《Golden | H.S.》Chapter 7
A/N: Hello! This is Chapter 7, I hope you guys like it. It's another soft one and one of my faves I've written so far :) I don't enjoy drama so I should probably tell you now that there's not gonna be much of that for a while, if any. (of course, there will be lolz). But yeah, not for a while.
*insert evil laugh*
Also, you're going to learn some of where Delilah comes from in this chapter! Hint: She was born in America but she's not from America.
I really doubt that helped.
Okay, new hint: Check out the song I attached! (And the fact that his album is called Golden really is just *chef's kiss*).
N e way, enjoy!
The week between Harry's texts and Saturday felt excruciatingly long and was full of more sleepless nights for me. We'd been texting and calling about the most random things and I quite liked it.
But now it was Saturday morning and I was sitting with Seb at the counter drinking my coffee.
With vanilla.
Seb stayed quiet this time when I asked for it, but his smile and wiggling eyebrows weren't very subtle. We talk about Seb's night and what he got up to and it's our usual routine except now I'm happier and my tone is lighter and it's obvious Seb notices. And it makes him happier, too.
After we finished our coffees, I go to my room to get dressed. What does one wear when they have no idea where they're going?
I decide to call Harry, fumbling as I do, and he picks up on the first ring.
His raspy voice heats my cheeks and I clear my throat before I speak. "Hi back. Um, what should I wear for this surprise?"
"Oh! Sorry, I guess I probably should've given you some hints. I suppose jeans and a sweater will do? Or a jacket, something like that, something to keep you warm."
I gasp dramatically, "Finally! Are you going to be the one to fulfill my lifelong dream of going to Antarctica?! Oh, thank you, Harry. You're too kind."
I hear his laugh, "I wish, Delilah, truly. But unfortunately, that's not on today's agenda." He pauses. "Is it actually your dream to go to Antarctica?"
"No." I sigh. "It's actually London, but that wouldn't have fit the joke."
"You've never been to London?" He asks incredulously.
"No, I haven't gone anywhere, really. And it's a good thing I don't dream of going to Antarctica. Being from Miami, there's no way I'd survive the cold." I laugh but receive no response for a while.
"You're from Miami?"
"Yeah. I've never told you that?" I furrow my brows and pinch my lips together.
"No. I don't know, I always figured you were from L.A." He tells me.
"No, I'm from Miami but I moved here after...Well, after." I simply say. I clear my throat, "What time will you be picking me up, by the way?" And I read off my address.
He notices my change in conversation with a hum, "I'm going to head out now and I should be there in about 15 or 20 minutes. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine, I'll let you go. And Harry?" He hums again. "Drive safe. Please."
I can hear the desperation in my voice, so I'm sure he can, too. "Of course," He says softly. "I'll see you soon, love."
I get dressed and ready in the 17 minutes it takes Harry to get here. No, I didn't count.
I chose to wear a light blue knitted cardigan with a white tee underneath, with some skinny jeans and my white converse, my hair brushed back into a ponytail.
He calls me to tell me he's outside and I think about what it would be like if one day, he came inside instead of waiting for me to come out.
I walk out and hesitantly climb in his Range Rover when he leans over and opens the door for me from his seat. I grasp the door handle as soon as I shut the door and turn to face him. Jesus.
His hair is pushed back and he's wearing a black knitted sweatshirt with the initials of New York on it. His black pants fit him like a glove, especially around his thighs.
I look back up to his eyes. "Hi." I breathe out.
He has a smirk on his face and leans over to greet me with a kiss on my cheek. He doesn't pull back all the way, his face a few inches from mine. "Hi back."
He sits all the way back in his seat and puts his hand on the gear shift. "You okay to go?"
I nod fervently and smile at his concern. "Yeah, all good. Thank you." He nods back and starts to drive. There's low music playing, one of my favorite songs. "Could I turn that up?"
He hands me his phone, "Go for it. Pick whatever you like. The password is 223333."
"You give out your password just like that?" I tut as I increase the volume on Paint It, Black.
He just smiles. "I trust you, honeybee."
"I like that you call me that." I admit after a pause, not looking at him, but at his phone instead, adding songs to the queue. "I've only ever had one nickname before."
"I like calling you that." I expect the question, "What was the nickname?"
"Lilah. It wasn't anything special, but my parents were the only ones who ever called me that and since they passed, I just haven't been used to a nickname. But I like yours." I look up at him. "A lot."
He smiles and glances at me quickly before putting his eyes back on the road. "Then I'll keep calling you that." He pauses. "Honeybee." And both of our smiles grow.
Everything is quiet for a beat before the song I put next in the queue comes up. I didn't think my smile could get wider, but it did.
"Cuál es el misterio de entremedio de tus piernas..."
Harry's eyebrows raise in surprise and he looks over at me quickly in confusion.
"What is this?" He asks with a laugh.
I increase the volume, "One of the greatest songs ever. Now hush, you're going to miss the best part."
"...En tu escuelita dame clase de placer."
"What's he saying?" Harry asks.
I smile, "Well, right now he basically said he wants her to give him lessons in pleasure." I shrug and face out the window. "It's called Sobredosis. That means overdose and the song's about overdosing on sex with her because it's just that good, basically."
I turn back to face Harry only to see his eyebrows still raised. "O-Oh. That's-" He clears his throat. "That's interesting. Very interesting. The song sounds pretty."
I laugh, "Oh, it is. My family would play it at every party we had. I'm just now realizing how wildly inappropriate that is but," I shrug. "I guess that's why they had me dance it with Brandon all the time." I see his face grow confused at the unfamiliar name. "Brandon was my neighbor back in Miami." I turn back out the window. I'm telling him a lot about me, more than I expected to. But it's nice.
"We grew up together and our families were convinced we would end up getting married, so they always tried to put us together." I look back at Harry and see a stern look on his face. "You alright?" I ask and I place my hand lightly on his hand that was resting on the gear shift.
The crinkles between his eyebrows softened and the tightness in his shoulders loosened as he nodded. "Yeah, yeah, fine. So...you speak Spanish." He states.
I go to bring my hand back to my lap, but he turns his over and intertwines our fingers. "Yep, it was my first language. My mom was Dominican, and my dad was Cuban, so I grew up speaking more Spanish than English."
"That's really cool. Say something in Spanish." He grins childishly.
I let out a laugh, "Okay, what do you want me to say?"
"Uh, estoy tan contenta de haberte conocido."
"What's that mean?" He asks. I just hum instead of responding.
"Right. Remind me to Google it later." I just laugh. "Quinn doesn't sound like a Hispanic name, though." His eyebrow raises.
"Yeah, it's my middle name. My real last name is Garcia. I started going by Quinn when I moved here so I could have a fresh start in every aspect. My parents were always called by their last names and I knew it would hurt too much if I had to hear it every time someone addressed me." I shrug.
"I can understand that. Thank you for telling me that. And for giving me a glimpse into your life. It means a lot." He glances my way quickly and then faces forward again. "I'm going to do the same with you, soon. I promise. It's just-" He pauses and I see him swallow. "I haven't opened up to anyone in a while. Just like you. And for as long as I've been in my position, it's been really hard to do that, especially because the last person I trusted hurt me. But I trust you. I do. And I don't want you to think that my withholding of information has anything to do with a lack of trust in you because it absolutely does not."
He continues, "You've been very trusting with me and you've been opening up, and I know how hard that is, so it really does mean a lot to me. Just...be patient with me, yeah?"
My cheeks heat and I nod softly before realizing he can't hear me. "Yeah. Yeah, of course, Harry. But just so you know, I'd never hurt you. There's a higher chance of you hurting me than me hurting you." I tell him honestly.
"I'd never hurt you, Delilah. Ever." He shakes his head. I watch him for the rest of the drive, our hands still folded together. My favorite Spanish music plays in the background and he tells me which ones he likes the most as I explain them.
"I like this one," He tells me as Corazón Sin Cara plays. I explain the meaning and how the artist is saying he doesn't care what shape or size she is, he'll still want her. He nods quickly at that, "I really, really like this one." I smile widely and agree with him.
After a minute of silence, Harry speaks, "Did you notice at all that for the entirety of the drive, you rode without holding on to anything?"
I look down at my hands, one in his, one holding the phone, realizing he was right, and that I'd been so focused on the music and on him, definitely on him, that I'd let go of the handle a long time ago.
He has a proud smile on his face, and I clear my throat. " I just, uh- I love music. I was just focusing on the music and I guess it really helped."
He's still smiling when he says, "Then I think you'll love where we're going. At least I hope you will."
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and I'm about to question him when he turns the car into a lot and parks in a plaza of different stores. He turns the car off and we get out, walking together with him leading us.
"This is another special spot of mine," I hear him say as we walk towards the door.
It's a cute little hole-in-the-wall store and it's only when we're inside that I realize where we are. I gasp, "No way!" I turn to him with a smile. "I've always wanted to go into a record store, but I never found any good ones back home."
He gives a pleased smile, "I come here a lot. No one really knows about it and it's usually empty, so I take advantage of that. Come on, let's go." And he grabs my hand, pulling me behind him as we walk further in the small store.
We walk around for a bit, me gasping every time I see a vintage vinyl I like, and Harry smiling at me each time I do. He was right to tell me to cover up, the store being very chilly. We're huddled over a Nirvana album when I hear a croaky voice.
"Harry, my boy, good to see you!" We turn to see an elderly couple smiling at him. "And who's this?" They look over to me.
"Hi, I'm Delilah." I extend my hand, but the woman grabs it and pulls me into a hug. She's so small that I'm bent over, and my smile is in her shoulder. "Nice to meet you," I laugh.
She pulls away, only for the man next to her to do the same. "Harry never brings anyone here. Especially not anyone as beautiful as you." He winks at Harry.
I blush and that's when Harry speaks, his cheeks with a slight pink tint, "Alright, alright, enough embarrassing me, Marshall." He hugs them both and turns to me, "This is Marshall and Lily. They've owned the shop for a while." He turns back to them, "Marshall, Lily, this is Delilah. She's Jeff's new assistant and a friend."
The couple gives each other a look, "A friend?"
Harry gives a stern look, "Yes. A friend." And then he mumbles something under his breath that I can't catch.
Marshall seems to have heard him though because he smiles at Harry and waves his hand half-heartedly, "Right. Well, anyway, have you found anything you like?"
I lift up a Whitney Houston record, "I was thinking of getting this one. It's a rare one, right?"
"Oh, yes, that's a good one." Lily speaks. "Delilah, sweetheart, I think I may have some more records you'd like over here, if you'd like me to show you." She points to her left.
I nod eagerly and start to follow her. I hear Harry moving behind me when Marshall speaks, "Harry, actually, would you come over here with me?" He points to his right. "I've got something to show you." Harry looks at me one more time and nods to Marshall, following him.
I walk with Lily to the left corner of the store and she grabs my forearm, pulling me close to her. "Are you on a date with our Harry?" She looks up at me with round eyes.
My mouth drops open before I answer, "Um, no. No, no. We're just here as friends. You heard him," I chuckle half-heartedly. "Just friends."
Lily rolls her eyes at me, "Right. Well, if you're here as friends, you must be the absolute best of friends who have known each other for years because Harry has never brought anyone here with him. Never. And he's been coming here for years." She shook her head, "Not even that dreadful girlfriend he used to have. I'd heard so much about her, but he never brought her. He said she never wanted to come."
I want to question what she means but she rolls her eyes again, "Like I'd want her here. Anyway, darling, I just wanted to tell you that you're clearly something special to him." She looks to her right, causing me to do the same.
Harry is hunched over, talking to Marshall, and our eyes meet at the same time. His lips lift in a smile as Marshall is speaking to him, and my lips do the same as I hear Lily tell me, "Don't hurt him, Delilah. He clearly cares about you, a lot. He brought you here. And I can see it in your eyes that you care deeply for him, too."
I turn back to face her. "I'd never hurt him, Lily."
She nods, satisfied. "Good. I like you, Delilah. I hope Harry brings you around here more often."
I smile at her, "I hope so, too." And she stands on her toes to hug me.
She starts leading me back to the middle of the store, just as Marshall does with Harry. Harry smiles at me, "You ready to go? We can get food after we leave, if you'd like." I nod and we go to the register as Lily rings me up. We say our goodbyes and Lily makes me promise I'll come back. So, of course I do.
We're outside of the store, walking to the car, when Harry asks what I've been waiting to hear. "So, honeybee, what's the word for today?"
I smile at my new favorite question and look at him as we climb in the car and fasten our seatbelts. As I look in his eyes for longer than necessary, my smile widens. "Sempiternal."
"Uh huh..." He waits, smile on his face, pulling out of the parking spot.
"It means eternal. Everlasting." I tell him, my eyes never straying from his face. I watch as the sun shines against his complexion, his green eyes brightening. Beautiful.
"Sempiternal. I quite like that one, Delilah. It may be my favorite one so far. Sempiternal." Harry repeats and smiles at me. He quickly returns his eyes to the road as his face grows serious. "I brought you to the record store, and to the café, because if it's hard for me to tell you about me, then I'd like to start by showing you. And these places... Well, they're me."
I smile fondly at him, "And I love that. It means a lot to me that you're showing me. I'll take whatever you want to give me. I just want you to tell me at your own pace."
He smiles over at me and grabs my hand, slotting his fingers in between mine. "Is this okay?" He asks me.
I look down at our intertwined hands resting on my thighs and look back at him. "Definitely okay."
His smile doesn't falter as we sit in silence, before I speak again. "I want to take you somewhere. One of my special spots, soon. If that's okay."
"Really?" I nod at him. "Of course. Yeah, I'd like that a lot, honeybee." And the sincerity in his next words makes my heart squeeze.
"I'd go anywhere with you."
Song: Sobredosis by Romeo Santos ft. Ozuna.
A/N: I really love Delilah :')
Also, if you understand what Harry's passcode is, ily.
That's Chapter 7! Another cutesy one hehe hope you guys liked it, pls lmk what you thought, comment, vote, etc!
Love youuuu,
-J :)
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