《Leather Jacket Girl (girlxgirl)》Chapter Eleven


I was beyond thankful that the next day was a Saturday. It meant that my day would be stress free, relaxing, nice. I could just spend the day with my family and take my mind off the feeling that resounded in my stomach whenever I thought of the fact that Emmy had hung out with Courtney. She had every right to make new friends. I wasn't about to start up high-school level drama over it. However, I knew that I was going to feel weird if she started to get a crush on Courtney, especially when I had evidently liked Emmy for a long while now.

I may have tried to avoid my feelings for some time but I knew that they were ultimately unavoidable. I felt the way that I did and nobody would ever be able to change that, especially not this new girl who seemed to think that she could just step into our life. Admittedly, I was aware that I was being partially ridiculous. Did that mean I was all of a sudden going to stop thinking the way that I did? Absolutely not. Fortunately, Bow soon walked towards me and demanded to be cuddled again, so I was able to take my mind off my woes for a short while at least.

"I sometimes wish I was small," I told him.

"Then you could come to pre-school with me!" he said.

I chuckled at that.

"You're not in pre-school anymore, Bow," I reminded him.

His eyes widened at my statement.

"Oh yeah!" he said, with a soft chuckle that caused me to break into a grin.

Callie soon walked towards the two of us with an inquisitive expression upon her face.

"Are the two of you alright?" she asked us both.


"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine," I said.

I may not have been absolutely fine, actually, but I didn't want to worry Bow. Callie knew this, so she nodded behind her so that the two of us could walk into the kitchen to continue our conversation there.

"What's going on with you?" she asked me, with a compassionate expression upon her face, as she moved some of her shoulder-length curls out of the way.

"Nothing," I said.

"Something," she countered.

"There's a new girl, Courtney, she's cute. It's just..." I trailed off.

"I think you should ask her out," Callie told me and just like that, it was like a light switch had turned on inside my head, illuminating my mind with a plan.

If I asked Courtney out, then that could change everything.

It would mean that I wouldn't have to get worried about getting attached because I knew she didn't want to commit, no strings. It would also mean that I would be able to avoid a whole Courtney-Emmy situation happening.

I stopped in that track of thought for a moment, though. I had to wonder whether I was doing the right thing here.

"You may have just come up with a good idea, Callie," I told her.

She raised an eyebrow at me as she smirked. Her eyes fluttered down for a moment, as she watched Bow enter the kitchen, and I could see the silver eye-shadow that she was wearing on them.

Callie tended to go in heavy with the makeup but I had always admired how talented she was at applying it. I truly did wish that I could do the same. Sadly, it appeared that it was not meant to be, just like i wasn't meant to eat the last cookie that Bow shoved into his mouth.


I just gave a slight shake of my head, as I gazed towards him with affectionate eyes.

Vanessa soon walked into the kitchen, too.

"Who wants to help me make up pancakes for breakfast?" she asked.

"Me!" Bow said.

"You can add the toppings, Bow. How does that sound?" I asked him.

"Okay! Can I flip?" Bow asked us.

My mother chuckled and quickly tried to suppress it.

I had a certain feeling that if we allowed Bow to flip over the pancakes he might just end up with a pancake on top of his head. I was trying not to worry about that, though.

After all, practice made progress.

"Sure," I said, "With the spatula," I told him.

"Spatcha," Bow repeated.

Well, there was an attempt in there that I had to admire him for.

The four of us got started on making up pancakes and amazingly enough, Bow managed to flip them over without dropping batter all over the floor. It had been a great success!

Once we were done with that, the four of us walked into the dining room so that we could begin to eat them.

They were incredibly delicious and I was glad that something had taken my mind off all the anxiety that had built up in my stomach over my worries of the whole Courtney and Emmy situation.

I had a plan in my mind, now. I simply had to go along with it.

It would be fine. Nothing could go wrong. I was a smart person.

Either way, once we had cleaned up after breakfast, I made my way back upstairs because I needed to get on with a little more of my art work for college.

A couple of hours later, the sky had turned pink and bathed the room in a warm light.

I forgot just how short days seemed to get in the autumn season.

Either way, the pancake making time was over with and art was over with. I decided that it was about time for me to watch some Netflix.

As I watched, though, I found my mind preoccupied.

My chest hurt.

I didn't know what I was going to do but all I truly knew was that I had to get through this. I couldn't continue to be sad over the people that I knew that I couldn't have. I couldn't continue to be sad over matters that I knew I had very little control over.

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