《SelfShipping/ My Stories》Scars Don't Heal (Old)


Merlot × Stereo



Standing in the mirror was stereo, her back turned to it as she looked over her shoulders, slowly spreading her wings she examines tha large scar running down her torso from the right side of her her neck to the left side of her hip. Biting her bottom lip as she looked away, ashamed. Her hands cross over her midsection as she leans forward, her hair falling over her eyes.

A quick knock on the door made her jolt up and cover her bare chest before the door was opened "Hey the gu- oh! S-Shit, im sorry doll i didn't mean ta' intrude-" The skeleton, Merlot, apologized as he blushed and looked away. "no....your fine..." She mumbled reaching over to the blanket not far from her and covering her chest with it, pulling her knees up to her torso.

"S-so....ahem. Why ya sittin' in the dark?" Merlot switched the topic as best he could looking at the floor. She gave a small hum as a answer. Lifting his gaze merlot shuffled over, looking at the mirror at the scar on her back caught his gaze. "....." She folds her wings tightly covering the majority of the scar her eyes sqeezing shut.

She hated it, her carelessness got her that damn branding, that fucking scar that forever stands out on her back. Her skin was light but that scar just seemed to be brighter, nearly white as it forever is a reminder she isn't immortal. She knows shes not, but she keeps her mind away from all form of death. Hating the image of what would happen when she finally is embraced into deaths arms.

Living hurt, but having no idea what lays beyond when you die infuriates her. She and everyone else had the right to know, but the universe stayed silent. If she could fear she would be petrified, but she only hates the thought. A wing wrapping around her from the back brought her out if her thoughts, merlot had moved to sit beside her left while she was spaced out. He didn't look at her keeping his gaze on the floor, stiff as a rock as he was silent for a while.


Clearing his throat, he sighs "Look.. i ain't er.. i ain't good at comfort an' shit but.. ya' shouldn' be ashamed of yer' body. " Letting out a croaked cough, he rubs the back of his vertebrae with his right hand. A light red blush forming on his skull "If anythin' yer' pretty damn hot an'...look hella' badass all the time....but aside that yer' always so upliftin'.... always liftin' good peoples spirits. So don't see that scar as a bad thing see it as a, ya survived through tough times an' pushed through."

Small tears formed in her eyes as she chuckled, leaning into his shoulder with a quiet thump. "Your better at this than you give yourself credit for...." Leaning her head to look up at him she seen his pinpricks shine, with a small grin he leans his skull against hers. "Now get yer clothes on, i can't control ma'self much longer." He joked planting a toothy kiss on her forehead making her giggle.

As they stand up, she shoo's merlot out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Dropping the blanket she puts on a sports bra and a large sweatshirt, making her shorts almost seem nonexistant from underneath. Sliding on her fuzzy socks, stereo makes her way out of her room and downstairs. Where merlot and his few friends where, she greets the others with a more upbeat tone. Merlot sure did have a way with words.

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