《Various One Shots {read desc. Or A/N} //HIATUS\》(6) You'll Be Back {Yandere!Scarlet x Reader}


Scarlet pulled at the hem of his cloak, taking in the bothersome information he was just told. (Y/N), the girl he has developed feelings for, has joined Famgilia Oz. Even worse, she's with Caramia. "We could blow up the estate," Gretel said in her normal monotone voice. "No, that won't be of any help," Scarlet sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. He needed some time alone to think. He got up and left, taking a walk to the place he knew he could concentrate.

Arriving at his special place, he sat down on the grass, letting his mind wander. Why did she choose that lion? After all of the Sundays of Scarlet and her talking, he would have thought that she acquired feelings for him as well. Dark clouds formed in his thoughts. No...she couldn't have chosen to be with Caramia out of her own will. It was impossible! She to have feelings for him, not that lion! There must be something else...she must have been forced into a relationship just so Oz can have a new member! Scarlet stood up quickly, his gaze narrowing; he had to get her. He can keep her safe.

The next day arrived, Sunday. (Y/N) always comes to talk to him on Sundays, so he waited. Soon, a knock echoed on the door and he was quick to answer, seeing the (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed girl he waited to see. "Hi Scarlet," she smiled. Scarlet smiled back, letting her in. "So, what are we gonna do today?" She asked, tilting her head. "Well," a tenebrious shadow loomed over his usually bright red eyes, "I actually have something to show you."

"Really? What is it?" This caught (Y/N)'s interest. He smirked, but any malevolent intent went unseen by the girl, "it's a surprise," Scarlet gestured her to follow, which she did without questioning a thing.


The two made it to a room. It looked almost like a bedroom out of a castle dollhouse, delicately designed with porcelain items. "Wow, what's this for?" (Y/N) smiled, her eyes shining. "You."

The atmosphere changed. The once cheerful aura around the bright eyed girl faded into one that was daunt and eerie. "I," she nervously chuckled, "I don't understand what you mean," he glanced at her, "Exactly as I said," Scarlet stepped closer to the girl, who took a step back in return, "it's all for you," a chilling smile found it's way onto Scarlet's features. "Why?" (Y/N) mustered out. It got to the point that she was backed up to a wall; no where else to go. "I know you were forced into a relationship so that Famgilia Oz could have you all to itself."

"What? No...I wanted to be with Caramia," This caused Scarlet to stop moving. "That...that can't be right, you always hung out with me, I you love me!" His brows scrunched together, not wanting to believe what the girl was saying. "I wanted to be your friend! Nothing more!" (Y/N) retaliated, tensed up against the wall.

"Scarlet, I...I won't tell anyone about this just please let me go!" Tears began to run down her cheeks. "No, I won't let you go back to them, they've brainwashed you," Scarlet's mind was too clouded with hatred to be reasoned with. "Please let me be with them! With Caramia-"

"" Scarlet snarled. (Y/N) flinched back at the change in character. Scarlet sighed, "you'll stay here, and if you try leaving me, I will have Famgilia Grimm fight Oz," he opened the door, ready to leave before glancing over his shoulder, his red eyes foggy from hate, "I don't like violence, but I'll do what it takes to keep you safe and here," and he left. A click resonated through the room, coming from the door knob.

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