《Zodiac One Shots》Best Friends (Sagittarius (f) x Gemini (m))


(Sagittarius' POV)

He pushed me into one of the chairs and I tipped over easily. He was always doing this to me; teasing me and pushing me around all because I was younger. I was still his best friend, though. We promised that we'll always stick together, and even if he pushed me, I was still madly in love with him.


The only guy who could make my stomach flip. We didn't get to see each other as much as we used to, since he moved schools, but we met up at every dance and every weekend.

Tonight was one of the last dances of the year, and I had all my best friends with me. Aquarius, Libra, Leo, and Aries. We were going to get ready together and discuss our plan to get Gemini to ask me out.

But first... We had to wait for Gemini to leave. He laughed as I got up and frowned, then he patted my head with a grin.

"Alright, I should go home and get ready," He said, looking at the clock.

"Finally! I was starting to think you'd never leave me alone!" I laughed and elbowed him in the shoulder.

He bit his lip and shrugged, "I kinda don't care, but Taurus does." He grabbed his backpack and left, leaving me alone in the living room.

"SAGITTARIUS!" I knew that scream, Aries was getting impatient. I giggled and went back to my room and sat with the girls to talk about our plan.


We all walked into the crowded gym and I quickly spotted Gemini, who was on Taurus' shoulders, screaming along to the Post Malone song blasting. I held back a laugh and went with Aries, Libra, and Aquarius while Leo strutted across the dance floor to Gemini.


She was supposed to talk to him about if he liked me or not, and to leave him hints that I liked him. It was risky, but it worked for Libra and Pisces, so why not? I tried to hide behind Aquarius, but I'm the tallest in the group, so that was hard.

The lights got darker and we watched as Leo and Gemini talked. We saw Gemini awkwardly rub the back of his neck, and Taurus hit his arm and laughed. Leo shrugged and walked over to her sister for a bit, then came back to us.

"What'd he say!" Aries jumped lightly, full of excitement.

"We talked about how this dance kinda sucked, he agreed, then said he was surprised no one has asked him to dance yet. Taurus jumped in and said that Gemini has to ask out the first girl to dance with him." She glanced back, then continued, "Gemini looked over at you for a bit, then said okay. Then, I said that there was one girl here that was into him, and that's pretty much it."

"Wait, what?! So I have to go ask him to dance before anyone else does?!" My head was spinning, and I sat down at the nearest chair and sighed.

Suddenly, Photograph came on, and Libra immediately grabbed my arm and got me up.

"You have to hurry! Girls will be lining up to ask him!" She cried and pushed me closer to the crowd.

All my friends urged me to hurry, and once my feet started working, I went. I slipped through the crowd as fast as I could without running, and before I knew it, I was in front of him...

"Sagittarius!" He smiled, and I could see Taurus grinning behind him.


"Hey Gem! I have a question..." I forced the words out.

"What's up?"

I took a deep breath... "Will you... uh... Do you want to dance with me?"

He looked at me for a while, then said, "On one condition."


"Will you go out with me?" He grinned.

I looked back at my friends, who were all smiling and giving me thumbs up. I turned back to the love of my life and answered, "I'd love to!"

"Good! Let's dance, best friend!"

I've never had so much fun at a dance before.

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