《Zodiac One Shots》Powerless (Leo, Pisces, and Scorpio)


Pisces: Leo has been depressed lately... I'm worried...

Libra: Yeah, it's hard.

Pisces: I don't know how to help her... I hate feeling so powerless!

Libra: Just try to comfort her, it's all you can do right now.

Pisces: I'm gonna go clear my head...

Libra: Okay, try not to let all of this overwhelm you...

Pisces sat her phone down and stared at the wall for a long minute. She got up and walked down to her brother's room. She knocked on the door and Scorpio peaked out.

"What's up, half pint?" He grinned and leaned against the wall.

"Let's go swimming," Pisces said, rolling her eyes.


Scorpio was sitting on one of the pool steps, watching Pisces swim back and forth. Pisces swam up to her older brother and sighed.

"Can you help me fight?"

He widened his eyes, "Why? Is someone giving you trouble at school?"

"No. I just want to be able to stick up for my friends... I feel powerless whenever my friends get into drama or feel sad. I just think if I had some moves up my sleeve, I can do more," She looked down into the water intensely.

"Alright, half pint! Get up," He stood up and went into the shallow part of their pool. "Show me what ya got."

Pisces threw the first punch and hit Scorpio in the stomach. He let out a groan and tried to keep his guard up. Scorpio swung at her and she ducked down and he missed.

"Leo has been depressed recently... I texted her a long paragraph trying to comfort her, she hasn't responded yet," Pisces traded punches with Scorpio.

"What's going on?" Scorpio kicked at his sister. Pisces caught his foot and flipped him into the water face-first.


"It's... complicated," Pisces shivered from the cold splash.

Scorpio stood back up and huffed, "You're scared, aren't you? Leo was your little beacon on hope, with her optimism and stuff. I know you, Pisces. You clung to her hope and depended on it to get you through the dark times. I've had to ask myself this same question... What do you do when the one person who gave you so much hope becomes hopeless?"

Pisces stood frozen and wide-eyed at him, "Exactly..."

Scorpio suddenly rushed to pick her up and tossed her into the water, jumping in after her. They both surfaced and Pisces gasped for air. Scorpio smiled for a moment, then looked down, "You were my hope, Pisces... It almost killed me when the doctors said you had severe depression. Even before you were diagnosed, just seeing the life slowly draining from your eyes and smile. You laughed less, stayed in your room more..." He paused. "I felt... I still feel powerless. I would listen to you cry yourself to sleep almost every night and I knew that my sweet, hopeful little sis was slipping away. Every night, I wanted to go to you and comfort you, but I didn't know how."

Tears started falling down Pisces' face. She could barely breathe, let alone speak.

"The past four years have been hell for the both of us, but you're having more and more good days. That's what matters, right? I can see you staring depression in the eye and telling it to back off every day, and just seeing you win these battles gives me hope again," Scorpio hugged Pisces tightly and began crying as well.

Pisces wiped away her tears and laughed quietly, "I love you, dork!"

"I love you, too, half pint! I think you're a good fighter already, you don't need me," He smiled.



Pisces and Leo were walking to their lunch table. Leo was faking a smile for everyone while Pisces was the only one who wasn't fooled. They set their trays down and as they were about to sit, something caught Pisces' attention.

"You can totally see all her fat jiggling as she walked by!"

"I know! She's not even thick, just straight up FAT!"

"Yep! Leo the LOSER, am I right?!"

"She's such a slut too, I hope she goes and kills herself!"

Pisces turned her head and saw Gemini and Cancer snickering and glancing at Leo. She walked over to them and pulled Cancer out of her seat.

Pisces was fuming as she got a spoonful of Cancer's beans and slung it at her face, "I'm okay with giving up volleyball if it means you can get your ass handed to you for disrespecting my friends."

She pushed Cancer to the side and Gemini jumped out of her spot. Leo was watching just one table over, clutching at her spoon.

Gemini punched Pisces in the nose and Pisces returned the favor. "You're just upset because you wish you had some fat on you like Leo, twig!" Gemini laughed right before Pisces kneed her in the stomach.

The two girls fought a little longer, Gemini seemed to have the advantage, based on height and her fighting reputation. Just as Gemini swung hard right at Pisces' face, Pisces ducked down, grabbed Gemini's arm, and twisted it back with all her remaining strength.

Gemini cried out in pain and fell forward as Pisces let go and pushed her down. Tears were rushing down Pisces' face as the anger flowed through her body. Pisces could only get a few words out, "You're lucky I won't be here tomorrow..."

Pisces stumbled towards the principal's office as Gemini and Cancer yelled hateful slurs. Leo ran after her friend and helped her leave.


The two girls got picked up by Scorpio, who was shocked to see Pisces' broken nose and busted lip.

"So wait... A whole fight went down outside and NO ONE came to stop it? No teachers or anything?!" Scorpio was trying to contain his laughter.

"One teacher did come out and tried to get to them, but Aries was blocking him and kept him from breaking up the fight or getting other teachers," Leo tucked her hair back and giggled. "Thank you, Pisces..."

Pisces hugged Leo tightly, "The biggest problem isn't that I did it and got suspended, but that I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to!"

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