《Baby boy ~~Larry stylison》Lets Catch up


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(Louis p.o.v)

I thought about this weekend while I was painting my nails I just wanna hang out with my friends maybe have a sleep over order pizza and Chinese I texted them the details with caution cause I didn't want to mess up my nails this would be a good chance for them to get to know cici ouu I'm gonna invite Diego to I texted him before getting dress since everyone will be here soon to hangout I put in some leggings and a hoodie that I cut up last year it was Harry's till I stole it the first time I ever spent the night at his house I played with my hair a little to make it look decent cause I really don't feel like getting extra cute for these goofs that are coming over I heard the door bell ring so I ran down stairs to see Liam on the couch playing a video game a Lexi in the kitchen eating some ice cream "li you literally could have answered the door" I said rolling my eyes opening the door he mumbled something under his breath I turned around to see gray , Ethan, and zen standing the door I squealed and jumped on zen wrapping my legs around her waist she hugged me back before saying she can't breathe I laughed and looked to see gray and E have already went into the house "hey Lou where's lex" Ethan asked I pointed to the kitchen and walked to the living room "the others will be here soon" I said snatching Liam's salt and vinegar crisps he glared and went to take them back but I grabbed zens hand and sprinted up the stairs I heard heavy foot steps behind me obviously Liam coming to get his chips but I hope he knows I'm not giving them up without a fight I opened my door and flopped on my bed zen doing the same we started talking about random stuff when Liam busted in the door grabbing the chips and smacking me on the head "ow li that hurt" I frowned glaring at him he flipped me off and left I rolled my eyes and continued my conversation with zen "whos all coming again" zen said "everyone we hang out with plus diego" I said grabbing my phone she nodded ,I sighed "zen I don't know what to do about harry anymore I just.........., I just don't know anymore , he makes me feel so many things but sometimes I don't want to feel those things and sometimes I do I'm just so confused " I say rubbing my face she looked at me for a minute then sighed "lou look i know this may sound crazy but honestly i think you need to give it a chance you and harry have been through so much yet you two always make it back to eachother so just give it a chance i see it in your eyes when yall look at eachother yall are meant to be" she said looking me in the eyes saying i was shocked was an understatement " I guess I'll try but I really hope it'll work out" I said sighing , just then the door bust open with the rest of the "gang" except for diego he texted me saying he was gonna be late. they all piled in jumping on top of me on my bed I let out a groan cause I couldn't breathe I pushed them off of me . zayn ,cici ,and niall hopped on the bed "the others stayed down stairs"zayn said I nodded "so what do wanna do ?" I asked everyone shrugged so I suggested truth or dare which everyone agreed on "ok let's go downstairs and play with the others" I said getting up and walking downstairs with the others following me as if On cue Diego walked in I smiled and hugged him "wassup xan" I said looking to see cici looking down blushing I smirked tonight is gonna be fun...


~Skip to truth or dare.~

(Third person p.o.v)

"Louis truth or dare?" Cici said

"Umm dare" Louis said

" I dare you to make harry horny" Cici said Harry's eyes widened

"Why did I agree to this damn game" Harry groaned Louis smirked and walked over to harry Louis slowly straddled Harry's lap leaning in and kissing Harry's neck causing him to moan

"You like that daddy?" Louis said kissing sucking a bruise. On Harry's collar bone Louis started to grind his hips down causing harry to moan once again Louis reached down and grabbed Harry's raging boner smirking at his success he then kissed Harry's cheek and got up walking back over and sitting in his original spot. "DAMN" everyone said in unison

Louis just smirked looking at Harry's flustered face

Harry took his flannel off to cover up his boner

"Ok xan truth or dare?" Louis said looking over at xan "I ain't no pussy so dare" xan said

"I Dare you to take a body shot off of Cici's ass" Louis said getting up and getting the vodka out the kitchen along with salt and a lemon "so you had liquor the whole time and didn't tell me" Liam scoffed making zayn smack him " li you promised no more" zayn said making Liam roll his eyes "And you promised no more weed I guess we both don't get what we want" Liam said eyeing. Louis as he came back with the stuff to do the body shot. Louis told cici to take her pants which she was very hesitant about at first since so many people was around but Louis convinced her saying nobody cared and that they all had a boo thing except her and xan cici took off her pants showing her lacy black panties which she refused to take off after Louis told her to xan smirked and grabbed the stuff from Louis hand and putt is on cici's ass slowly licking it off


Everyone cheered except cici who sat there blushing a deep shade of crimson red

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