《Baby boy ~~Larry stylison》Momma bear


{not edited}

(I can't remember If Louis' dad is in his life but he is now if he wasn't 😂😊)

3rd person p.o.v

Louis groaned as he heard banging on his door

"Louis Tomlinson you better open this damn door right now" his mother's voice rang through the room , his eyes widened as he shook Harry awake

"Harry get the fuck up my moms home" Louis said while slapping Harry in the face . Harry groaned and got up throwing his clothes on.

having been through this before he grabbed his stuff, kissed Louis , and climbed out the window

Louis opened the door and smiled nervously at his mom "hey mom what's up" His mom looked at him and rolled her eyes

"Listen Louis your dad is the one who has the rule of no boys in this house and you need to abide by them" jay said , louis nodded and smiled at jay "Okay mom" he said

Jay smiled " and If your gonna do it anyways tell harry not to leave the window open okay" she winked and walked out of the room. Louis held back his laugh and plopped back on the bed falling back asleep

Short ik kill me 💕

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