《Zodiac One Shots》New Year's Kiss part 3


(Capricorn's POV)

"Guys! Get ready! We have to go to Times Square!" I shout.

We all get dressed and get in Leo's van. We wait for the girls to come down and talk about random stuff.

(Aries' POV)

All the girls get ready. I wear a coral dress and white heels, Gemini is wearing a yellow dress with a blue scarf, Cancer is wearing a silver dress with a light green sweater, Libra is wearing a rose colored dress, and Pisces is wearing a navy blue dress with gold heels, belt, and a white sweater.

We get into Leo's van and drive off to Times Square. We get there at 10:00 and squirm our way to a good spot.

(Libra's POV)

We chant and dance as multiple bands played. Me and Gemini dance, Cancer spins around, Pisces bobs her head a little bit while singing along, Aries and Aqua danced together, and the rest of the guys just acted dumb.

(Virgo's POV)

I watch T.V. I watch people preform on stage at Times Square. I watch until, suddenly, I see the gang all in the crowd! I jump up as I see Leo winking at the camera and Gemini hides her face, while Libra blows a kiss, Pisces smiles with Cancer on her shoulders, waving, and the rest of them all jumping up and down, waving. I giggle as I watch them party.

(Cancer's POV)

I go up to Libra and tell her a secret,

"Um, I can't go to Cap and kiss him, I'm too scared..."

Libra stares at me, then just goes back to talking to Gemini. I go back to Pisces and we sing together. I was too embarrassed to kiss Capricorn, but maybe he'll kiss me...

(Aquarius' POV)

After a bit of partying, Sag looks at his watch, then says he needs to leave. I watch him jump the gate and push past security guards. He texts me a few minutes later.


Sagittarius: I'm running back to the hotel! I'm taking Cap's car, he knows already. I gonna go give a special girl my New Year's eve kiss! Wish me luck bro!!!!!!!

Aquarius: Okay! Go get em!!!! lol!

"11:25!!!!!" Everyone shouts.

(Taurus' POV)

I watch the clock anxiously. It's 11:30....... I plan out how I'm gonna kiss her. I look around for her, I see her dancing around with the other girls. She jumps up and down while pumping her fists. I stare at her for a while, then go over to her.

"Um, Gemini? Is your nose okay?" I ask shyly.

"Yeah, thanks!" She responds.

I walk back to the guys and start cheering when my favorite band came out on stage.

(Sagittarius' POV)

I drive on the crowded highway. I don't care about watching the ball drop, I just want to get there in time... She's gonna be so surprised when I get there. If I had time, I would stop and get her favorite snack. But I have to get there by 12:00.

(Pisces' POV)

I dance with the girls while the guys just sat there and cheered for the bands. Gemini got a stupid idea the we should chicken fight! I say no, but the others went along with it. Cancer got on Aries' shoulders, while Libra got on Gemini's shoulders. I go with the guys and cheer with them. When Maroon 5 comes out, we shout at the girls to stop. They start singing "Sugar" and we all scream and jump. I'm one of the shortest ones in the group, so I kept trying to jump up to see. Then Leo picks me up and puts me on his shoulders! Some people behind us yell at me to get down, then Libra gets in their faces and yells louder! I laugh and cheer, then I see Adam Levine wink at me! I scream and whoop for them and Leo starts jumping up and down, and I hold on tighter.


(Gemini's POV)

I pull up the scarf around my face so no one sees my nose. I dance with Libra and Aries. Then, my scarf falls off and some people step on it! I sigh, and go over to Leo and ask for his scarf. He looks down at me and says,

"Sorry, I left it in my van, and I don't wanna walk that whole way. You can go get it if you want."

"Okay..." I shrug, I'm a little bored anyways.

He hands me the keys and I walk to the van.

(Leo's POV)

I whooped and cheered as everyone shouts, "11:45!" Pisces was the lightest thing I've ever held before! She asks to be put down and I do as she wishes. I put her down and she goes to dance with Cancer, Libra, and Aries. I talk with the guys for a while and everything was cool.

(Scorpio's POV)

I stare at Libra and overthink everything. How was I supposed to kiss her? Ugh! Why is this so hard? I talk with the guys and listen to the music.

"11:50!" Everyone shouts. It's almost time... I decide to just chill and if she wants to kiss me, she can kiss me...

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