《Zodiac One Shots》New Year's Kiss part 2


(Gemini's POV)

I hold my hand over my face as my eyes open from my deep sleep. I turn over to see an empty space where Libra should have been. I see that every bed was empty. I hear a loud crash in the kitchen and sit up and see Libra in the kitchen picking up a pot on the ground. I glance around for Pisces. Jesus, she's crazy! I get up and get some ice from the freezer. I hear my phone blow up.

Group Text:

Taurus: Scorpio! WTF is wrong with you????

Scorpio: How was I supposed to know Pisces was gonna do that!

Cancer: I have been friends with her forever! She's never done anything like this...

Leo: ... idk man.......

Scorpio: Well I'm scared... She is no doubt gonna come after me next

Capricorn: Cancer! I was there when she was born! I live with her! And I still haven't seen her do something like that!

Aquarius: You guys! All she did was lift her leg a little and broke Gemini's nose! She's dangerous!!!!!

Gemini: My nose isn't broken! It's just a little swollen...


Sagittarius: Nothing, don't worry about it

Scorpio: Oh yeah, Pisces just tripped Gemini and now Gem has a swollen nose, that's nothing. And better yet, Pisces will most likely come after me next, no biggie!

Taurus: OMG

Aries: Well........ She wasn't in the hotel room when I woke up, so do any of y'all know where she's at?

Cancer: She wasn't there when I woke up either :(

Leo: I saw her walk down the hall early this morning when I was coming back from getting a coffee

Pisces: You guys are dumb

Libra: Oh my....

Pisces: Why are you all so dramatic?


Pisces: whatever drama queen I thought you said it was "just a little swollen"...

Virgo: You all are insane!

*Virgo has left the group text*


Scorpio: Pisces, I swear I didn't mean to make you upset......

Pisces: ......whatever

*Pisces has left the group text*

(Sagittarius' POV)

I laugh at Scorpio as I read Pisces' texts. I go into the bathroom and take a shower.

(Libra's POV)

I curl my hair and put on a light pink t-shirt with emojis on it and some jeans with a purple belt and socks. No one knows where Pisces is and Gemini's nose is swollen and red. I fear my plan is slipping! I decide to start on phase 2: Get love to blossom between my ships!

I start with an easy one: Cap and Cancer. I find Cancer on the balcony.

"Hey!" I greet her.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" She smiles.

"Not much! I was just wondering what you think about Capricorn..." I trail off.

She blushes as she stutters, "O-oh! I-I think h-he's really nice, and ch-charming..."

"Great! You should make him your New Year's kiss!" I exclaim, then walk back inside.

(Pisces' POV)

I walk down the hotel hallways with my earbuds in. I sing quietly as I walk around. I turn down a hall and I see Leo around the corner!

"AHHH!" I scream as I fall backwards onto the floor. I pull out my earbuds and stuff them into my pocket.

"Oh! Sorry!" He says as he helps me up. He runs his fingers through his brown hair. "You have a really beautiful voice..."

I blush and cover my face. He pulls my hands away and hugs me. "I'm sorry you are upset, I hate seeing you mad..." He whispers. "Why did you do that?"

I pull away and stare at him for a long moment before rushing off back to the room.

(Aries' POV)

I see Cancer walk inside from the balcony and sneak out there. I text Aquarius.

Aries: Hey! Come out onto your balcony...

I see him walk out and smile when he sees me. I climb onto the ledge of my balcony and leap 2 feet across onto his. I kiss him and tell him I love him. We talk a little bit then go into his room and watch T.V. together.


(Aquarius' POV)

Me and Aries talk, then watch some T.V.

"Pisces isn't dangerous..." She mutters during the commercials.

"I know," I respond. "But I'm just worried about her."

"She's a good person, she was just jealous. She's not the first," Aries whispers. "I've been jealous before..."

I smile and hug her.

(Leo's POV)

I head out to the balcony. I start strumming my guitar until I find the right cords to play together. I start playing "All of Me" by John Legend. I start singing.

"Cause all of me loves all of you, all your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections..." I sing.

I then hear another voice singing along. I turn to see Pisces leaned up against the edge of her balcony, I never stop singing.

"Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you!" We sing together in unison.

We finish singing and I put the guitar down. I walk up to the edge and she smiles.

"You have a perfect voice..." She says, blushing.

"You too!" I laugh. "Why did you trip Gemini? What's wrong?" I ask.

"I just don't favor Gemini, that's all, I'm okay..." She trails off as she looks down.

"Okay, I need to head back in and shower, nice... singing with you!" I exclaim. She giggles and waves goodbye and goes back inside.

(Scorpio's POV)

I stare at the wall. God! Pisces is after meeeeeee!!!!! I'm so freaked out, like I've never been before... I go to the girls room and ask Cancer to come out and talk to me. She walks out with me and I ask her,

"Do you know if any of the girls has certain feelings for any of the guys?" I pester.

She smirks, "Pisces likes Leo, Taurus like Gemini, Aries and Aqua duh, and I'm pretty sure Capricorn likes me..."

"That's it?" I frown.

"That's all I know," She shrugs.

I walk back to my room and sigh. I have had a big crush on Libra, believe it or not, for a while now, and I wanted to tell her after the New Year's kiss. But she probably has someone waiting for her...

(Taurus' POV)

I go over to check on Gemini. I get her some ice, a blanket, and some hot coco. She was being a little grumpy, but she was nice to me. I stared at her light blue eyes and admired her dirty blond hair. She was so pretty, and I loved that she would let me help her. We watched a movie and ate popcorn. We talked with the others and we all played would you rather.

(Virgo's POV)

I sweep, spray, and swipe my house clean! My day was weird since every one was in the group chat talking about something with Pisces and Gemini! I finally finish and I sit on the couch and take a nap....

(Cancer's POV)

I eat some cookies and do my nails while we all play would you rather.

"Pisces, would you rather have been adopted, or adopt a snake and never have kids?" Cap asks Pisces.

"Adopt a snake," She responds.

We continued to play for a while, then we watched "Chasing Cameron". We all ate some pizza and watched T.V. in the guys room.

(Capricorn's POV)

Libra walks up to me while we all watched T.V. She whispered in my ear,

"Rumor has it that you like Cancer, and she admires you too... You should kiss her for your New Year's kiss..." She slyly stated.

She turned away and sat next to Cancer across the room. I stared at them, my mouth wide open. I never thought it would come true, my wish!

"Zayum..." I mutter under my breath

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