《Soulbond [Rick Sanchez Fanfiction]》12. Open the door


As I wake up the next day im surprised to find myself still in Rick's embrace. I shuffle a little to turn around so that im face to face with his sleeping form. He didnt have any nightmares tonight, good. I raise my hand to drag my thumb over the bags under his eyes, he still needs to sleep more though. How broken he is. To fight, to almost die and for it to not even be a big deal to him? He cloned his own daughter for whom? For her? He abandoned me, for my sake? I think he deep down actually cares but he got a strange way of showing it, maybe he doesnt know how? Or maybe he want to hide it all, maybe in that brilliant brain of his he believes that love and affection is something weak?

He nuzzle into my palm and his hand comes up to press it tighter against his own cheek and as a content sigh escapes his lips his eyes flicker open.

"Hi" I smile "Good morning". He stare back at me with a surprisingly soft expression but I watch as the gears in his head starts to spinn, slowly waking him up properly and he release my hand to turn over on his back with a grunt, his gaze stuck on the ceiling.

"Yeah yeah..." He grunts with a raspy voice. I sigh and let my cheek fall back onto the pillow. I sleep surprisingly well in his simple bed but its probably more him and not so much the actual bed.

"You didnt have a nightmare" I state.


"That's good" He hums and I hate how distant he acts.

"What's bothering you?" I ask but dont expect an answer. He grabs my arm and holds it up in the air, hinting towards my now fully healed injury before releasing it.

"That I got hurt?" I question "But im fine?"

"Hm..." He responds and I stare at him.

"You had me worried too, I thought I was going to loose you" He watch me from the corner of his eye and silence fills the room for a minute or so before he speaks again.

"So... eh... what happened to your parents?" I stare at him for a moment, the question sudden and unexpected.

"They died?"

"Yeah I got that but HOW did they die?"

"You dont think that's a little blunt?"

"How else would you want me to ask?"

"Not at all maybe?" I chuckle nervously and shake my head.

"You dont have to tell" He mumble but he doesnt say it to be kind, more like my reaction is a nuisance. He doesnt want to deal with others emotions and im yet to figure out why.

"No, its fine... they..." I take a deep breath, I have never spoken about this before "They died in a car crash, it was an accident, a semi truck lost control and... yeah" I exhale a shaky breath, I didnt know sharing it would be so emotional? I had to grow up so quickly after they died and I dont think I ever processed any of it, I was too busy with school, work and to move forward on my own.


Rick is silent.

"I got a scar actually" I explain and sit up on my knees to pull up my pyjamas top. Right under my left breast its a straight line, about the length of my hand "I broke some ribs" I explain and I feel my soulmate stare. I watch him as he reach out to touch the scarred tissue, I shiver with delight from his hand on me.

"I can remove it" He says as he runs his long finger across it before letting his hand go down to grip my waist.

"N-no its fine..." I stutter as his arms goes around my middle section as a hug. He place his head on my thighs and I let my hand run through his wild hair. He's so difficult to understand, right now he's like a child seeking comfort, which makes me wonder...

"What about your parents?" I ask as my fingers play with his blue strands. Why is his hair even blue? Upon closer inspection it doesnt even seem to be dyed.

"What about them?" I feel his warm breath through the fabric as he nuzzle his head closer to my body, raising my temperature.

"Like.. how were they?"

"Does it matter?"

"You dont have to tell me" I ruffle his hair playfully as I repeat the same words he said.

"For starters my mother was average, kind, my father..." He stops and I glance down, maybe it was a sensitive topic for him as well?

"Fuck this" He suddenly spits and remove himself from me, the feeling of loss overwhelms me and I frown "Im going to the garage" He grabs his lab coat from the floor but before he exits he turns around to look at me "Are you coming?" He asks and I cock my brow, I thought he was running away again?

"You want me to join you?" I ask.

"Why else would I ask?" He wryly responds.

"I need to get dressed first" I pull the blanket away from myself and throw my pyjamas covered legs over the edge but Rick isnt moving.

"Can you go?"

"Why the fuck would I go? You cant change in front of your soulmate?" He gives me a smug expression, cross his arms stubbornly and lean against the closed door "I almost fucked you the other day"

"Oh my god!" I cover my face in my hands from embarrassment, my entire face taking on the color red.

"What? I did? And you wanted it"

"Dont say it like that!" I protest, completely flustered.

"Pfft" He chuckles and turns around "Fine but hurry up" I stare at his back for a while to make sure he wont peak before starting to change clothes. Pants on, socks on..

"Or I can just..." I hear his voice when my vision is covered as I pull a shirt over my head "do whatever the fuck I want" Just when I can see again he leans down to kiss me. My body response is direct and intensive, I literally melt from his unusual soft act and my hand comes up to pull him closer, which he allows.


"You are such a burden" He pulls away and hoists me over his shoulder which makes me gasp from the sudden height difference. He's so lanky, how can he be this strong as well? I laugh as he carries me out the door, right before the stairs he lets me slide off and my laugh is replaced with a timid smile as I look up at him.

"You're more of a burden"

"I know" He shakes his head.

"Oh..." We both turn our heads down the stairs towards the third voice. Beth stares at us, her mouth formed as an O and her eyes widened.

"Beth.. I didnt see you there" Rick seem like we got busted doing something illegal and I share his feelings, she wasnt very happy last time and I wonder how Rick will react now? Is he on my side now or will he do a complete 360 again?

"So where's Beth? The.. the other one" Rick awkwardly ask, clearly uncomfortable.

"Downstairs" Her tone is short. Is she still mad over us or is she mad about something else? I'd be pretty chocked to be cloned as well so I dont blame her if that's the issue...

"Ah.. so.." He averts his gaze.

"We're good" She grunts and proceed up the stairs and pass us. I look after her and for some reason I feel guilty. Rick can be very insensitive and I dont doubt for a second that he have hurt this family more than once, yet they still seem to care for him. His shoulders seem to slouch a little bit more and a gloomy feeling follow in his trails as we head to the garage. As we pass by the kitchen we hear laughter and find the rest of the family hanging out in the living room.

I wave to Summer and she waves back. She must be about to head to school soon, I think I'll pass today, I didnt even go to the bar for work yesterday but I assume Marcus will understand why, we did get attacked by aliens after all...

"So who is the real Beth?" I ask once we're behind closed doors.

"I dont know" He mumble.

"You dont..." I stop myself. He doesnt know? Its his daughter and he doesnt know who's a clone and who's "real"? Im so surprised that I dont know what to say. I knew he was... special but this is cruel?

I look at him as he moves around in his garage, he presses a button and my eyes widen when the wall opens up and reveal Birdperson, or what's left of his mechanical self, strapped against the wall, cords hanging from his severed torso to his limbs. He wasnt this damaged before, did Rick do something to him?

"What are you going to do?" I ask and step forward but Rick quickly push me back again.

"You should probably keep your distance" With the flick of a switch Birdperson seems to come alive and his robot parts starts to twitch in their restraints. A lump forms in my stomach as he opens his eyes and as soon as he spots Rick he grows wild with rage and screech so loud it hurts my ears. Rick instantly turns him back off and moves backward to slump down on his chair, his hands comes up to rub his tempels.

"I can fix him, I can fix him..." He chants but more so towards himself than me. I look at Birdperson, then back at Rick.

"How long have you know each other for?" I ask.

"Come" Rick pulls me down on top of himself, his arms curling around my body to hug tightly and I lean by head forward on his shoulder as I straddle him, my hands intertwined around him.

"For ages..." He responds.

"I assume you were close friends?"

"Friends" He scoffs "I dont have friends"

"Whatever you were... or are"

"We did a lot of shit together" He explains and I throw a glance over my shoulder to Birdperson again. I wonder what type of person he was? What they did together? Maybe he can tell me more about Rick's past? Maybe he can give me answers that Rick keep from me. We sit in silence for a bit just embracing each other when Rick suddenly start to stirr under me.

"You make me fucking hard...." He grunts. Instead of getting embarrassed by his words I feel my cheeks heat up, do I share the yearning for the final and third stage? I dont release my grip and my face is hidden against his shoulder as I contemplate what to do. Its scary. I feel my nervs tingle with excitement but my stomach twist and turn with fear. I dont know what to expect? I've been pushing these feelings aside for a while solely because Rick didnt seem to want me as his mate but last night and this morning he's been... different?

"Do you..." I pause and exhale deeply "Accept me? As your soulmate?"

"I've always wanted you, dont ask silly questions" I lean back to look at him, his cheeks also holds a tint of pink on them and his eyes half lidded as he stares back at me.

"But you wanted to end it"

"And I've told you why" He furrow his unibrow.

"I know but I just..." My gaze drops onto his chest "How do I know you wont leave me again?"

"You wont" I open my mouth to argue back but remain quiet. Rick is not an ordinary person, he's smart; inventing technology and devices the human race can only wish for. He's untamed even if the word itself makes me cringe. He's not one to stay still in one place. He's a selfish person who question life all the time... If we were to complete our bonds is he willing to take me with him out in space? Or whatever adventures might be waiting? Is he willing to share this lonely and complex life of his with me?

"Okay..." I breathe and he smirks.

"Good girl" He purrs.

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