《SelfShipping/ My Stories》Dance The Night Away (Old)


Merlot × Stereo



Silently following the group of skeleton friends merlot stayed silent. The chatter between the people of who was paying for what, discussing what they where going to do, and just friendly conversations. He didn't particularly want to go but people like the peer pressure him alot. A skeleton in blue with goggles looked back to the grumpy red one, slowing down he matched merlots pace as he skipped.

"Look if it makes you feel better their are private dance rooms you can rent and a certain someone preforms there tonight!" They beamed but it only made him grunt in return. "I don't care who's preformin' an' I don't care fer' this dumb club yer' over hypin'...." He shrugged his shoulders, his left one popping as he put his hands in his hoodie pocket.

He wasn't allowed to wear his thick jacket so he resorted to his more well fitted hoodie he danced in when alone. The blue skeleton shrugged merlots additude off as he continued on. "It has a bar as well if you want to sit by it, no one should bother you cuz people are still scared of grillbz new worker. " He gave a small 'mhm' not really listening. Approaching the 'oh so famous' building it was actually giant, the owners must have a large wallet if they bought this place along with everything inside.

The leader of the group pushed the door open waving everyone to have fun and not do something stupid to get kicked out. Wandering in merlot was left by the rest of his group as they went around the club to the arcade and such. It was a night club but he was glad it wasn't no strip club.. He would be gone if anyone tried seducing him.

He hated the girls who made it obvious that they where trying, ones that made it difficult for him to pick any signals up from are more his style. What can he say, he liked a challenge. Looking around his pinpricks set to the bar wandering his way over while avoiding people, his wings where tucked tight against his back side and lifted so they don't brush the floor and allow an accident of someone stepping on them.

Manuvering to the corner stool he sits down away from everyone else. A galaxy patterned elemental like grillby approaching him, their voice whispy and quiet. "Would you like anything sir?" Looking at the assortments of drinks he asked for a watered down fireball. The elemental nodded going off to make his drink as he let his gaze wander. His eyes met with his blue goggled friend as they seemed to smirk, standing beside the green scarfed lad who was also seeming to have a mischevious glint in his sockets for his shy additude.


Merlot glared wondering what they where up to as they spoke to what he guessed was a worker with a clipboard. The mans eyes widened as he was handed a roll of money, nodding his head to whatever their request was an running backstage and yelling something unaudible. Merlot rolled his eyes turning his attention to the drink the elemental set beside him, lifting the cup to his teeth and taking a sip.

After a few minutes the lights dimmed as black lights flicked on, bright colors beginning to glow in the club as people began hooting and whistling to whatever was happening on stage. The beat of a song began pounding through the club from the speakers making merlots soul thump with the song. As the stage lit up, his eyes widened at the familiar figure on it. Large baby blue wings sitting on their back. 'Stereo works here?! i heard she worked at a club but why this one?!'

He was dragged out of his thoughts as she began to move with the beat, flowing smoothly like she was meant to be on stage as her wings cooperated with her movements and made her seem lighter than air. Her voice poured out vibrantly as she sang, making merlot shiver in his seat as she flowed around hitting each beat perfectly. Her singing loud and clear as it was full of passion and emotion, her eyes lighting up bright green as she moved around the stage dancing to the rythmn.

He recognized the song 'youngblood' due to its style and the lyrics. His pinpricks set on stereo as she danced and sang, a small red blush crept onto his cheekbones when she met his gaze and winked at him. Probably just messing around or part of her job to do that. When the final beat hit she made a pose, as the song faded out people began cheering as she waved to them with a smile. Must be famous around here from how they seemed to know she was going onstage.

She went backstage, her wings swaying behind her in synch with her steps. The normal playlist returned to what it was playing at a quieter volume. Merlot shook his head returning to stare at his drink as his thoughts wandered, his friends knew she worked here. Those fuckers planned the whole thing, he was going to strangle them later. There was a small tap on his left shoulder, but when he looked they're was nothing.

A giggle came from his right as he turned his head again seeing stereo in the chair beside him. "sup loser, didn't expect to see you here out of everyone" Struggling to keep his gaze to hers and not look at her exposed mid section he responded sarcastically "yea' why's that?" She shrugged clicking to the bartender, must be some secret code or somthing. "Well your not social often and you got quite the temper with strangers, you also don't like clubs like this. With alcohol and stuff. " He hummed looking back to his drink and lifting it to his teeth again.


"An you never seem to like dancing or parties in general so this doesn't seem like your strong suit." He glanced over to her mid drink before setting it down. "Well doll' i can dance i just prefer not ta'. i's annoyin' when people make comment's and stuff.." She chuckled the bartender setting a fruity looking drink infront of stereo, she started swirling the straw around in it.

"Well there's the studios you can rent, ain't that expensive either. Keys, equipment and such." She waves her hand in a 'and so on' motion as she takes a drink of her beverage. "Mhm. An what's that? looks like some childs drink" He looked at the bright colored drink stereo had. "Says the man who got a watered down fireball and its called cosmopolitan, for your information. "

She gave him a playfull glare as she passed it to him. "ain't that bad either" He shakes his head passing it back. "i ain't tryin' ta' get drunk so no thanks" She shrugs, downing the drink as if it was nothing before passing the cup away to the bartender. Turning the chair to face him as her full attention was now on him. "So why didn't you tell me you could dance? What style you into?"

He huffed, shrugging his shoulders as he kept his gaze down "just didn't feel impor'in to tell ya' an i hate dancin' now'a'days...." He mumbled, trailing off. He felt her staring at him, examining him before she hummed. "Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Come on bone boy" He became confused as she slid off the seat beside him, following suite she lead him to a hallway with doors spaced out going through it.

They passed the person at the start of the hallway behind a booth, who paid them no mind. "Uhh where we goin'?" She didn't respond before she went to the end of the hallway to the only door down there, pushing it open she ushered merlot inside before following behind him. "Welcome to MY dance studio, I come here to let loose and stuff so feel free to make yourself at home. I own this section of the building."

He examined around the room large thick curtains taking up most of one wall most likely covering a window of some sort. Mirrors lined agains the wall beside it while a booth with two large speakers beside it sat comfortably in the corner. Benches up against the wall near the entrance while some dance equipment for certain dance styles sat on a table a tucked in the corner near a side room door, must be a storage closet. He looked over to stereo who was now at the booth hooking her phone up to it somehow as she played what she thought best suited merlot.

She had a pretty good guess in his opinion.. He tapped his foot along with it but refused to start dancing. She huffed at his stubborness, waltzing over to him, not helping his case of not trying to stare. She sets her hands on his shoulders "relax, tension makes your dancing jagged and out of beat, try it." He sighs slowly complying, shutting his eyesockets he slowly relaxes to the music. Letting the music waves envelope his soul as he felt the song drum through his bones.

"See there you go. Now just follow my lead." Opening his sockets he let stereo take a hold on his hands leading him with the music as they both began to flow freely with the beat. When stereo stopped directing his hands she was letting him take lead, his hands shook as he stopped for a moment. 'It doesn't matter right now..' He let out a nervous breath before setting his hands on her sides leading her through the music, moving just fine to his.

She had shut her eyes to concentrate fully on dancing with him. His soul drummed in his ribcage as it seemed to dance as well, sending waves out of low pitched sounds that nothing could pick up. He kept his eyes off stereo as they danced, his soul continuing to dance solo in his ribcage. As the song faded out stereo slowed looking up at merlot with a giggle "Not bad." He glared slightly at her not noticing his hands where still on her hips before hers rested atop of them.

Flinching slightly as she leaned against him "Im never going to judge you so don't think you need to hide stuff from me, kay? You can dance with me anytime you want or just sit in here and hang out" He hums slowly rocking the two of them in a slow waltz in place. Stereo's wings spread out so they werent crushed between the two. "Well thanks doll...i guess." She nods. "no need to thank me. " As the next song played and as the tone of it picked up the two began dancing once more, but this time...

merlot's soul wasn't solo.

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