《The Mafia Bride ♡》Chapter 13 {Dark}


Catalaiya's pov:

(Catalaiya's outfit⬆️)

Today was exhausting.

Staying at home for a month was not a good idea. Usually, I'm able to work twelve or more hours without taking breaks but today I took 2 breaks. My back was hurting a little from sitting straight and I could feel my neck starting to hurt too.

I'm so used to working at home and being comfortable on my bed or the couch...

I feel like a spoilt brat complaining.

For some reasons everyone at the office was silent and working more appropriately. There were no silly mistakes, no one was lacking behind, everyone was busy working at their desk, no gossiping...

I found it weird, so I asked Nayvee about it.

"Why is everyone so... weird?" I asked confused.

"You are the Mafia Bride." She replied in a duh tone.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "And?"

"They are kinda scared of your hubby." She explained.

"Why? I work here, not him." I pointed out.

"Well..." She trailed off suddenly looking nervous.


"When you were working from home, Mason use to come here every day to look for you," Nayvee confessed making me surprised.

Why would Mason do that? It's not like we were friends... or anything else...

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to stress you out. Every day I would threaten him that I would get him kick out by the security guy and he would back off and go away... until last week. He was more stubborn and a pain in the ass." Nayvee went on explaining.

"He didn't care about the security guy so I had to improvise. I ended up telling Mason that if he doesn't go, I'll call Aziel Alvaro and I will tell him that he-mason-was making a scene in the office, looking for his wife... everyone heard it and now they are scared."


"You did what!"

"Hey, it worked. He didn't show up today." She pointed out.

"Did he say why he wanted to see me?" I asked curiously.

"Yes... he was here to talk to you about your wedding. He was sure that you would listen to him and leave Aziel." She told me.


"Not true," I said making her chuckle.

"I know."

"Anyway... my driver is waiting outside. I'll get going. See you tomorrow." I said as I stood up. I grabbed my handbag and my coat.

"See you,"

I made my way outside and I immediately spotted Alfred as he was waving at me. I smiled as I walked to the car.

"Thank you for choosing Alfred uber," He said playfully as he opened the backdoor.

I chuckled before sitting down. He closed the door before walking to the driver side. He then drove us home.

Once he parked the car, we both stepped out and made our way inside. I stopped in my track when I saw Aziel sitting on the couch with Carter and Adam beside him. They all looked up at the sound of my heels clicking on the floor.

Aziel's laptop was on the middle table and before i walked in, they were all looking at the screen.

For some reason, Aziel didn't look away like he usually does. Instead, he kept his piercing stare on me as if he was examining me.

"Good night dear," I heard Alfred said making me shift my gaze on him.

"Goodnight," I smiled.

He made his way to the guest house while I walked to the stairs silently. I already had dinner at the office, so I won't be coming downstairs again.

When I walked into my room, I dropped my handbag by the couch, removed my heels, unbutton the button of my jeans and tie my hair in a messy bun.


I went to my bathroom and took a relaxing shower, relieving my sore muscles. Once I finished, I dried myself and put on my pjs.

(Catalaiya's pjs⬆️)

I jumped on my bed, with one of the books that I've been reading. I read a few pages and when I glanced at the clock it was 10:30 pm. I kept the book on the bed's table before standing up.

I was thirsty.

I made my way downstairs and when I was halfway on the stairs, I peeked into the living room. The lights were dimmed making the area dark and I doubt that someone was sitting on the couch.

I hate the dark, I can't see anything...

"Looking for someone?"

I jumped startled, turning around to face the voice. My heart was racing in my chest as I held onto the railing. Aziel stood a few steps away from me and he was looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"N-no," I replied.

"Why are you peeking? Did you see or hear something?" He asked alarmed.

I instantly shook my head no, "It's just dark downstairs."

He looked at me puzzled, "Yeah, I dimmed the lights earlier..."

"I'm not exactly fond of the dark," I said and watched as the expression on his face changed. He didn't say anything, instead, he walked past me and made his way downstairs. A few seconds later, the lights were back to normal.

I walked down and stopped a few meters away from him, "Thank you."

"Did you need anything downstairs?" He asked firmly.

"I just wanted something to drink," I replied and he nodded.

He made his way to the big glass door and stood there, his hand in his pocket while I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I leaned against the counter as I drink it.

My eyes shifted on him and he was still looking outside. Now that I had a good look at him, I noticed that he was in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. It was the first time that I was seeing him without a suit.

The t-shirt made his arm's muscle pop out and the outline of his back was showing clearly.

This man has a big butt.

I put the glass in the sink before walking back to the stairs. From the corner of my eyes, I could see him moving. I was almost on top of the stairs when the lights dimmed back downstairs.

He was waiting for me?

I turned to the hallway to my room and I opened the door. I looked behind me and saw his back, walking toward his room.

It was the first time we had a conversation...

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