《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Explinations...
Nathaniel's POV
After I walked away from Alexa I followed the guys to the media room where we were going to watch the boxing fight with Mayweather and Pacquiao. It was going to be a good one. The guys found there spots while I settled in mine. I never really have time to hang out in here, and when I do it's on rare occasions like this one but we would go over to Nick's because his media room is three times bigger than mine. This was more Mason's second room. I shook my head all the times I found him sprawled out in here controller in hand.
"Nate, man how the hell did you get that innocently hot looking she-wolf?" Matt said. I narrowed my eyes he raised his hands in surrender. "Watch you tongue Matt! She's mine." he laughed. "Sorry, dude your so damn angry all the time I’m surprised she didn't run for the hills." I narrowed my eyes at him until Adam spoke.
"So you want to tell us what happen earlier with Addison? What going on Nate? You could have killed her." I sighed I guess I should have known this conversation was coming.
"We'll she shouldn't have brought my parents up like the way she did the was a low blow. She's lucky I didn't rip her fuck'en throat off. Now you know Alexa didn't attack her because she was attacked by Mason and was pass out in my room even Mary knew this."
"Dude, I think you got yourself a stage five psycho. She was frantically saying she needed you. She wanted no one else but you by her side. It was crazy." Marcus said.
"Well I hope she knows not to pull that shit again. I never in my life have I given her or any other girl indication that I wanted a committed relationship it was sex that's all! She never slept over my house ever since she showed up here the other da, and she seem Alexa here she's been off man. I don't want her anywhere near Alexa." I stated. Just an image if her trying to harm Alexa had me seeing red.
"Did you tell Alexa what happened?" Adam asked. I shook my head. "No and I don't plan to because I don't want to worry her the day before presenting her to the pack. The reason I had Addison confess her lie was so that when Alexa meets the rest of the pack members they won't treat her like the enemy. It's bad enough that they already know she's rogue, but she's nothing like that." I stated.
"We know that, but I still think it’s wise to tell her what went down. I’m just saying I know when I hide things from Christine she will torture me the worst possible way." Adam shivered at the thought.
"What's that Adam? She won't feed you?" Matt chuckled.
"Worst man... She holds out on me for days, and torchers me by wearing sexy lingerie around the house. I tell her anything she asks, without a doubt"
"Whoa!" The guys said in unison.
"I don't think I'll have that problem. First I’m not hiding anything, I’m just not telling her now." I stated annoyed.
"Nate man Addison is not going to let you go just like that. You can't tell me you don't see that the girl is in love with you? And love can make you do crazy things which was a perfect earlier today." Michael stated the guys all nodded in agreement. I think there taking this a little overboard she'll be fine as long...
"You guys can't mention anything about what happened today. I don't want to even hear Addison's name." I stated my blood boiled at the mere mention of her name. I prayed to god that was the last of her antics. The guys nodded in disbelief. I'll tell her after everything is settled and she is officially apart of the pack so if there is any problems we will be able to link each other. I thought to myself.
"Have you spoke to Nick? He’s been secluded the past couple months then they go off without a word. Is there something I don't know?" Adam asked he and Nick were just as close but it wasn't my place to give away any of there information on there baby issues. "Nah man but you should talk to him when he gets back." I heard the girls call out to us that dinner was ready.
"Good because I’m starved!" Marcus yelled. We all followed behind Marcus as he bombarded his way into the dinning area. I watched as Alexa interacted with the girls she looked happy smiling and laughing with them.
"Everything smells great ladies." Marcus said kissing on Gemma's cheek.
"Alexa's made dessert I can't wait to get into that cheese cake I so wanted to lick the bowl." Christine said. Adam whispered something in her ears. I watched as Alexa looked at the couple in awe.
"Hey get a room!" Matt yelled over the table. Christine gave scolded look to him. "Oh please Matt you practically devour half these girls in plain view of everybody. So stuff it!" She huffed. I shook my head and smiled those two were always going at it you would think they were brother and sister.
"Did you guys all grow up together?" Alexa asked curiously. While sipping her wine. I watched as her plum lips gently closed on the rim of the glass. I couldn't wait to get her alone tonight. I smiled at the thought I was definitely going to finish what we started this morning.
"No the girls didn't they were from another pack but we all went to the same school. A large group of us are pretty close. All we are really missing are Nick and Hannah." Adam stated and she nodded in response.
"Don't forget about Addison, to bad she pissed Nate off today with what she tried to pull over him." I froze what the fuck did I just tell this asshole not to say anything about her. I was pissed I literally wanted to reach over this table and rip his fuck'en tongue out. I gave him a warning growl. He better leave it at that and not continue. I was brought out of my murderous thoughts against Matt, when I felt a soft warm hand touch on my hand I looked into those beautiful green eyes with a light squeeze of my hand. I was amazing with just one touch everything eased away. My soften she was concerned about what just happened. Just when I thought everything went out the window.
"Ouch! What was that for?" Matt yelled looking towards his brother Michael. "Your mouth Matt." Matt's turned and looked towards me. 'What did I tell you dick head? Your so lucky she's holding me down from taking your tongue and shoving it down your throat.' He gave me a timid smile. I opened my link to everyone at the table. 'Just act calm don't feed into what just happened. I don't want anyone talking about what happen even if she asked are we understood?'
I waited. 'Yes' I looked over at Alexa she looked bugged.
"Okay... will someone tell me what's going on?" she asked looking around the table. Before spoke anyone slipped at the mouth I did first. "It's nothing baby" I said her eyes narrowed at me I look away I took a gulp of my corona… Big mistake.
"The hell it isn't the minute Matt said that Addison girls name everybody went quite and tense and I want to know why?" She was livid. Her jaw clenched tight. Trying to calm her down was not going to be easy I could tell.
"Alexa it's nothing your making a scene for no reason." Fuck! Why did I just say that. The look on her face I would never forget, a shocked hurt expression. I don't think I can talk my why out of this one. I looked at her as she stood from the table. She through her napkin right at my face. I looked at her the glassy look in her eyes.
"Now that is making a scene!" She growled. She looked around the table rattled. "Excuse me."
She walked out the room. I looked around at everyone the girls scolded me. The guys didn't say a word. I didn't know what to do I messed up big time.
"So are we still getting dessert?" Marcus asked. I looked up at Marcus while Gemma slapped his arm. She looked over at me. "Don't just sit there go talk to her we’ll be here if she needs us girls to talk too." I nodded and follow that scent I grown to love so much. Walking into my room I put my hands in my pocket unsure of what to say because 'sorry' is not what she wants to hear. Until I saw her grabbing her things.
"Where are you going?" I asked in a gentle tone.
"In another room away from you!" she whispered. It hurt me to see her upset because of me.
"Alexa don't do this am sorry I didn't mean to talk to you like that. Tell me what I have to do so you’re not upset with me." I pleaded to her. She stopped what she was doing and stared at me dead in the eye taking a shaky breath.
"Tell me what the hell happened between you and that Addison girl today?" She stated in a firm tone. With her arms crossed over her lovely chest. I ran my hands over my face I didn't want to do this now.
"What is it Nathaniel?!" She used my full name guess she was serious. I stepped closer to her, she stepped back shaking her head putting her hands in her back pockets of her jeans and waited. I walk over to her with bigger strides while she took them back I kept going till she hit the wall. I snaked my arms around her waist. She looked away from me. "Nate don't if this is your way of trying to make me forget what happened or to deflect my question it's not going to work." I leaned in an kissed her neck trying to calm her and her wolf. She placed her two hands on my chest and pushed me back. I only budged a little but never letting go of her.
"Alexa, it's nothing for you to worry about it was just an issue with Addison that needed to be handled." I stated she looked at me. "Do you think I’m stupid Nate? Do you? Because I've been through a lot of shit. I think I can handle some ex-girlfriend drama. Apparently she’s the problem here! Am I right? She yelled.
I walked away from her. I sat on the edge of the bed with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I took deep breath. "She's not my ex-girlfriend we never dated." I growled she huffed and kept gathering her things.
"Please stop." I said in a exasperated tone.
"Stop what? Stop asking you questions? Or stop from leaving out the door?"
"Damn it! Alexa." I stood from the bed. She wanted the truth then I was giving it to her. "I went to the pack house today because Addison was attacked. When I got there I was told that she was telling everyone that you had attacked her. Then she brought up my parents being killed I was so furious I dragged her in front of the pack house in front of everyone and had her tell the truth. She lied to have you be punished." I sighed. "I didn't want to make things uncomfortable for you tomorrow. I don't want them to judge you because your a rogue or because of what Addison's putting in there head. So far I have been the only one fucking shit up." I walked over to window leaning my forearmed on the window seal looking over at the falls. My chest aches because I didn't know how being in a relationship worked I’m trying, I don't want to lose her because of my stubbornness.
'Hey Nate were heading out. The girls got to be up early for dress shopping.' Adam said. I felt horrible for ruining dinner.
'Alright man thanks for everything.'
'No problem man. It's cool and tell Alexa, Marcus loved her cheesecake so much he took the rest home.' I chuckled. I closed my link. I waited for to say something. I felt arms wrap around me. She laid her head on my back breathing me in my wolf howled at her touch.
"Nate?" She murmured.
"Thank you." I was confused by her response. I turned to face her. I wanted so bad to tell I loved her but I’m scared of her response. I just wrapped her in my arms.
"You take care of me like no one ever has. I love that you try to protect me but you also need to trust me Nate I’m a big girl I think I can handle your ex-sexfriend." I cocked one brow at her. "Well you said you only had sex?" She stated with a smile playing on her lips.
"You can't hide things from me and I promise to do the same. Communication and understanding, is what we need can you handle that?" She questioned. I nodded I leaned closer to her taking my finger under her chin and tilted her head up so that I can look into her eyes. I brought my lips to hers. The kiss was passionate slow but steady. She wrapped her arms around my neck pressing her body to mine. We kissed until we pulled apart for air, panting I leaned my forehead on hers.
"I wish you were my mate Alexa, I know that somewhere out there you have one as do I but right now your everything to me and until that day comes I will always be forever thankful to the moon goddess above for bring you into my life." I stated nuzzling my face to her neck.
"You'll always have me Nate right here." She placed my hand over her heart. "I love you Nate." She whispered I froze for a moment unsure if I heard her right. I moved my face from her neck, and looked at her her eyes filled with tears ready to fall. She smiled up at me her dimples making a perfect appearance on her gorgeous face.
I picked her up and wrapped her in my arms so tight afraid this was just my mind playing tricks on me. She giggled. "I love you too, you have no idea." I said in a husky voice. The night was looking up. All we had to do was get through the presentation. There was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I said. Dahlia walked in sheepishly.
"Hey Lia!" Alexa said while unraveling herself from my arms to her sister.
"Hey Lex, Nate just wanted to see my sister, I barely see here anymore." She whined. That was my cue the leave.
"I'll leave you two to talk am going to check up on the pack house and she how the set up for tomorrow is." I stated placing a kiss on Alexa's temple. I walked towards to door placing my hand on the knob.
"Nate?" She said. I turned to look at her.
"Remember what we talked about no secrets." I smiled and nodded before walking out the door and closing it behind me. My phone started to buzz looking at the screen it was Nick.
"What's up Nick?" I asked.
"Hey Nate, just want to see how things are going so far with setup?"
"So far everything is on schedule am heading to the pack house now."
"Great! We should be there in the morning. Hannah is drained from the trip home man. I haven't heard from my dad have you seen him?" He asked. Come to think of it I haven't see Julian.
"Nah man your father hasn't been around last I heard he had a meeting to attend." I said it was the honest truth.
"Okay, who know what that's about but I guess I'll catch him when I get back."
"Alright man see you then be safe."
I hung up with Nick I saw Mason in the kitchen eating. "Didn't you go out to dinner?"I questioned.
"Yeah…, but I’m a growing man big brother I need to eat. I got to keep my energy up for my mate." He said with a smirk. I slapped the back of his head.
"Ouch! What the hell man!" He yelled.
"Show some respect I don't need to know your sex capades you’ve got going on."
"Whatever." He huffed.
"Finish up so you can come with me to the pack house to see if everything is good to go for tomorrow." He nodded while polishing off his plate.
We drove off towards the pack house. I haven't seen my brother lately I hope he wasn't acting a fool out there with his friends.
"So how are things going with you and your mate? Are the kids at school getting alone with Dahlia?" I questioned.
"Were good she gets along with everyone it’s hard not to like the girl. I just might have a little problem..." He said keeping his gaze out the window.
"Really and what's that?"
"Well I know you don't want to hear this but after Dahlia's first shift I marked and mated that night she shifted. We made up literally, and now she'll be going into heat soon and I want to know how I’m suppose to control myself let alone other wolfs around her." He said looking at me for answers. I chuckled, he had no idea what he was in for.
"For starters she going to have to stay with you on the other side of the house in a spare room. She won't be able to leave at all not even for school until the heat is over which is about a week. Even though she's your mate her heat alone will attract other wolfs including me." I stated Mason narrowed his eyes and growled.
"She's mine!" He hissed.
"Calm down there riper I’m just stating the facts just keep her on the opposite side of the house for the week and we should be good little brother." I smiled while Mason kept a scowl on his face.
"Think of it like this the week she goes into heat will be the best week of your life. Just make sure you don't knock her up. Alexa will kill you and I won't get in her way."
"What?! We are not ready to be parents believe me I don't want kids right now so I will be wrapping up things." Mason stated. I pulled up to the pack house it was late everyone was inside. Walking in I looked around for Karla Nick's mother. Knocking on the door to her study. I heard her command to come in. I walked in to see her smiling up at me. She was like a mother to me and Mason after my parents passed.
"There are my boys come in give me some love." She said opening her arms I wrapped her in a hug as did Mason.
"Karla looking beautiful as always." I stated she gushed waving her hand.
"Oh stop Nathaniel! You have some explaining to do. I heard about what happened to Addison she did come and talk me." She stated in a firm tone. Damn you Addison I swear I was dealing with a teenager when it came to her. I can't believe she would come to Karla. Keeping myself calm I looked Karla in the eye and waited to see what she was going to say.
"Mason sweetheart why don't you go and see if any of the ladies need help in the ballroom setting up, while I talk with your brother." She asked, and he nodded leaving the room.
"So is this true Nathaniel, that you have some type of relationship with Addison, and your new friend is only using you for your beta title?” My eyes nearly feel out of my head Addison has lost her marbles for real, I shook my head denying it.
"Karla, you are like a mother to me and I would never lie to you in any shape of form. I am the one who pursued Alexa the minute I laid eyes on her, I knew I wanted her. Over these last few days we have grown close and gotten to know each other, and I love her. As for Addison she's upset because our relationship never furthered past my bed. I’m sorry if I offend you but it is the truth. She did something beyond horrible by trying to get Alexa pined for an attack she never did. I couldn't let her get away with that." I stated I was tired of explaining myself all because Addison can't get her way. I ran my hand over my face and looked at Karla.
"Honey, Addison spoke with me today and told me what happen. She also told me she self inflicted the injures to herself. She was very desperate to have you back in her life she loves you. Maybe to much but that's besides the point. If Alexa is what makes you happy then I’m right beside you and I can't wait to meet her tomorrow, but I want you to give Addison some closure explain to her how you feel that will probably help her move on." She stated while reaching out for my hand. I place my hand in hers she face me a gentle squeeze." You three boys mean so much to me, I want what's best for use." I nodded and walked and gave her a hug. Pulling away I remember I haven't seen the substitute Alpha.
"Hey Karla have you seen Julian?"
"Oh yes sweetie his been around he's been really busy with talking with other packs about what I have no clue." She said while walking with me towards the ballroom. Everything was set up beautifully Hannah is going to love it. Even thought Alexa and Dahlia are being presented into the pack tomorrow this day was definitely for Nick and Hannah's be announcement.
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