《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》A/N 3


(Credit to my best friend for the picture~)

It's been a while ^^

So I've been busy with trying to keep my grades in school up (English is at a D and I'm panicking) so I haven't really payed attention to this.

I was requested to write two Angels With Scaly Wings one shots. I tried but...I just don't know the game well enough to write for them. I greatly apologize to the one who requested those ._.

On a positive note; I'll be able to write better for Rumpel (Cinderella Phenomenon) bc I actually beat his route! Not the bad end yet, but that's next and then I'll get Fritz's endings~

I'm also adding several new fandoms!

If not human, then humanized)



And that's all the new fandoms~

I'll try to write your requests but I will be delayed slightly bc school ^^;

Just send me a message (I can discuss more with you that way) or comment (I don't really discuss much via comment) with a request~

Here's the songs I've written for already (that can't be requested again)

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