Bellamy on their walk back to camp. She wanted to give him space, but he was the one who broke the silence. "Why did you save Murphy?"

"Because he was innocent."

"How did you know that? You don't even know anything about him."

"I recognized that look he had in his eyes and-"

"So you based it all on some damn eyes? What if your were wrong? What if you let some killer lose?" He mocked.

"I was right, and yes, I base it off some eyes. He wasn't the one who killed Wells."

"Is that some tactic you Grounders do?"

"No, it's something I do." She corrected him. Bellamy studied the Grounder. He thought the Grounders would be more different. More aggressive and animalistic, but she wasn't like that at all. Or maybe she was pretending not to be.

"What about Jasper? He was innocent and you speared him."

"I didn't throw the spear and I wasn't going to let him die." Cattleya corrected Bellamy, again. "I'm not some heartless bitch, you people think I am."

"Maybe not, but your people are."

"You don't even know my people. And you're people are gonna end up killing each other before my people even get the chance to. So, I suggest you start getting your priorities straight." She said. Bellamy didn't care what she thought or believed in, he wasn't going to let some Grounder bitch tell him how to run his camp. He was going to learn everything he could about the Grounders, and he knew the person the woman trusted most in the camp.

Clarke and Bellamy had explained to their people what had happened to Murphy. No one asked about Charlotte because they had already assumed she was dead.

Cattleya sat alone on the third level of the Dropship with her feet tied back together. Bellamy had order one of his people to tie her back up in the Dropship before heading to his tent with two girls. He had much better things to do than to worry about some Grounder tonight.

Cattleya closed her eyes and didn't bother to open them as she heard the hatch open."Here." An unfamiliar voice said from beside her. Cattleya looked up and saw Miller with a wet cloth and meat on a stick. Cattleya raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why?" She asked him. Millers eyes slightly widen; this had been the first time she'd talk to him. He shook his head clearing his thoughts.

"Bellamy told me to give this to you for helping with Charlotte. Look, are you going to take it or not?" She reached out for the wet cloth first and cleaned the dirt and the rest of the black paint off her face. Then she traded the cloth for the meat. Miller positioned himself across the Grounder studying her as she ate.

"What? Did Bellamy tell you to watch me eat too?" She asked Miller in between chews. "Tell Bellamy the meat is too cooked."


"The meat is too cooked." Miller only stared at her. "Leave a little pink in the middle, it'll be easier to chew, and in my opinion, taste better."

"I thought pink meat, was bad meat?" Cattleya smiled; they really didn't know anything.

"That's for mainly birds, but pork, beef and other meats and fishes can be pink and still safe to eat." Miller nodded and Cattleya went back to eating.

"Your look different than I expected." He said sincerely. "I thought you would be-"

"Deformed? Ugly?" Miller nodded his head. "Sorry to disappoint." They fell into silence. Miller kept bouncing his leg and she knew he was just dying to know. "Just ask already."

"Did Murphy kill Charlotte?" He said, Cattleya shook her head no.

"She jumped off the cliff." She explained. Millers eyes widened.

"Do you think he'll come back?"

"Not with the way Bellamy looked at him."

"The Grounders will probably-" the Dropship shook and roar echoed inside.

"What is that?" Cattleya asked. Miller quickly made his way down the ladder leaving Cattleya alone again. She could hear the faint sound of chattering from outside the Dropship then footsteps climbing up the ladder. It was Octavia. "What's happening?"

"A pod fell from the Ark." Octavia explained as she untied her. "And you're coming with us to find it."

"What makes you think I'd help you? And what's a pod?" Cattleya asked.

"Just come, I have something to show you. Come with me." Octavia said leading her out the Dropship and to her tent. Cattleya did her best to stay out Bellamy's sight.

"They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some Grounder ass." Someone commented. Cattleya rolled her eyes as she made her way through the crowd.

"Yeah!" Someone else said.

Cattleya heard flapping from a tent near her and saw two girls step out of Bellamy's tent only having a blanket to cover their bodies.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." A brown haired girl said. Cattleya rolled her eyes and looked back up to the sky studying the path the ship made. There was large chance it landed near the river.

They finally made it to Octavia's tent. "We need to pack for a day trip, just in case." Octavia said frantically packing her bag. "Oh!" Octavia reached under her makeshift bed and took out Cattleya's dagger strap with both daggers in place.

"My daggers!" Cattleya quickly strapped the belt around her waist, each dagger at a hip. Cattleya smiled feeling whole once again.

"You're lucky I saved them instead of Bellamy." Octavia noticed Cattleya's furrowed eyebrows. "I trust you. That's why I'm asking you to come with us." Octavia picked up her back pack and left out of her tent immediately running into Bellamy and Miller.

"If it cleared the ridge than it's probably near the river." Miller stated.

"We should get moving." Octavia walked along Bellamy's side, Cattleya following behind. "Everyone's ready."

"No one's going anywhere." He commanded both Miller and Octavia. "Not while it's dark it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Pass the word." Octavia stood in front of Bellamy blocking his way.

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw this thing come down. What if the Grounders get to it first?" She argued. "Bell, we should go now." But Bellamy was being stubborn.

"I said we wait till sunrise." Cattleya didn't understand why Bellamy would want to wait until first light? Octavia was right, her people would get to it first.

It was then that Bellamy noticed Cattleya out of the Dropship, again. "And to make sure you wait," he grabbed onto Cattleya's arm. "She's staying away from you. She shouldn't even be out here."

Bellamy lead Cattleya away to a tent. "Let go of me!" Cattleya snatched her arm back.

"What the fuck is she doing in here?" One of the naked girls asked clearly disgusted.

"Calmed down, Roma." Bellamy said grabbing a weapon.

"Bellamy, what the hell am I doing here?" Cattleya asked. Bellamy looked over at the Grounder annoyed until realizing the daggers at her sides.

"Who gave you those?" He asked sternly.

"Who do you think?" She smirked. Bellamy reached for her dagger belt but Cattleya already had one to his neck. "Touch them again and I will slit your throat." Then she heard a click and then something pressed against her stomach. Cattleya looked down and saw Bellamy aiming a metal machine at her center. She assumed it was the same machine that injured her shoulder.

"Do it, I dare you to." They both oddly shared a small smirk. One wrong move and either one of them would be dead. Roma narrowed her eyes at the Grounder woman, upset at how close Bellamy and the Grounder stood near each other. Roma loudly cleared her throat.

"Where are you going, Bellamy?" She asked.

"Nowhere important." Bellamy said without breaking his looking with Cattleya. They both put away their weapons. Not tonight.

Bellamy grasped onto Cattleya's arm again and lead her back out his tent. Cattleya snatched her arm back, again. But Bellamy aggressively grabbed onto it again, only to have her snatch it back more forcefully.

"No, tell me where we're going?"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. You're too important for that right now."

"You wouldn't be able to anyways." Cattleya mocked. "Tell me where we're going?" Bellamy stayed quiet. "Now!"

"Shut up!" He hissed. "I'll tell you once we're outside of the walls."

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