《Golden | H.S.》Chapter 8
A/N: I'm still wondering why y'all sleep on Walls cuz this is fire as hell. It's literally so good, I haven't stopped crying over it since he released it. Especially this song, it's def my top 3.
What are your top 3 from Walls? Mine are: Too Young (I genuinely cannot listen to that one without crying), Always You, and Defenceless.
Anyway, this song doesn't have to do with the chapter, I just, again, wrote this while it was playing!
And I want to say that I absolutely love this chapter.
Also, if you guys think their relationship is developing kind of fast; spending so much time together, teasing each other, holding hands, whatever...I'm doing that intentionally. I want it to come across clearly how beautiful and instant their connection is because they're similar in a lot of different ways!
Okay, let's do this. Stream Walls and enjoy!
"So, when's your birthday?" We're still driving. Harry had gone to a drive-thru to get us smoothies and has been asking me random questions the entire time.
"April 27th, 1999. Yours?" I ask.
"Oh, wow, next month." I nod in response as I take a sip of my drink. "We'll have to do something special to celebrate it." He says with a smile before answering me, "February 1st, 1994."
"Oh, that's just passed! Happy belated birthday, old man." I tease. He gasps, "Old? How dare you!" We laugh and I continue, "You're an Aquarius, then?" And he nods. "That makes complete sense."
"How so?" He asks with a chuckle.
"Some people consider the animal for an Aquarius to be a peacock. And peacocks are known for their beautiful souls and their ability to inspire others." I tell him.
He smiles brightly at that and continues with his questions. I manage to sneak in some of my own. Nothing too personal but I find out that his favorite color is blue, and his favorite animal is a turtle. I find out his sister and mother's name and he tells me how much he misses them.
It's progress. Slowly, but surely.
Harry parks outside my apartment and I don't want him to leave yet, so I somehow form the confidence to ask, "Do you...want to come in?" I shake my head, "I mean, Seb might be home and all, but if you want, we could watch a movie or- Forget it, you're probably tired-"
"Delilah." He cuts my rambling short. "I'd love to come inside." He smiles at me.
I release the breath I didn't know I was holding and smile back. He parks and we climb out of the car, his hand on my lower back as we walk to my front door, smoothies in hand.
I fumble with my keys as I unlock the door and I widen it so he can walk in first. "Ta-da!" I say and open my arms towards the place. "This is the living room."
He nods as I speak. I walk us to the right, "This is the kitchen."
I walk us further into the apartment and point towards a closed door. "This is Seb's room." I knock three times. "Seb? Are you home?" I receive no answer, so I shrug and walk a few more steps and stop in front of the last door. "And this is my room." I step to the side and let him walk in first.
Harry looks around before turning to me with a smile, "I like it. It's very you." He states simply.
"Is that a good thing?" I ask hesitantly, leading him to nod.
"Very good thing. It'll always be a good thing, honeybee. I don't think there's ever going to be anything bad to say about you."
I give a small smile but shake my head, "That's not true."
"It is. I never lie, Delilah. Now, what movie will we be watching?" He sits on the corner of my bed, his eyes asking permission. I nod and he scoots further back, placing his drink on the side desk, moving until his back is against the pillows on the wall. I do the same, sitting on the side closest to the wall.
I point to the small desk next to him, "There's a folder there full of movies. Pick whatever you want." He reaches over to grab it and starts looking through it. And all I can do is stare at him.
Harry Styles is in my apartment. On my bed. Looking through my movie collection.
"How about this one?" He asks, holding up Forrest Gump. I can't help the grin that comes on my face. It's one of my favorite movies. I always watched it with my parents. And I hadn't watched it since they've been gone. I tell Harry this as I climb off my bed to put the movie in and he's hesitant to watch it now.
"No, it's okay. I've been wanting to watch it. I just could never bring myself to do it. It's okay, Harry." I promise him as I climb back in the bed.
The movie starts and we're both sat against the pillows, a few inches between us. I'm looking at his tattoo-covered arm and I can't help but reach out and brush my fingers against one of them. "I really like this one." I tell him, pointing at the rose. I watch as goosebumps rise where I'm touching him and it causes a small smirk to make its way to my face. "It's beautiful."
He looks down at my fingers brushing his arm and smiles, "Thank you. It's one of my favorites." He looks up to my eyes, "Do you have any tattoos?" I nod and start to lift my shirt, his eyes widening. "Oh, relax," I laugh. "I have two."
I lift my shirt up and bunch it up underneath my bra to show him the two little fish I have on the side of my ribcage.
"My parents were both Pisces signs and coincidentally, both of their favorite animals was a fish." He brushes his fingers against the art and I shiver at his touch. "That's beautiful, Delilah. Really beautiful." His hand drops and he smiles at me.
"Thank you." I release my shirt and bend over to pull the left leg of my pants up to my shin. "This is my other one."
I point to my ankle and show him the design. His fingers run over that one, too. "It's a fleur de lis." He pulls his fingers back, nodding at me to continue.
I pull my pant leg back down to my ankle and sit back again. "I got that one recently. A couple of months ago, I think. What I love about it is that it has so many different meanings. It's one of those designs that allows people to pick which one of its meanings matters most to them." I look to his face and he's already looking at me. I gulp, "The meaning I related to the most was rebirth. When my parents died, I felt like nothing was going to get me out of the hole I'd crawled into. I felt alone and scared but after a while, I realized that they wouldn't have wanted me to be like that. They were people with adventurous souls and I wanted to be like that again. So, I decided to move out here. They'd always talked about wanting to come here someday. It took a lot for me to make that change but when I did, I felt...good? I felt better that I'd had the guts to do that. Something new. So, as soon as I'd moved here, the first thing I did was get this tattooed." I finish, slightly out of breath from the nerves.
He's just looking at me. "Um, sorry that was a lot, but yeah." He still doesn't respond.
Instead, he lifts his arm to my face, thumb brushing across my cheekbone. I hear my breath catch and he glances down to my lips as I lick them. He's leaning in now and Oh my God, he's going to kiss me. He's going to kiss me and-
And the door bursts open.
"D, please tell me you fu--" And all three of our jaws drop. Seb's standing at my door and I move away from Harry as quickly as possible, both of our cheeks heated.
"Fuuuu- Um," Seb clears his throat. "Please tell me you fucking got me some, um...some cinnamon. I can't have my coffee without cinnamon." He laughs nervously.
He walks further into the room neither of us speaks, and stands in front of Harry. "Hi, I'm Seb. Delilah's best friend and roommate." He juts his hand out towards him, visibly shaking.
Harry just laughs and stands up, "Nice to finally meet you, Seb. Delilah talks a lot about you. I'm Harry."
He shakes his hand as Seb's eyes widen and he looks past Harry, into my eyes. "You talk to Harry Styles about me?" He practically squeals, before clearing his throat and looking back to Harry. "Right, well. It's nice to meet you, Harry. I definitely have not been thinking about this moment for my entire life. Man, you're pretty. Your eyes are even greener in person-"
"Okay, Seb, I think that's enough. You're only going to make his ego bigger." I stand up and walk closer, standing to Harry's side and bumping his hip.
He bumps my hip back with a frown, "Hey."
Seb watches the exchange, looking between us with wide eyes. "Right," He draws out. "Well, I'll just head out and leave you two to continue whatever you were doing." He says with a wink and practically sprints out of my room, leaving Harry and I standing in silence with pink cheeks.
I clear my throat, "Do you want to, um- Do you want to keep watching the movie?" Please say yes. He nods. Yes.
"Yeah, yeah, for sure. Hopefully this time you won't distract me." He tells me as we sit back down on the bed.
I scoff, "Me? Distract you? Yeah, right."
I turn to him with a teasing smile and he's already got one of his own playing on his lips. "You're an incredibly distracting person, Delilah." He glances at my lips quickly before turning forward to face the television.
I wish for the heat on my cheeks to disappear and pray karma has something in store for Seb as I do the same.
Some time passes and we're halfway through the movie now and I feel my eyes fluttering open and shut. I yawn and cautiously lean into the heat of Harry's body, waiting to see if he'll be okay with it.
I feel his arm move and my stomach sinks, but he brings his arm up and wraps it over my shoulder, pulling me closer. I can't hide my smile and I lean further into him, resting my head on his chest. I feel his cheek on the top of my head, and I can't help but sigh.
It doesn't take long before I succumb to the sleep I so desperately needed.
I wake up to the sound of a camera shuttering. I blink a few times to adjust to the light and see Seb standing at the foot of my door with his phone is his hands.
"What are you doing?" I croak, using the hand that isn't around Harry's waist to wipe my eyes.
I freeze and slowly turn my head up from where it was resting on his chest, only to see Harry knocked out, his lips parted as small breaths escape. I can't help the smile that grows before I remember who woke me up.
I turn to Seb with squinted eyes and repeat myself, lower than before, "Seb, what are you doing?"
He shrugs, "I came to ask you if you guys wanted to get dinner but you were snoring on top of each other. It was actually adorable so naturally, I had to take pictures so you can show your future children." He whispers casually.
I ignore his comment and ask, "What time is it?" Seb glances at his phone before looking back at me. "8:30." My eyes widen.
"Holy shit." I slept like 6 hours. With no nightmare. "That's the longest I've slept in forever."
Seb frowns at that but then nods his head at Harry. "I wonder why." He's smiling. I look back up at Harry and my own smile forms.
That is, until he starts moving. I shoot Seb a look telling him to leave and he tip-toes his way out, leaving the door ajar. Harry's eyes open just as Seb's figure disappears and I start to lift myself from him. His hold around my tightens so I stay put, feeling his chest vibrate as he clears his throat.
I look up at him and he looks down at me with a smile. "Hi."
I can't help but return it, "Hi back."
His smile widens before he looks around the room, his eyes landing on the television displaying the title menu of Forrest Gump. "What time is it?" I check my phone for good measure before I respond, "Um, 8:30."
Harry whistles lowly at that, "Wow, we slept a while." His eyes are back on mine. "Sleep well?"
I nod, "Best sleep I've gotten in a while, to be honest with you."
His lips turn up, "Then I guess we'll have to have more sleepovers like this, huh, honeybee?" His tone is playful, but his eyes are anything but.
I nod again, slowly, "Definitely. Did you sleep well?"
"Best sleep I've gotten in a while." He copies my answer. I look away from him before my eyes can turn into hearts and move from his chest. He lets out a low whine and I have to laugh.
"Do you want to get dinner? We ate a while ago and I don't know if you have plans for dinner, but we could order in and eat with Seb if you want?" I speak without a breath as I ask him.
He nods in agreement, "I'd love that. It sounds like a lot of fun, actually. I can't remember the last time I ate dinner at home." And I want to be sad about what he says but, home.
I get out of my thoughts, "That's terrible, Harry." And he shrugs, "Well, you're welcome to eat with us whenever you'd like. I'm sure Seb wouldn't oppose to that 'cuz he's in love with you already and I'm-"
His eyebrows raise, "You're what, honeybee?" His eyes are glinting and wow, he really is gorgeous.
"I'm...starving. Come on, let's go." He only smiles as I extend my hand for him to help me out of the bed.
It's past ten now and we ended up ordering two pizzas. We're all sitting in the living room while Seb asks Harry a million questions about his life, not-so-subtly mentioning the fact that he's single.
"Yeah, I love that song, too, but I don't dance to it anymore. You know, 'cuz I'm single." He says when Harry mentions Amazed by Lonestar being one of his favorite songs.
"Real subtle, Seb." I say with a playful roll of my eyes as Harry laughs.
"But D's single, too, you know." Seb says this to Harry with the most obvious smile in the world.
I only roll my eyes again before Harry turns to me, "That's good." And he turns back to his food as my cheeks heat and Seb lets out a giggle.
We finish the rest of our food in silence and start cleaning up when Seb whistles, "Damn, it's late. I think I'm just going to crash." He throws away the trash and turns to us, "Goodnight, you guys, and it was really nice to meet you, Harry." Seb finishes with a smile and walks towards his bedroom.
I'm wiping the crumbs from the table when Harry speaks, "I should probably go. It's late and all." I look up and he's rubbing the back of his neck.
"Or you could stay? You don't have to, and I don't think anybody saw us come here, but you might risk being seen and it's late so you could just...stay?" I finish awkwardly.
Harry stares at me for a moment before smiling and nodding, "Yeah, you're right. It's probably smarter to stay. As long as you're sure."
I nod at him, "Yeah, I'm sure." And I smile for good measure.
He starts to speak, "I could set up the cou-"
"Or," We hear Seb loudly call out. "You could just sleep in Delilah's room. It's not like it'll be the first time." I blush as Seb finishes, "Goodnight, babes!"
Harry is blushing too now, and I shrug at him, "Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah. Yes. Yes, that's definitely okay." He laughs.
I nod and toss the napkin I had in the trash and wait for him to follow me to my room. Once we're inside, I ask, "Do you need a change of clothes? I think you and Seb are around the same size, I could ask him for some."
"Um, I sort of, don't sleep with a shirt." He shakes his head, "Sorry, that's probably weird. I'll keep my-"
"No!" I practically yell. "No, it's fine. That's fine, it's not weird. Not weird at all." I assure him.
He nods, smiling, and walks closer to his side of the bed. He slowly lifts his shirt and I can't tear my gaze from him as my eyes roam his now bare chest. Jesus H. Christ. "Um, do you-" I exhale. "Do you want to watch another movie?"
He nods again. He's smirking at me and it's clear I was obvious when I checked him out. He sits on the bed and I move towards my dresser. I grab my clothes and hold them up, "I'm just going-" I point to the bathroom and Harry smiles at me.
I change quickly and splash my face with water. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, "Okay, Delilah. No big deal. It's just one of the world's biggest celebrities sleeping at your apartment. In your bed. Next to you." I let out a harsh breath, "No big deal." I nod at myself once and walk back out to where Harry is.
He's lying there, in all his shirtless glory, and smiles when he hears me come back in. "What do you want to watch?"
I crawl in next to him and we both get under the covers. What he does next I didn't expect, and it makes my heart thump loudly against my chest. He pulls me as close as possible, similar to the position we woke up in, and my cheek ends up against his bare pec. I feel my heart beating throughout my entire body, so it's no surprise when Harry says, "Don't be so nervous, honeybee. Relax." And the hand he has wrapped around my waist starts rubbing my hip, underneath my shirt.
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