《The Mafia Bride ♡》Chapter 14 {apology}


Catalaiya's pov:

This morning, I woke up at my usual time. I got ready for work and grabbed my handbag before making my way downstairs.

(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

As I turned to make my way to the kitchen area, my eyes landed on Carter who was sitting at the dining table. His eyes were fixed on his phone as he typed something rapidly.

I looked around for Thalia but she wasn't there.

I walked closer to the kitchen counter and hearing my footsteps, Carter looked up at me.

"Good morning," he greeted me with a light smile.

I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me, or to even smile at me.

"Good morning," I smiled back.

I looked on the dining table and the breakfast was there, all ready. I pour myself some coffee before walking to the table and sat at my usual seat, which happen to be in front of Carter.

I briefly glanced at him and that's when my eyes landed on a weird-looking logo on his t-shirt. It looks familiar yet it looked weird. I shift my gaze on the sem on his shoulder and everything click.

His t-shirt was inside out.

"Ehm, your t-shirt is inside out," I spoke, making him look at me again. He then looks down, before sighing.

"So that's why the security guards were looking at me weirdly." He concluded making me chuckle.

"Thank you," he says and I gave him a nod.

I grabbed one of the toasted bread and spread some butter on top of it. I took a bit and it was crunchy like I love it.

"Good morning,"

I turned to my right and saw both Thalia and Alfred walking toward us.

"Good morning," I greeted them.

Thalia sat beside me while Alfred went to sit beside Carter.


"Aziel will be here soon," Thalia told us. She started to serve them their breakfast and Carter put his phone to the side to focus on his food.

"Here," Thalia says as she put some scrambled eggs on my plate.



I looked up and my eyes caught with his piercing greyish eyes. Like yesterday, he didn't look away. Instead, he kept eye contact as he walked around the table and sat on my left side.

He usually sits at the end of the table, why would he sit beside me?

"Aren't you going to sit at your usual spot?" Thalia asked him, confused.

He shook his head no, "I'm good."

I glanced at Thalia.

Yesterday he talked to me for the first time after a month and today he was sitting beside me for breakfast.

I wonder what's going on in his mind.

He took his breakfast and we all started to eat. It was the first time that we all sat together for a meal.


After breakfast, Alfred drove me to my office. The day went by pretty slow and tiring. When I returned home, I took a shower put on my pjs and went to the swimming pool area to draw in my sketch pad.

Thalia was at the guest house and the main house was really quiet and empty. Aziel didn't join us for dinner, so I guessed that he was still working. Thalia didn't say anything about him so I don't know for sure where he was.

I sat on the chair with my stuffs around me. I was so caught up in my drawing that I didn't notice anyone standing beside me until he talked.

"Nice drawing,"

I jumped startled, my head snapping up to look at the person.



He stood there, his hand buried in his pocket as he looked down at me. He had a towel in his other hand. He was in a black t-shirt and navy blue swim shorts.

"Thanks," I say and he gave me a firm nod.

He walked to the next chair and sat down. I removed my gaze from him and continued my drawing.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly said making me look at him.

His eyes were already on me.

"For what exactly?" I questioned. I kinda knew what he was talking about but I wanted him to say it.

"For my attitude, for the credit card thing and everything I said..." he trailed off.

After a whole month went by...

Why was he suddenly apologising though?

"What made you change your mind?" I asked curiously.

"I learned about a few things," he simply answered making me confused.

What things?

"What things?" I repeated my thoughts.

He shrugged, "Things."

By the dismissive answer, he gave me, I knew that he wouldn't tell me more anytime soon.

"You don't have to forgive me right away. Take your time." He added.

"Action speaks louder than words," I said as i looked back at my sketch. I glanced at him and he was looking at the pool, lost in his own thoughts.

I shook my head lightly before continuing my drawings.

A few minutes later, I heard a shuffle next to me and when I turned my head, my eyes landed on a muscled naked back. My eyes widened at the new view but I didn't look away. I couldn't. Aziel put the t-shirt on the chair before walking to the pool.

He didn't look around or think twice before he jumped into the water splashing it everywhere. Thankfully I wasn't too close.

Instead of going back to my drawing, I found myself looking at him swimming. Most of the time he was underwater but I could see his silhouette.

He came up and laid on his back, floating on the water. He opened his eyes and he looked around before settling his eyes on me again making my heart skip a beat.

He swam to the edge and pulled himself out of the water. He walked to his chair and grabbed his towel and his t-shirt.

He wrapped the towel around his neck before turning toward me.

"Goodnight." He says.


He walked away leaving me still looking at his back.

Oh lord

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