《Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy Blake》1| People from the Sky


They were crouched behind a tree, hunting down the deer. The young woman reached in her right-side pocket, careful not to make any noise, and gripped her dagger in the palm of her right hand. But on the same side of her, her hunting partner aimed his spear towards the head of the deer.

It was a game for the two of them and she was determined to get the deer first. The woman effortlessly threw her dagger at the deer's head, only for the deer to move in suddenly panic as a roar echoed through the sky.

The woman and her partner looked up to the sky to find where the noise was coming from. They watched as the simmering object landed yards away from where they stood. The woman rose from her crouched position and went to retrieve her dagger, that had foolishly stabbed its way into a tree.

Her partner, Xerxes, pointed up towards the trees. They each began to climb up a tree. Jumping from branch to branch, they neared the metal containment. Neither said a word but they both thought the same thing: what was in their land? And whatever it was, costed them another meal.

They watched from the trees waiting for the containment doors to open. A young dark haired girl slowly stepped forward onto their land. The girl inhaled deeply and exhaled out slowly. "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!" She shouted. Well, at least they know they speak English. That was an advantage already. Then the other young kids rushed out of the containment, ready to explore the ground ahead of them.

They all jumped and shouted and made unwanted noise over their arrival on Earth. Why are they here? They came down from the sky but why come back down?

The woman began to turn toward camp, where their people resided at the moment, until she heard the yellow haired girl talk about the mountain. "Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See. Look? This is us." She said pointing at the map she held in her hands. "This is where we need to get to if we want to survive." She stated.

No! They will alert and lead the Mountain Men here if they cross the boarder to the mountain. They could cause a war and no clan has ever won against the Mountain Men. The woman knew she had to warn Anya, her leader in command of the camp. The Sky people will cross the boundary between the Mountain Men and her people. The woman, again, turned toward her camp to warn Anya. Xerxes began to follow after her but, he was better use here. She wanted him to make sure the Sky People didn't do anything reckless.


"Stay with Sky People. Make sure they don't cross to the mountain." She ordered Xerxes in their language. "I'll report this to Anya." Xerxes nodded his head in agreement and carefully returned to his post. The woman raced back to her horse and rode back to camp to warn Anya before the Sky People cross the boundary.

Without introduction, the woman walked straight into Anya's tent. "Anya, we have...Sky People residing on the east side of the mountain."

"Sky People?"

"The stories are true. They fell from the sky in a metal containment. They plan to cross over to the mountain."


"Tonight. The latest: the morning."

"Where is Xerxes?"

"He's stationed over the Sky People to make sure they don't cross our boundary."

"Good. Remain on post with Xerxes. I will report this to Heda in Polis." The woman nodded before dismissing herself from Anya. The woman is Anya's second along with another, Tris. However, Tris was much younger and hadn't finished training. But, she was determined and that's greatly valued in any warrior.

The woman neared the circle where the warriors were sparring. Tris was currently in the center; the women watched the young girl duck down as another young warrior flung his arm at her. She then proceeded to do a flip backwards, kicking her opponent in the face in the process. Her opponent fell to the ground. The audience cheered in response as Tris offered her hand to her fallen opponent.

The young girl's face lit up when she saw the women among the audience. Tris raced to hug her. "I thought you were out hunting?" Tris asked.

"I was but something came up and Anya just assigned me to a new mission."

"When will I be assigned to a mission?" Tris pouted.

"Trust me, this mission's no fun. Don't worry, one day you'll have your own missions and they'll be more important than mine. Or less." The woman joked making Tris smiled at her. "I have to go Tris, nightfall is coming." Tris gave the woman one last hug before running off to her tent. The woman hurried to gather the weapons and rations she and Xerxes needed for the night.

She had reached the start of the woods until Tris had stopped her. Tris handed the women a chained necklace with metal wiring wrapped around a blue stone. The woman gasped at how beautiful the necklace was. "It's beautiful. Did you make this?" The young girl nodded with pride.


"Now we have matching ones. See," Tris showed her hers.

"Well, I'll wear mine until my death." She tied the necklace around her neck and kissed Tris' forehead before climbing up a tree.

Tris looked up from the ground as the woman made her way up to the tree top. She excitedly waved goodbye as they woman turned back to wave goodbye back.

She took the nightshift since Xerxes kept an eye on the Sky People all morning. The woman smiled as the the forest glowed at night; this was always her favorite place in the woods. There were five Sky People in the glow forest; only three were asleep. The yellowed haired girl and a dark long haired boy remained awake.

The woman smiled as they crouched down studying an animal print in front of them. "You have to see this. That's a toe. Plus, near as I can tell, whatever it is, it's walking on two feet. My guess....monkeys." The long haired boy stated. The woman refrained a laugh from the tree top.

"I'm sorry. It's just according to everything I've read, there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys." She woman raised an eyebrow. They read about their home. Just like her people tell stories about the people who lived in the sky. Except, her people knew nothing about the sky and their people seemed to have studied somethings about hers.

The woman eventually stopped listening to the Sky People and looked up at the night sky. It was marvelous at night. She had always wondered what it would be like to live in the sky. A world with no war. Only the moon, you and the stars.

it wasn't long before the remaining Sky people fell asleep, but the tree women stayed awake keeping her post. She positioned herself on the tree branch so when the sun rose, she would be able to see all the beautiful colors it made in the sky

As soon as the sun rose, the woman woke up Xerxes to start his shift for the remaining morning. Xerxes was not amused by the amount of noise the Sky People were making. In fact, he found them quite idiotic for believing the Mountain Men could actually help them. The Mountain Men are the enemy. If the Mountain Men found their camps, everyone will be gone. Never had the Tree People ever defeated the Mountain Men. If they cross the boundary, he'd have to kill them.

He watched as the Sky People played with a thick tree vine. Xerxes saw a lanky, black haired boy, with an odd object around his head, wrap his arms around the vine. The boy stepped back and jumped onto the vine as he swung across the river. He had landed on the mountain.

The woman lazily opened her eyes as she heard the cheers of the Sky People down below. She was unsure of what they were cheering for, but she saw Xerxes hold his spear high in his hand. The woman's eyes widen as she realized a boy had crossed the boundary and Xerxes was aiming to kill him. "Xerxes, no-" She hissed at him but it was too late. Xerxes had thrown the spear at the boy's chest. "They know that we're here now." The woman stated. "We just lost an advantage we had."

The woman watched as the Sky People crouched down for any more spears. "We're not alone." The yellow haired girl said. The Sky People quickly ran back to their camp as Xerxes and the tree women crossed the river to the speared boy.

"Grab moss." The woman ordered Xerxes. She dragged the boy's body out of view of the other Sky people before carefully taking the spear out of his chest. The Sky boy screamed out in pain. She turned to Xerxes for the moss but her hand nothing at hand. "What are you doing I need moss." Xerxes only like at her with a raised eyebrow. She went to go grab it herself and quickly placed it on his wound to soak up the blood and stop the bleeding.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"We need to find some red leaves." She said ignoring his question.

"You're trying to heal him? We don't need to heal him. We can use him for bait."

"Bait? Bait, for what?"

"Our hunt."

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