《Zodiac One Shots》Denial (Scorpio (f) x Leo (m))


(Scorpio's POV)

I walk down the street. My house comes into view. As I pass all the houses I see Leo in the window of a big house. He looks so hot! Ugh, what are you doing Scorpio! I look down at my feet and keep walking. I can't fall in love. I keep walking until I reach my front door. I open the door to see a big mess and my mom sitting at the counter. She appears to be crying. I stare at her, not sure if she heard me walk in. She suddenly looks up with blood-shot eyes.

"Mom?" I say.

She slowly gets up and shuffles over to me. She hugs me tighter than I have ever been hugged. She mutters in my ear with a softness I haven't heard in her voice for a long time,

"Honey, me and your father are getting divorced..."

I jump away from her and stare at her, my eyes wide with shock. I couldn't believe it. I run out of the house and down the street towards the park. I run a block before the park is in view. I sit down at a bench and take out my notebook.

I scribble a drawing of a flower. Then I pull out my phone once the tears stop. I call Cancer and as the phone rings I feel a raindrop on my face. Cancer picks up.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey um, can I like, vent to you?"


I feel more tears rush down my face as I begin to talk.

"My parents are getting divorced and I don't know why! They seemed so happy together! And each day I fall a little more in love with Leo every day! How am I supposed to make a move when I can barely walk?" I gasp for breath. The rain starts pouring down harder.


"Where are you?" Cancer asks.

"The park..."

"OMG! It's raining! Get inside before you get soaked!"

I hang up, put my hood on, and close my eyes.

(Leo's POV)

I walk downstairs and see my little sister on the couch. I overhear Cancer and Scorpio's phone call. I hear what Scorpio said and I quickly get my shoes and jacket on. I rush out the door and get on my bike. I ride towards the park. After a few minutes, I see the park. I then see someone sitting on the bench. I start yelling out,


No answer.


The person turns around and I see Scorpio's dark eyes sparkle. I stop my bike and run to her. She sees me getting closer and gets up. I thought she was gonna walk to me, but she starts walking away. I run faster and grab her arm. She turns around and looks into my blue eyes. I dip her and kiss her softly. The rain patters down on us. I pull away and we hear something.

We look around and see some little kids clapping. Their mom gets mad and leads them away. I chuckle and look back at Scorpio.

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked.

She looked up at me, "When?"

"When you told Cancer what happened..."

She looks away and quietly answers, "O-oh... You heard that..."

"Of course I heard it! Cancer had the phone on speaker," I smile.

"Yes, it's true..." She mutters. I pick her up and sit her down on my handle bars and I took us back to my house. Once we arrived, I got us some coffee and we watched a movie. I held Scorpio close in my arms and kissed her forehead every now and then. She ate dinner with us and she called her mom and asked to spend the night. Her mom said she could and she stayed with Cancer in her room. We played board games and we also played on the Wii. With every passing moment her smile got bigger. She seemed so happy.

(For: @Eternalflame1503)

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