《stalker || harry styles》9
I awoke the following morning with a pounding headache and instant regrets.
As I fought to blink my eyes open, I nearly screamed realizing I wasn't in my bed. Where the fuck was I? Please tell me I didn't go home with somebody. As I began to panic, the bedroom door creaked open and in popped Harry. Please lord. Please tell me we didn't sleep together. Though I was relieved to see a familiar face, I in no way wanted to have sex with him.
"Good morning sleepyhead. How ya feeling?" His voice was raspy and slower than normal, if that was even remotely possible. He was wearing pajamas, had two cups in either of his hands, and overall he just looked so much softer than normal. It suited him. I stared at him in disbelief for several moments, and only then did I notice I wasn't in my clothes, but was in fact in his. I was absolutely mortified, as I struggled to find the correct words. "We didn't, d-did we?"
Harrys face flushed, and he rapidly began shaking his head. "No, no, no. I promise." He handed me one of the cups, and I sighed in relief. "Why am I wearing your clothes then?" "You wanted something a bit more comfortable." He smiled and sat down on the available spot beside me, and sipped from his own cup. Bringing the mug to my lips, I was instantly filled with the warmth of chamomile tea. "Did you change me?" I mumbled into my mug.
Once more, his face heated up as he shook his head. "Uh I mean, kinda?" My eyes widened as I reached over and slapped his leg. "You pervert." His face was bright red at this point, as he jumped up from the bed. "No, wait. I didn't see anything, I just kind-" I cut him off by laughing, and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. "Harry, relax. I'm only toying with you. I appreciate you taking care of me." His demeanor immediately relaxed, as he sat beside me again. "Don't do that shit." He tried to look tough, but couldn't help himself from cracking a smile. "Where's the rest of the gang?" I asked, shuffling a bit. "Everybody went home last night besides Liam and Louis. They're both passed out on the couches downstairs."
I laughed lightly and took another sip from the tea. "What time is it?" "About nine-thirty." At least I didn't oversleep. I nodded, and stood from his bed; stretching in the process. "You feel sick at all?" He asked, setting his mug on his bedside dresser. "Surprisingly, no. I have a small headache, but it's not bad at all." He looked a bit shocked as he nodded his head and crossed his arms. "Damn. Good for you. I mean, would you still like something to eat?" He offered, raising an eyebrow. "I could always eat, but I can cook." Harry laughed as he collected his mug from his dresser. "Don't be ridiculous. You're the guest."
I scoffed as I walked up beside him and pat his arm. "But I'm also a culinary major." "Let me attempt at least, and if I fail you can make up for me." I laughed again, but decided against arguing. "Fine. I guess I'll let you try."
As Harry prepared breakfast, the two of us made smalltalk. It was actually a nice change of pace for once, instead of the two of us constantly fighting with one another. I knew it wouldn't last, so I was soaking up this moment as much as possible. About thirty minutes after we came downstairs, Louis woke up; and Liam did about fifteen minutes after him. The four of us ate slowly, and talked about a bunch of random shit; and I had to admit that I loved it.
By the time we were all finished, it was half past eleven and I figured I should go home and freshen up a bit. "If you want Sam, you can come back over later? We were thinking of going swimming." Liam smiled at me, as he began to scrub at his dishes. Shrugging, I handed him my dish which he took from me. "Sure. If you don't mind." Louis wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me back into a hug. "Course not. You're part of the gang now. All you need is a tattoo." I laughed and playfully shoved him off me. "Not happening." I was deathly afraid of needles.
As my eyes trailed behind Louis, I noticed Harry was giving us a dirty look. Well his kindness sure doesn't last long. "Just get freshened up, and come back whenever you're ready." Liam smiled, and I returned it. "Can I get my things from your room?" I looked back at Harry, whose cold expression softened. What the fuck was his problem? "Yeah of course."
He began to walk up the stairs, and I slowly followed after him. Upon entering his room, I noticed my clothes had all been folded and placed neatly on his desk, along with my shoes, bracelet and rings. "Here you go." Handing them to me, I thanked him and followed him back downstairs to where my purse was. "I'll see you guys in a bit!" Waving to them, they all smiled back and I quickly hurried across the street. I was a bit mortified to see a dried wet patch near the front of their driveway, as I recalled vomiting there last night. Harry must've cleaned it up.
Upon entering my house, I sighed in relief and made my way upstairs. I took my time in the shower, and scrubbed away at all the dirt and grime. My hair was surprisingly not a disaster, however my makeup was. I had a lot of confidence though, and didn't care if I looked like a mess around them. It's not like I had feelings for any of them, so I truly didn't mind how bad I looked. In all honesty, the only feelings I had were small ones for Zayn. As much as I loved Niall, and knew he'd be a great boyfriend; I never felt anything more than friendly toward him. They were all good looking guys as well, but they weren't boyfriend material. They'd make great guys for someone someday, that someone just wasn't me.
After feeling refreshed, and brushing my teeth; I exited my bathroom. It was now half past twelve, and I was shocked that I spent over an hour in the shower alone. I didn't bother drying my hair since it'd just get wet in a while anyways; and obviously I didn't need any makeup.
Dropping my towel from around my body, I changed into a swimsuit and slipped some clothes on over top. Throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper, I put away my rings and bracelet; and only then did I notice my necklace was not amongst my things. Fuck. That was my favorite one too. I brushed it off, for I was sure it was in Harry's room and I'd just grab it later.
I pulled my phone back off its charger, for I plugged it in when I got back, grabbed my keys and pool bag and headed downstairs. I slipped on a pair of flip flops, and grabbed a towel from our linens closet; before exiting my house and crossing back over to Liam's. He had texted me and asked me to go through the side gate, and as I did so; I immediately heard the loud music playing. As I rounded the corner, I laughed upon seeing Louis, Liam as well as Ashton and Luke in the pool. "Hi guys!" I waved, dropping my pool bag down on one of the outside cushioned benches they had. "Hi Sami!" Ashton waved to me, but was soon tackled into the water by Luke as he fought to climb onto his shoulders.
Laughing, I stripped from my clothes and walked over to the pools edge. I watched as Louis climbed out on the other side, and paid no mind to him as he walked to the outside fridge and pulled out a beer. "Where's the others?" I shouted over the music. Luke swam up to the edge of the pool, and peered up at me whilst his hair hung down in his face. Since all of the boys were shirtless, I could see all of their tattoos; and boy was there a lot. "Michael had business to tend to and Calum is hungover." "Where's Zayn?" I looked to Liam next, as he tossed a basketball in the water hoop they had. "Coming later, he had to run errands. We asked Niall too." I smiled, and thanked him; and as I turned to look at Louis; I noticed he was slowly creeping toward me. "Oh fuck no Louis." I laughed and ran away from him. "Come on Sam. Let's go for a swim love." He teased as he chased me around the pool.
I kept trying to get away from him, but he eventually caught up and ended up tackling the two of us into the pool together. I laughed as we came up from the water, and I playfully splashed Louis in his face. "You ass." I laughed, to which he just splashed me right back. Only then did I notice that Harry wasn't out here with us. "Where's Harry?" I asked, swimming over to Liam. "He went to grab us some more beer and pizza. He should be back soon." "Oh fuck, that reminds me. I left my necklace upstairs." "Go get it, I'm sure he won't mind." Thanking him, I swam to the edge and climbed out. Grabbing my towel, I wrapped it around myself and dried off fairly well before entering their house.
Tying off the towel so it wouldn't fall, I made my way up the stairs and into Harry's room. Luckily it was unlocked, and it was also clean so it should be easy to find my necklace.
I was expecting it to be near where my other clothes had been, but frowned when it wasn't there. "Where did he put it?" I mumbled to myself, as I began to search around his room. I didn't want to get into anything, but I was desperate to find it. I looked over to where I had taken it off, but it wasn't there either. I hope this fucker didn't steal it.
As I began to grow frustrated, I saw something shine out of the corner of my eye. It looked like it was coming from under his closet door, and dropping down to my hands and knees; I peered under the door. Sure enough, I saw my necklace glistening in the sunlight. This bitch. Rolling my eyes, I stood back up and yanked on the door handle. I kept trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Why the fuck would he lock a closet?
As I pounded on the door once more, a key fell from atop the doors ledge and crashed by my feet. Great hiding spot Harry. Scoffing, I bent down and collected the key in my hands. Bringing it up to the door, it luckily open and I stepped inside. Switching on the light, I began looking around for my necklace. His closet was an absolute disaster, but I knew that I'd seen it in here.
Finally, I was able to find it and as I was about to leave; I kicked something hard. "Fuck." Looking down, I noticed it was a sketchbook. Harry drew? Collecting it in my hands, I was curious to flip through it. He'd invaded my privacy, so it was only fair. As I began to flip through the pages, I felt my stomach begin to drop. Every single page was a drawing of me. My hands were shaky as I flipped through the pages, and I nearly screamed upon seeing a drawing of myself asleep. Next to it, was also a picture of me and I had no fucking idea how he'd taken it. Dropping the sketch book to the ground, I looked around his closet more, and as I pushed his clothes out of the way; I nearly screamed in horror. Pictures, sketches and various paintings of me littered the walls; and I was mortified. He even had some of my fucking clothes and items in here.
My head was spinning as I tried to process all of this. I slowly began to connect up all the dots and piece things together from over the years. Snapping my head to his desk, I studied the window and recalled the comment I made last night. When I jokingly accused him of spying on me, he freaked out. I felt as if I were about to have a panic attack, throw up, faint or all of the above. I needed to get the fuck out of here.
As I slowly closed Harry's closet door, I heard the front door slam shut and Harry's voice call out. "I've got the pizza lads!" I began to panic, as I quickly locked his closet door and ran over to where his desk chair was. Quickly picking it up, I set it down on the floor so I could reach where his key was previously and put it back. Carefully getting back down, I set the chair back in its original place; and as my hand gripped his doorknob to leave, he beat me to it from the other side.
I nearly screamed in fear, and immediately forced myself to laugh as I met his angry eyes. "Jesus you gave me a heart attack." I joked. "What the fuck were you doing in here?" I would usually question why he was being so defensive, but now I knew. He was fucking obsessive and crazy. I looked to him and laughed, trying hard to sound brave. I just had to play the part long enough to get the fuck out of here. "I left my necklace here, but I couldn't find it." His face softened a bit, as he walked into his room. "Did you touch any of my shit?" Rolling my eyes, I clutched the necklace tighter in my fist. "No, and calm down. Your shit is fine. Do you know where my locket is?" I was desperate at this point in trying to convince him, for I was terrified. "No, and don't come in here again without fucking asking me!" He snapped, his jaw clenching. "Whatever Harry. No need to be such a dick about it." Rolling my eyes, I walked away from him and down the stairs.
The minute I was outside however, I rushed over to my bag and flung it over my shoulder. "Woah. Where ya going?" Ashton asked, as I fought to put on my shoes. "The hangover is beginning to catch up to me now and I really don't feel well." I lied, as I dropped the necklace in my bag. "Awww come on. Please don't leave." Louis pouted, attempting to splash me. "I'll come by later!" I laughed, and as I turned to exit through the side gate again, I crashed into Harry. Jumping back, I forced myself to laugh again; as he shot me a cold look. "Where are you going?" He questioned. He was now in his bathing suit, and I tried hard to maintain eye contact. "I need to get some more rest. I'll come by later." I was definitely lying, but he didn't need to know that.
He furrowed his eyebrows together, as he cocked his head to the side. "Feeling sick?" How he spoke made my stomach turn. I knew he had no idea, but how he spoke made it sound like he did and was just taunting me for the hell of it. "You saw me last night, you should know." Laughing, he stepped to the side and allowed me to leave. "Try and come back if you can. I bought pizza."
Not saying a word more, I nodded before quickly taking off to my house.
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