《Just another exploration video (Solby)》A new chapter
"I think it's really nice", Colby expressed as Sam slowly followed him into the open space of the apartment room. It had been a couple of months since Sam's worst panic attack and he could happily admit that he has gotten better, much, much better. The time in the mansion had worn thin as they were given notice to leave, probably for some obvious reasons that no one wanted to divulge into. So Sam and Colby decided to find a place in an apartment, however, the shocking part was they weren't going to share one room. Sam would have his own apartment room and Colby would have his; it would be fine because they were neighbours and still very close to one another. It didn't matter at all, the likelihood of them just staying at each other's room every night was rather high.
"Very", Sam agreed while he rubbed his arm tenderly. He was still sensitive to moving around and outside of places he had grown accustomed to. This was new territory, though Colby was here, it still made him a bit anxious. "We can do a lot with these", Sam said as he walked over to join Colby's side, gently reaching to take his hand to which the other male allowed as their fingers intertwined and they exchanged soft smiles.
They had gotten back into the process of recording videos again, though they were not massive escapades like they used to be. The two eventually agreed to upload the hard evidence of their source of trauma, though they decided to wait until they were settled completely before releasing it. Their demands fell through and within the next month, that hospital would be bulldozed to the ground. They were still debating whether or not to watched it being torn apart, Sam was leaning more for it than Colby.
"For sure, consider this a uh... New chapter right? It can only go up from here", Colby placed his other hand over their intertwined fingers.
"How optimistic of you", Sam chuckled, and Colby mirrored his laugh before he turned to fully face the other male, leaning closer to him.
"I'd say it's more factual than just plain optimism. It's gonna be fine... We'll be fine", he said as his voice dropped to a low whisper, the two leaning closer to one another, eyes closing as breaths swept over their cheeks.
"I'd say I'm proud of you boys! You've grown so much! I'm a humbled aunt if anything!" Corey's voice caused the two to divert from their aim to embrace, their noses brushing over cheeks as they turned their heads away and separated. Though they were fully committed in one another, held no shame for their relationship in any shape or form... They were bashful, even around their friends. Not to mention they were bashful in the eyes of the media; it was quite known that they were seeing each other, but personally they kept their exchanges discrete. Perhaps it was just a side affect of their trauma, only depending on one another for everything... Their relationship was something they wanted just between them, not to share with anyone else; at least not their intimacy.
"Well, as long as you're happy, we're happy", Sam insisted while clapping his hands together and slowly making his way to Corey. He had a faint limp in his walk, a limp that would never cease for as long as he lived. He was just grateful that he could still walk so it didn't bother him too much. That didn't mean he couldn't ponder on it in moments of vulnerability. Looking down at his legs and being reminded of what happened to him... He tried not to think about it. Not to mention his hands; forever scarred from his breakdowns, his intention of hurting himself... It would forever be a part of him, and he was slowly beginning to accept that.
It happened. Nothing could change that but... He was flourishing. He wasn't alone. He had his friends and family and more than anything... He had Colby.
"Though I've gotta say, I'm gonna miss living with y'all. You're like my brothers, brother", Corey joked, and Sam cooed playfully as he hugged Corey from behind and they swayed.
"I bet you loved hearing me scream in the middle of the night from my night terrors", Sam spoke in a baby voice and Corey laughed and gave out a dazed sigh.
"Those were my favourite brother", he agreed, and they all chuckled in unison. Sam still had trouble sleeping but he didn't wake up in a cold sweat and he didn't per se need Colby to be there when he slept, but obviously that was preferred. He liked to think Colby was his good luck charm and his personal dream catcher. He always made Sam feel at ease. "So is this one yours?' Corey asked as he stepped away from Sam and looked around.
"Yeah, Colby's is the next room over", Sam crossed his arms and leaned on the kitchen counter, his eyes looking over the large space. It was still plain white walls and a bit empty aside from the odd sets of furniture like couches and lights, not to mention the decoration of boxes that littered all around them. Today was moving day, Corey decided to join in and help.
"Wanna take a look at mi casa?" Colby insisted and Corey agreed as they started to head out, Sam and Colby locking hands as they passed one another, their fingers slipping away as Colby walked further until they separated, and Sam was left alone in his designated room. His smile dropped and he wrapped his arms around himself.
Sometimes... He embraced the feeling of isolation. Though he couldn't handle it for too long, as his prior anxieties would arise, and he may become erratic at the thought of being the only person in the world. He didn't want to be the only person in the universe. That would mean no Colby. A world without Colby was a world he wanted to avoid under any circumstances.
He walked over to his bedroom, a queen sized bed up against the far wall. It was a big bed. A bed he had no intention of sleeping in alone if he could help it.
He encouraged Colby to go off and do what he wanted, Sam no longer required his company 24/7, though he wouldn't mind that. He wanted Colby to feel free to do as he pleased, he didn't want to cage him like a zoo animal. In the event Colby couldn't sleep in his bed with him or the other way around, Sam suspected he'd pull on one of Colby's jackets and cover himself in Colby's cologne. He just needed the essence of him.
Sam opened one of the boxes and glanced in. Clothes. He smiled to himself as he pulled out one of Colby's shirts. He had more of Colby's clothing than his own it seemed. He stole a lot of his clothes. Colby didn't mind at all, he thought it was cute. He sat the shirt down and looked around more. He'll be fine. Colby said so, so it must be true. He trusted Colby's judgement better than anyone else's.
Colby also encouraged Sam to go out without him. Though Sam's recovery was far more extensive than his own since Colby was almost back to normal, despite his minor gaps in memory and occasional fits of anxiety. Sam was getting better. He went out with Jake the other day without Colby and it was actually quite enjoyable. Sam had spectacular friends. Along with his recovery of self-confidence, he was recovering certain fragments of his personality. His curiosity was back, his eagerness was slowly returning to him. He regained his eagerness a while back, but it left him rather quickly. His eagerness returned when he insisted to join Elton.
That same eagerness returned. He shut his eyes and sat on his bed. He had to watch that place be torn down to nothing. It was his obsession he couldn't verbalise to Colby. He would disapprove, rightfully so, but Sam was obsessed with the idea of going back, but mainly to watch it be destroyed. There was no shred of doubt in his mind that he whether it was alone or with Colby; it didn't matter to him, he would go back.
He was still trying to get into the habit of not demanding Colby so much. He needed to. If he went now he wouldn't be able to function being so far from Colby. Why would he need that? Because he was going to go back, before they tore it down. At least he intended to; though knowing Colby, he'd never ever allow Sam to go back before preparations of deconstruction were ensued.
He didn't need anyone to tell him it was a bad idea to know that. It was a bad idea. It was stupid. It would most likely break him again, but Sam could get through that as he had the last two times. Besides, Colby would be angry at him, furious, but he wouldn't leave him for it. He promised he would remain no matter what... Sam desperately clung to that. He wasn't going to keep destroying Colby's trust because the place would be torn down and even if he was in the process of rehabilitation from a newfound breakdown, he promised himself he would still be there to watch it. He knew he needed to come to terms with that place, cleanse himself from its demons that plague his dreams. He wouldn't be rid of it if he didn't try to dispose of it's burdens at the heart of the issue.
Cleansing himself then shortly after watching it collapse so no one else would experience what he and Colby had... it sounded like a real new chapter. This new apartment wasn't their chapter. Sam destroying the demons of that place was the real chapter readily being prewritten for him.
He sighed out and fell back onto the bed, staring up at his ceiling. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see that girl, that building... Closed his eyes and reached up, as if trying to grasp something that would take away these images. A hand found his, fingers locked together. Sam smiled, already knowing who it was as he opened his eyes and saw Colby smiling down at him, climbing on top of him and leaning down to press their lips together in their prolonged kiss. Sweet. Gentle. Sam's free hand cupped Colby's cheek and he hardened the kiss, as if expressing his desperation for Colby in that moment. He rolled them over, so he was not on top of Colby, legs on either side of him and straddling his waist.
"Is Corey still here?" He whispered against Colby's mouth and the other male chuckled and gave a small nod, Sam exhaling impatiently. "Why? I... I want you..." So bashful. You couldn't blame him for being that way as they still haven't done anything terribly physical. Only... Minor things with hands.
"So do I", Colby growled against his mouth as he released Sam's hands and traced his palms up his lovers neck to run his fingers through his blonde locks of hair, so soft at the touch. Sam gently bit at Colby's lower lip and whimpered slightly, the two being egged on at a very quick pace.
"Maybe we can start our... New chapter as you say... With a bit of a bang", Sam chuckled, and Colby's eyes narrowed a bit at him as once again they rolled over so he was on top, hands on either side of Sam's head as he glared down at him with a sense of determination.
"Corey!" He called and the other responded with a loud 'WHAT'. "We can... Handle things from here!" He exclaimed, Sam taking initiative as he traced kisses up and down Colby's neck, lightly biting at his collarbone which had him grunt a bit in surprise. It took a few seconds before a chuckle was heard from Corey.
"I get it... You two have fun", he responded and both Sam and Colby shout out goodbyes before continuing in their exchange; the door to Sam's apartment shutting which indicated their privacy. It was heated and messy as they mainly rolled around on the bed, and viciously made out. Giggles would erupt between them as they eventually drove themselves out of their haze of lust and were laying side by side while breathing heavily and looking at one another. They both were deprived of their shirts; Sam's jeans were open but not removed while Colby still had on his shorts. Perhaps heated sex wasn't really the way they would do this. They seemed to have the same idea in mind, rather preferring something so important and intimate to be... Savoured rather than rushed through; besides, someone would get hurt if they rushed.
"Fuck", Sam laughed lightly as his hand gripped Colby's, the brunette smiling quizzically at him. "This turned out not being very sexy", he said, and Colby chuckled along with him, leaning closer and pressing their lips together in a lingering kiss.
"Doesn't need to be sexy..." Colby said softly. "I don't care how it happens, as long as it's with you, I'm fine".
"Me too", Sam agreed in a whisper, the two now breathing steadily, completely out of the haze of having sex. It didn't feel like the right time... Not yet. Sam still had business to finish, he had to get rid of his burdens in order completely give himself to Colby... "So... Wanna order some pizza?" He asked which caused them both to giggle before Colby caressed Sam's cheek and exhaled slowly.
"Sounds divine".
Colby was glad. He was glad that Sam was back on his feet. His was recovering swimmingly and he could not be any more pleased. Ever since moving into their new apartments, Sam has been able to spend some time by himself, not like he was distancing himself but rather bettering his capability of being by himself, since, no matter how much he wished he could, Colby couldn't always be there for Sam. Being around him 24/7 wouldn't improve his condition more than it would obstruct him.
Sam went to his room earlier than usual today, he was tired. Colby didn't mind this though he had to say, he didn't really like being alone. They've only slept separately about twice in the last three weeks. Once was when Colby went out with Brennen for a night. Another time was because Sam insisted they try it. Though they only got through half the night before Sam came back to Colby's room and climbed into bed with him. They both had the keys to each other's rooms, it was necessary for obvious reasons. Colby was pleased that he hasn't needed to use the key yet due to Sam having a panic attack. Luckily when Sam did have an attack, he was usually near him and they weren't as bad as they were in the past.
The last time Sam had one was two weeks ago. The last time Colby had one was a week ago, unbeknownst to Sam. It was that one day Sam requested to sleep separately. Much to Colby's surprise, he needed Sam with him more than Sam did. He relied on protecting him it seemed. He was dead set on being there for him and the anxiety of maybe not being there to help him if he had a panic attack actually gave Colby one.
Colby managed to fall asleep on his couch in front of the TV, waking up only when his phone beeped, indicating a message had come through. It was from Brennen, asking if he was awake. He lazily texted him back and forth before he shut off his phone and picked up the remote to turn off his TV. His eyes swept around the living room, as if hoping to catch sight of blonde hair and blue eyes. He checked the time; a little after 2 am, Sam left at about 10. He was slightly surprised he hadn't come back yet or tried to call him. In the times they've been separated, they usually ended up coming back to one another or if that wasn't possible they'd call or message. He was surprised Brennen had texted him instead of Sam.
Slowly he sat up on the couch and stretched out his limbs, a satisfying cracking sound following before he relaxed. It was quiet. It was dark. Colby hated being alone. He felt cold. He wrapped his arms around himself and exhaled heavily. Would Sam hate it if he went over now? He was cracking under the loneliness and it had been only 4 hours since he last saw Sam.
He didn't linger on it too much because he gave in and stood, already picking up the keys from the counter and heading out his door to Sam's. He started to unlock the door, but then stopped when he realised it was already unlocked. He frowned. Sam wasn't one to be careless like this, he was usually more paranoid about these kinds of things. Colby shook his head in dismissal and opened the door. Maybe he expected Colby to come? Or maybe he was expecting to want to come back to Colby? That seemed plausible. He stepped inside and immediately noticed that the light in Sam's room was on.
"Sam?" He called out but received no answer. He felt a wave of cold flash over him, goosebumps prickling at his skin. He steadily walked over to the bedroom and observed that it was definitely empty, his bed had not been slept in. Colby saw the page on the bed however, immediately going over and lifting it for his eyes to read.
That stupid son of a bitch!
He crumbled up the page in rage, letting out a remark of profanity as he turned and rushed out of the room to his own, getting ready for a long drive.
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