《Zodiac One Shots》Cross My Heart, Hope To Die (Cancer (f) x Aries (m))


(Cancer's POV)

I slump down into my chair, dreading the hour ahead of me. Math is the worst... I tap my fingers onto the desk softly, we all wait for Mrs. Leo to arrive. At least she's not hard on me, considering she's my aunt. I turn around and talked to Libra behind me.

As we talk, I hear Sagittarius and Gemini talking about the school shootings. I turn my head slightly to hear better.

"I hope the shooter comes here, heh," Gemini smirks.

"I heard if you blow up a bathroom, it stinks!" Sagittarius laughs.

"Idiots..." Libra rolls her eyes at me and starts playing with a strand of my hair. I look back at her and nod.

Suddenly, Mrs. Leo hurries in and sighs as she tries to organize her desk. She brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and looks at the class, everyone getting themselves ready for class. She lets out another long sigh and begins writing something on the board. I glance over at Aries.

He's carving something into his desk, his dark hair a mess, like always. I stare at him from the corner of my eye for a bit longer, until Mrs. Leo sips her coffee then started talking.

"Okay..." She cracked her knuckles and smiled, "Figure out th--"

She was cut off by the phone ringing. She answered and turned her back to us. Everyone started whispering to each other. Libra had my hair in a braid now.

Mrs. Leo hung up and said in a hushed voice, "We're having a lock down... there's a man on the campus..." She took a deep breath and look at each one of us. "You know the drill, be silent."

We all immediately stood up and went to one of the back corners, where Scorpio tipped some of the tables on their sides and everyone began crouching by them. Most of the students had backpacks clutched to their chests. Me and Libra were as close as we could get to each other, I was already letting a tear or two slip down my face. I looked around.


Sagittarius and Gemini were close by, facing each other, letting out a laugh or two. Scorpio was holding Pisces in his arms, kissing her head and watching the door closely. Mrs. Leo was by the door with the fire extinguisher, ready to slam anyone who came in over the head with it. Aquarius was tipping over a few more desks and crouched down. Everyone else was holding each other or their backpacks. I watched as Aries started crawling over to us, squeezing in right next to me. And although I was scared, I could feel myself blush slightly.

He watched my face intently for a few heartbeats, then turned to look at Gemini. I never saw him get so red.

"What the hell?" He whispered loudly, gesturing at him. Gemini had his backpack opened slightly, but anyone who was looking could see he had a small gun. I could hear Pisces holding back her crying.

Scorpio let go of her and crawled over to Gemini. He got in his face and whispered some very colorful swears, then took the gun and placed it on one of the high shelves above his spot. Virgo was grabbing Gemini's arm tightly and quietly lecturing him.

Aries went back to his spot next to me and sighed. We all sat like that, some of us crying quietly, others so scared the color left their faces, and the rest looked determined to live, no matter what. We spent the next 7 minutes in an anxious quiet.

Mrs. Leo let out a quiet sigh. Was the man gone?

I spoke too soon, because someone started banging on the locked door, and then he busted in.

It all happened so quickly, but it was clear he was armed, and he shot Mrs. Leo in the arm, causing her to drop the fire extinguisher. He had the gun up the her face not a moment later. And while he was threatening her, some people were subtly shifting in fear.


As I heard the man's threats get worse, a cry slipped from my mouth. I couldn't help but gasp for air and whisper my aunt's name over and over again. I had somehow knew Aries was on his stomach, shimmying over to Scorpio, but I couldn't think. I couldn't think, couldn't breathe.

I shot up, already sobbing. I screamed out, begging him to stop. He didn't stop, but he pointed his gun to me, ready to shoot me in the chest. I kept sobbing, clutching my stomach.

It was all slow-motion now.

He began pulling the trigger.

I was pulled down to the ground.

I watched him get hit with a force, and then fall to the ground.

He screamed in agony.

Mrs. Leo was on him, taking his gun and hitting him in the back of the head with it.

He was out cold.

I looked around. I saw Libra with her hand on my leg. She had tripped me so I wouldn't get shot. There was a bullet hole in the cabinet behind me. Pisces was holding onto the shelf she was in the process of climbing. Aries had a gun-- Gemini's gun-- in his hand, still pointed at the man.

I processed everything. Then I remembered watching them from the corner of my eye. Pisces had climbed up the shelf as I jumped up and screamed. She had given the gun to Aries, who was about a foot away. Aries shot the man in the knee and shoulder, all while I was crying and Libra pulled me down.

I tried sitting up, and Aries handed the gun back to Pisces and rushed over to me. He held me in his arms and started quietly thanking the stars that I'm okay. I was still crying, and I just clutched his shirt.

"I thought I lost you..." He whispered.

Cops began flooding the room.

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