《stalker || harry styles》8



The remainder of the car ride back was fairly silent, other than the quiet buzz of the stereo. Looking over to steal a glance at Samantha, I smiled upon seeing her fast asleep. The alcohol must have really caught up to her.

Training my eyes back on the road, my mind replayed the moments leading up to me bashing that pricks face in. The way he held her, hurt her, touched her; I wanted to kill him. In all honesty I'd probably find a way to hunt him down later this week and teach him another lesson. Since Sam was there and I didn't want to frighten her too much, I refrained from causing too much damage. As I continued to think about him, I grew angrier. My grip around the leather steering wheel tightened and as I looked down at my hands, only then did I notice the dried blood. Fuck.

Biting down onto my lip, I looked over at Samantha again. She was still asleep. I smiled at her peaceful state and frowned upon looking back at the road. We were about to be pulling into our neighborhood, which meant my time with her would be cut short.

Pulling into the driveway, I shut Liams car off. We were left in utter silence, and looking down at my watch I observed the time. It was only half past ten. Hmm, no wonder the lads wanted to stay out longer. My poor little girl though, I knew she couldn't handle it. Looking back over at her, I gently placed my hand on her leg and shook her. She stirred a bit, before snapping her eyes open.

"Where are we?" "Home." Sam nodded, and as she leaned forward to unbuckle herself; her eyes widened. "I'm gonna be sick." Yanking open Liam's door, she struggled to get out of the car. I listened to her heels tap on the pavement, and I was quick to chase after her. She was heading for her house, but I knew she wouldn't make it. Alas, I was right and she ended up vomiting just several feet off our driveway. Tears brimmed her eyes, as she shakily stood up from where she had collapsed on the ground. "I'm s-so sorry H-harry."

The alcohol had definitely kicked in now, for her words were barely audible. "It's okay love. Let's get you inside, yeah?" Nodding, she clung onto my arm and stumbled beside me as we walked up to her house. "Do you have your keys?" Her face fell, and pointing a finger at me she began to laugh. "You stole them, didn't you?" "No Samantha, I didn't. Where is your purse love?" She laughed once more, before slipping from my hold and running toward Liams car. "Dammit." I muttered. I easily caught up to her and was able to catch her as she tripped over her own feet.

"Oops." She belted out into laughter again, and once more slipped from my grasp. "Dammit Samantha. Come here!" I scolded, chasing after her. "Gotta catch me." She sang out, running around my front yard.

It didn't take long for me to grab her, for she slipped in my grass and ended up just laying there. "Come on. You need sleep and water." "I need another shot." She laughed, rolling onto her back. Rolling my eyes, I helped her to her feet and warned her to stay put. "I'm gonna search for your purse. Don't move." She nodded her head and bursted into a fit of laughter again, and I quickly ran back over to Liams car. As I began to search through it, I found her purse to no avail. It was only after looking at my texts was I informed Niall had it since she'd left it at the bar, and he'd give it to Liam to bring back here tomorrow. "Sami, you left your purse at the bar." Turning back around to face her, I felt my expression harden.


Of course she was nowhere to be found.


"Heehee. You won't catch me." I heard Samantha taunt me, and walking around to the other side of the car, I glared at her. She was standing in the middle of the street, and the second she saw me; she took off running. "Get your ass back here." I easily caught up to her once more, but this time I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to my house. "Where's my purse? Are you hiding it?" She poked my chin, and I had to keep myself from smiling.

"No. Liam has it." "So where will I sleep?" She pouted, poking my nose. "Here." "Harry, so soon? At least buy me dinner first." Her words were messy and her tone was playful. I knew she wouldn't recall any of this in the morning, and I wished we'd always have a relationship like this one; but I knew we never would. "I'll sleep on the floor or something." I mumbled, ascending up the staircase.

I wasn't worried having her here since she was too drunk to remember or do anything for one; and my closet was completely locked up for another. I'd also be supervising her until she fell asleep, so I'd make sure she didn't discover anything she shouldn't. I don't even know what I would do if she knew about my obsession. I'd probably die.

Using my foot to kick open my door, I walked into my room and placed Samantha gently on the bed. "Wow. Your room is like soooo cool." She giggled. "Yeah, you've only seen it a thousand times." I joked, switching on my dimmer lights. I didn't want to hurt her eyes with any super bright lights. "I have? No fucking way!" She screamed out, and I winced at her volume. Walking over to my dresser, I pulled out a shirt for both her and myself, as well as basketball shorts and joggers. "Here you go." Smiling down at her, I handed her one shirt as well as the basketball shorts. "I'm gonna change, I'll be right back. Change while I'm gone."

Stepping outside of my room, I entered my bathroom and stripped from my bar clothes and into my pajamas. I attempted to scrub the dried blood off my hands, but it didn't work very well.In fact, I had that fuckers blood in multiple places on my exposed skin. Sighing in defeat, I began to brush my teeth. I only stopped upon hearing a loud bang coming from my room. I called out to her several times, and was only met with bitter silence.

My heart stopped thinking she might've hurt herself, and I quickly ran back to my room. Creaking the door open, I sighed seeing her sprawled out on the floor. She had only managed to get her left shoe off, but that was it. "I thought you were getting dressed?" I laughed, leaning against the doorway. She gave me a dirty look as she struggled to stand to her feet. "Help me?" She hiccuped, stumbling as she took a small step forward. I felt my cheeks heat up, as I scratched the back of my neck. "Are you sure you don't want to change by yourself." "Okay." Hiccuping, she attempted to take off her other shoe, but failed miserably. All that resulted in was her collapsing into my arms before she slammed into the floor again. "I'm a clutz." All of her words came out jumbled and in a fit of giggles. "Yeah you are." I teased, helping her to sit on my bed.


Sliding off her last shoe, she smiled down at me. "I'm like Cinderella." I nodded at her, and had to keep myself from gawking over her legs. "Now for your skirt." Releasing a loud sigh, she collapsed back onto my bed and sprawled her arms out. I stared at her in disbelief for a moment before she began to impatiently kick her legs. "Take it off silly."

Once more my knees buckled, and my stomach twisted. Sure, I'd seen her undress plenty of times but I'd never done it myself. This was going to be a whole new sensation for me, and I wasn't prepared for it. "You sure?" I didn't know why I was so damn nervous. "Harry it's fine. Stop asking." Biting down on my lip, I nodded and proceeded to slowly slide her skirt down. My body broke out into chills and I had to calm my breathing as she lay there in just her under piece. "You should probably do that one yourself." I muttered, backing away from her. Rolling her eyes, she moved her hair to the side and pointed to her back. "Unhook it please? I can't." Nodding, I quickly unhooked it, and watched as she moved her arm to hold it up so it wouldn't fall down. "Can you help me get the shirt on?"

I was quick with my movements, and quickly slipped it over her head. "Now for the shorts." I mumbled, and helped her to step into them. She placed a hand on either of my shoulders to support and balance herself, and after she was dressed; I sighed in relief. "Feel better?" I asked, turning away from her to gather her belongings. "Missed one!" I turned to her to ask what she meant, and froze as her under piece smacked me in the face.

Holy shit

"Why'd you take this off?" I asked, my voice coming out in a stutter. "It was itching me." She mumbled into my pillow.

Switching off the last of my lights, I opened the curtains so the moonlight poured into my bedroom. Samantha had her back turned to me, and I couldn't help but stare at her in complete awe. Here she was, lying in my bed whilst wearing my clothes with nothing underneath. As I began to get unholy thoughts, I slipped out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen. Snap out of it Harry, you're fine mate.

I gathered up some water for her, as well as medicine and some crackers. This would all help with the hangover that was to come in the morning.

"Sam? I brought you some stuff." I whispered, creaking open my bedroom door.

I nearly screamed upon seeing her standing in the middle of the room. She was looking out of my window, and as I closed my door; she turned to me. "You can see my room perfectly from here." Fuck me. "Oh can you? I haven't noticed." I laughed nervously, setting the items down on my bedside table. "Yeah. Have you been spying on me Harry?" "What? Of course not!" How I said it was unconvincing, but she immediately began to laugh. "I know. I like scaring you though."

I felt a weight lift off my chest, as she climbed back into my bed. Handing her the water and pills, I forced her to take them which proved to be a bit difficult. This woman was the biggest pain in the ass when under the influence, let me tell you.

After successfully getting her to drink the entire glass, take both pills and eat several crackers; she began to settle down. As she slowly removed her jewelry and placed them on the table beside her, I couldn't help but smile at the fact she was wearing the rings I bought her for Christmas one year. "Harry?" "Hmm?" I hummed, turning to look at her. I was currently sat at my desk chair, and was just watching her as she fought to stay awake. "I'm sorry for slapping you earlier. You didn't deserve that."

Moving my chair closer to the bed, I sighed. "No don't apologize. I'm sorry for kissing you so forcefully. It wasn't mature of me." "Harry, why do we hate one another so much?" She whispered, blinking her eyes several times. "I'm sure there's a lot of reasons love." I whispered softly. "Or maybe you're just an asshole." She teased, causing us both to smile. "Sounds about right." "You know you can sleep next to me if you want. This is your bed." Waving her off, I leaned back in my chair. "Nah, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." "Harry." She gave me a warning look, and scooted over to the far side of the bed. "We used to share a bed as kids, it's fine." Adding emphasis to her statement, she patted the available spot a couple times.

Releasing a shaky breathe, I hesitated before finally settling in beside her. "I don't bite. You're fine." Turning to face her, I couldn't help the smile from crossings my lips. "Thanks again, for everything tonight." "We may not like one another; but I'll always protect you." I told her. "Thanks Harry. You're a good guy when you want to be." I laughed at the backhanded compliment, but took it anyways. "Get some sleep Sam."

Nodding, she turned over to where her back was facing me. As much as I wanted to pull her back into my chest, and cradle her I knew I couldn't. I wanted to leave a trail of kisses across her soft skin. I wanted to play with her hair and sing her to sleep. There was so much I wanted and more; but I couldn't have it.

My chest ached at the thought and I almost felt as if I were going to cry. Hell, she got pissed about a fucking kiss; we'd never be anything more than frenemies.

As my mind raced, it began to travel to a darker place. I had a multitude of ideas that would result in the two of us being together, but they were insane. However the more time I spent around her, the crazier I became.

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