《Coding His Heart // dreamnotfound》twenty four
What the hell. Why did this have to happen now? It's summer for fucks sake. It's the time He and George were supposed to grow together.. not part paths.
The slamming of the door stuck in the blondes head. Every time he heard a door slam his whole body would shiver. Causing that tight feeling in the back of his throat as he held the tears back.
If George could have slowed down.. taken just half a second to listen. They could be together having fun adventures. However, the two were anything but happy and loving.
As Dream continued to sulk in his heart break he heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in.." he sniffed as he wiped his face with his sleeves.
"Hey Dreamy Boy.. I'm sorry you and George didn't work out. But I'm glad I can be here for you." Eret said softly as he entered the room. A cup of hot tea in hand, along with a slick smile.
The blonde shook his head quickly. "It's not that.. he's just dealing with some stuff and we needed a break from living with each other."
The taller male sat next to Dream and handed him the cup with hot liquid. His hands then found their way to his back. One even slipping lower to gently rest on the blondes thigh. "Whatever you say.."
Without a second thought, Dream leaned into the touch. Was he really going to ruin what he had with George like this?
"Eret." He said quietly as he looked away from the taller male.
"Yes love?" He beamed as his hands began to get more and more brave. One resting on his lower back and the other closer to his pelvis.
The blondes breath hitched as he thought where things could go right now and if this is what he really wanted. "Do you think I could borrow your phone a minute? Mine is dead."
He sighed and moved his hands off of Dream and had yet to answer the blonde.
Dream looked back to where Eret was last sitting but he wasn't there. Suddenly he felt two hands on his knees and his legs being pushed apart.
"What the hell are you doing?" Dream questioned as he quickly set the cup down.
The taller laughed. "Look, I know this is what you wanted. Are you going to let me please you or do I have to beg?" Eret smiled as he fiddled with Dreams belt.
Unsure if this is what he wanted, Dream placed a hand on the others, and scooted back on the bed some to gain a little space.
"Look.. I'm not really in the mood. Plus I still.." he was quickly cut off with a swift movement that caused a gasp to escape his lips. Eret's hand had cupped his groan and began to rub small circles with his thumb.
"You obviously are. And don't tell me you think this thing you have with George will work out. All you two had was a friends with benefits deal and you can't tell me otherwise."
Dream bit his lip harshly as he tried keeping the moans from coming out. However, the anger from Eret's previous statement made him scoff. "Bullshit."
Progressing further, Eret went ahead and unbuckled his belt and threw it to the ground. "Is that so? Then tell me, what do you have with him?"
Moving further on the bed to get away wasn't working, and Dream didn't want to get physical. "I fucking love him ok? And you obviously don't know how to take hints because I don't want this." He said pushing his hands away once again.
Eret scoffed, "Oh sure. But when he doesn't want your ass back don't even think of reaching out to me." He said angrily as he stood up quickly and walked out.
The blonde sighed as he jumped out of the bed and grabbed his stuff. Getting out as quick as he could.
Sitting in the train station Dream looked at the dozens of people, then his phone. Which wasn't actually dead, it had nearly half its charge.
If only he could find George and just make things right..
But he did overreact to the situation.. Even acted like he didn't want anything to do with him.. going as far as accusing him of feelings for his best friend, Nick.
Should I call him?
Back and forth with himself for a few minutes, Dream finally decided to try and call the brunette.
He quickly walked to a more private area. Making sure no one was near and if they were that his voice was soft enough they couldn't hear.
The phone rang and rang for a good 30 seconds till it went to voicemail. Sighing, the blonde worked up the courage to leave him a message.
"Hey George it's me.. Cl- I mean Dream. Uh I just wanted to know if you were ok. And if you're still mad. Shit there's no chance you've forgiven me." He went on.
Again, he had this tight feeling in his throat as he held the tears which threatened to fall at any second. Dream had been doing so well but now.. he's at the breaking point.
"..Look I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't realize what it looked like and in all honesty I thought you were just overreacting. Please George.. call me. I'm sorry." He pushed the red button to end his message and tossed his phone in his bag.
He made a deal with himself.
If he didn't hear anything from George in a day, he'd go back home.
Back to Florida.
But if George made a sign that this wasn't over in anyway, he'd stay. But only for 24 hours.
Picking up his bags again, Dream headed out to find a hotel he could crash at for the night. Or until he heard from George.
Once checked into some cheap little hotel, Dream made himself at home quickly. After that incident with Eret, the blonde was worn out.
Falling on his back onto the bed, his eyes fell shut.
Exhausted, sad, and anxious.
Shifting in the bed, George could feel his back ache. For whatever reason the bed just wasn't as comfortable as normal.
The brunette slowly but surely rolled out of bed, starting his normal morning routine. But something was missing.
After getting out of the shower, George carefully opened the door, checking that no one had entered while he was preoccupied.
No one.
He threw on a fresh set of clothes and sat down to fix his mess of hair. While at his desk he checked his notifications.
Someone called me?
Curious, he tapped the notification and read who left it. His heart ached and twisted at the identification.
"Message from: dreamy <3."
Unsure of what he could possibly want, he went ahead and played the message. It was long, but George wasn't worried. It was probably just a sorry excuse for his actions.
After listening to the voicemail, George's face began to heat up. His eyes watering and lips quivering.
"What the hell is wrong with you." He said to himself as he wiped away the few tears that had escaped.
Could he really forgive him?
Could he trust Dream again?
Would he chance throwing a years worth of feelings, growth.. and love away.
The day passed by quickly, and it was rapidly approaching the deadline to the deal he had with himself.
No matter how much he wanted to stay, there's no point if he couldn't be with George. George was the only reason he was here anymore. It didn't matter if he dropped out of university.. as long as he had George.
Unfortunately, with one mistake Dream threw away everything.
He hesitated as he pulled his phone out. Going online to purchase his ticket.
This was it.
Your purchase has been made, Thank you!
It seemed like a dark cloud hung over the blondes head after that. He took a quick shower in his hotel room before leaving.
His plane was set to leave at 9:30 pm, it was just now 8.
"Fuck" he cursed out loud as he caught one last train to the airport. Normally traveling was a fun and exciting thing to do.
But when you're leaving with such a bad taste in your mouth it's hard to think positively.
It seemed like time was moving all too quickly as he entered the airport doors. Navigating through the crowd to get to his gate was an adventure.
Dream was taller than most of the people so it wasn't too bad. But it still made him uncomfortable having to weave in and out of hoards of people.
His phone read 9:15, just in time for him to grab a quick drink before getting on the metal bird. Dream felt nervous. Nervous as to what his family would say when he wouldn't come back for school in a couple months.
As he sat with a coffee, he checked his phone once more.
If George really wanted this to work out he would have made that known. But Dreams heart ached at the thought of never seeing him again.
Or never hearing his soft voice again.
Or never feeling his warm skin again.
"You stupid idiot. You think you can just leave like that?"
Dream quickly picked his head up and looked around. The voice, oh so familiar. Though the sadness and anger behind it was evident.
Then, he saw him. Only a few feet away was the brunette. Wearing one of his old sweaters, cheeks and nose rosey. His eyes also red probably from crying.
"George?" Dream said as he slowly stood up.
However the brunette quickly turned away. Nearly sprinting towards the door.
Dream wasn't sure what was happening.. but his plane was leaving..
But George..
The blonde took his bags and chased him. Just like one of those cheesy romantic movies.
Once out the door, the sky was grey and had begun pouring rain.
"I can't believe you were just going to leave. How stupid are you?" The brunette called as he stood in the cold rain.
Dream dropped his belongings and slowly approached the shorter male. Not too close just yet. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. I figured I'd just finish school back home."
George shook his head and finally smiled. "I want to be with you. I want to be yours, Clay."
Shocked by the use of his real name, Dream got closer, looking down at the soaking wet brunette.
"So be mine. I'm sorry George for everything-" he was quickly cut off by the older crashing his lips on his. Dream immediately melted into the kiss. His hands resting perfectly on the others hips.
Standing on his tip toes, George wrapped his arms around the blondes neck as he deepened the kiss. Feeling the others body heat barely keep him from shivering.
After what seemed like the longest kiss the two had ever shared, George pulled away first. Looking up slightly while on hand rested on the blondes check.
"I.. I love you."
"I love you too."
* degradation, praise, overstimulation, cursing, shaming *
Unfortunately the university was way too far away to head back and get some rest after such an eventful day. But, Dream had accidentally booked his hotel room for two nights.
After a short trip on the train they had arrived back to the hotel room. Drenched and cold.
George tried to stay as close as he could to the other, stealing any warmth he could possibly feel. Dream didn't seem to mind and in fact held him tightly next to himself.
Once in the room, the blonde tossed his bags on the freshly made bed. Kicking his shoes to the side and plopping down on the end of the bed.
"Go ahead and shower, I'll take one after you." The blonde said as he tugged the clothes that clung to his slim figure. Showing any and every detail of his body.
The brunette nodded and followed his orders as he stepped into the bathroom. It was just an ordinary hotel bathroom. As he stripped his clothes he noticed he had.. became noticeably hard.
"Fuck.." he whispered to himself as he tried to figure out what he should do. The first option was obvious, take care of it himself. But where's the fun in that?
Twisting the door handle very gently, George peaked around to see where the other was. "Dream?"
The blonde had laid back on the bed but once hearing his name called he jumped up.
"What's wrong George?" He said softly as he started approaching the older male.
George bit his lip and quickly pulled the door almost completely closed. "Wait don't come here. Go sit down."
A little confused Dream returned to his spot on the bed. Watching the door carefully as he seen it slowly swing open.
There, a great view of George and his perfect little body. Skin so pale it reminded him of milk. And his hair, so perfectly laid without a ounce of effort or work needed.
He then left the cold bathroom and approached Dream. His unsure face quickly shifted to a mischievous smile. "You didn't think we'd leave here without trying the bed did you?" George said confidentiality.
Dream chuckled, his hands set on the others hips as he pulled him closer. Bringing the two in a much needed kiss.
The blonde had only taken his shirt off. But George wasted no time in removing the rest of his clothes.
"Stay right here." George smiled as he lowered his body. Now readily sitting on his knees. His small hands quickly found their way up dreams thighs and to the base of his cock.
Placing his soft lips on the tip, George began twisting and pumping his hands. Although he wanted to hear Dream moan as loud as possible, so he relocated on hand to his balls as well to stimulate him there.
"Fuck! George why are you so good." Dream groaned loudly. One hand gripped the bed sheets so tightly his knuckles turned white. The other ran through George's soft brown locks.
As the older carefully worked his way further down Dream's cock, the blonde had started to push his head a little more. Causing George to gag just a tiny bit. However he moaned to create more stimulation.
Dreams head fell back, mouth hung open as soft moans and grunts left his chest. "Such a whore for my dick aren't you?" He said lowly as he smirked.
George moaned loudly. Fuck, his words made his own cock twitch and ache from being unattended. But he was right.. he was so right.
The blonde seen the other slow down some and began to touch himself to relieve his own pain. However Dream had different plans.
"I didn't say you could touch yourself. Don't you listen? Or are you a pathetic little slut?" Dream said harshly as he pushed the brunettes head faster and further on his own.
George moaned yet again, though it hurt him not to touch himself, he wanted Dream to keep this up. Pulling his mouth off completely he looked up to the blonde. "Let me ride." He said softly, some tears rolling down his cheeks.
A soft laugh left his chest, but it quickly grew louder. "You think you deserve to ride me? You've barely made me close. Finish what you started. Or are you a little bitch?"
The brunettes body shivered as he heard those words leave Dream lips. Fuck.. why did this turn him on more?
Just as Dream demand, the older got busy and returned to his original position. This time not stopping until he tasted Dream as he finished.
Moans repeatedly left the blonde as he pulled George's hair every once in awhile, as of praising him for his good work.
"Shit, you might actually manage to make me cum." Dream smirked as he started pushing his hips upwards to meet George's bobbing halfway.
At this point George had a few more tears roll down as he tried his best to get Dream to his climax.
It didn't take much more till he left Dream's cock twitch one last time, shortly followed with the blondes warm seed filling his mouth.
Pulling off he made sure to look the blonde right in his eyes as he swallowed it all.
"That's right, swallow it all you little slut. Now come here." Dream ordered as he pulled George up off his knees and into his lap.
"Don't be useless, get on." He said as he held George's hips carefully.
Already exhausted, George draped his arms around the blondes neck as he lifted his body, positioning himself in just the right angle. He then slowly lowered his body as a shaky moan left his lips.
"So big." George said quietly as he rocked his hips gently. Resting his forehead on Dream's shoulder as he slowly picked up his speed.
Dream smirked as he held onto the brunettes hips. "Yeah? Too big or are you going take it like my little slut?"
George mumbled as he pulled his body up again, slamming all of his weight down earring a loud moan from the blonde. "Fuck, you're so good at riding my cock." Dream moaned.
After shifting to see the blondes face George smirked. "You're going to make me- oh fuck!" George quickly covered his mouth. Dream had wrapped one of his hands around his cock. Pumping and playing with his tip.
"Don't be shy. I want to hear you moan — you know I love the way you moan." Dream panted as he felt his stomach twist as he slowly approached his climax again.
Hearing those words alone could have made George come but he held it off. God knows Dream would give him hell if he came without permission.
The two worked together to get each other to their climax. Moans, heavy breaths, and swearing filled the room. Some may even consider this makeup sex.
After a few minutes of consistent team work, Dream looked at George, pushing the hair off his sweaty face. "Are you close baby?"
George could barely form a sentence, but after mustering up the strength he answered. "Yes- fuck yes I'm so close I can barely hold it." He nearly yelled.
The blonde chuckled as his hand worked harder on George, helping him first to his climax.
One loud moan left the brunette as his body shook slightly. However Dream continued to use his body until he met his high yet again.
The overstimulation from Dream's continued use of his body could have made George cum again.
"You did so great, and the noises you made for me? Fuck I could come again just listening to you. But lets get cleaned up now ok?" Dream said with a smile as he stood up, George still in the same position.
The other clung onto Dream as he relocated them both to the bathroom. Once there he set George on the counter and pulled out.
A soft whimper from the brunette as he felt empty from the absence of Dreams cock. However he seen the look in his eyes, there was definitely more to come.
While working on getting the water just the right temperature, George managed to sneak behind the other. As he stood up the brunette rested one hand on the blonde lower stomach.
"Oh?" Dream smirked as he turned around, pushing his own sweaty hair out of his face.
"What can I say? I can't get enough of you." George smirked.
The two again met for a sweet long kiss. One that seemed to last for hours yet not long enough. Eventually the two took it into the showers and continued from there.
Finally. All the decorations, clothing, extra food and any other personal belongings had been packed and set outside the door.
The long awaited summer break had officially started. Dream and George took a few trips bringing their bags down.
George smiled as he closed the trunk of the car the two rented, and leaned into the blondes warm embrace. "I can't wait to see our place." He said as his arms wrapped around Dreams waist.
Returning the same affection, Dream slipped his hands a little further. A small pinch to the brunettes bottom as a tease.
Five moons rise over Evanir, each in her own cycle, and each moon is also a god, one of five sisters. Many gods create spirit attendants and companions, brought forth fully-formed. Long ago, the moons worked together to create a lineage that are, instead, humans transformed by the mingling of blood. They intended them to be long-lived and to draw their strength directly from the light of the moon who chose each individual. The five sisters had different goals in mind – one wanted it to be a blessing for scholars and artists, to give them more time and fewer physical distractions; another wanted them to have an animal form, different for each, to keep them more in tune with nature so they could serve as guardians of the wilderness. There are drawbacks to their children having human lives and personalities before being chosen: not all share the goals of their divine mothers, and some choose to put their gifts to darker uses. Those carrying the blood of one woman, fleeing the corruption in search of a quiet life, take a different path. -=-=-=-=- Moonblood isn't so much a novel as a series of adventures of varying length. They involve a core group of people, which does grow over time. They take place in a fairly low-magic world, but despite that, our core cast are directly connected to the moons and have various abilities, including limited shapeshifting to a single individual animal form. As with all my work, unless gender, orientation, or other aspects of sexuality are explicitly stated, I suggest not making assumptions. Probably most significant, I think, is a major trans character who appears about 80K words in - no spoilers, just a note for those who care about that one way or the other.
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