《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Brother's Mate
Spare Me Alpha but I Want Your Beta
Chapter 7- Brother's Mate
Nathaniel's POV
I walked back, wondering what the hell just happened in the last couple of hours. Julian knew something about that girl. I had to wait until Nick got back. There was some strange shit going on here, and I didn't like it.
I saw all the guys hanging out by the training area. I walked over to meet them.
"Hey, Nate! Did you get her number?" Adam asked.
"No!" I spat. "She's a rogue I'm not that desperate." I couldn't let them know that the girl did something to me or that I had an urge to hide her away from any harm.
"You had us fooled!" Marcus laughed along with everyone else. "Dude, we wouldn't have blamed-- you she was bangin’. She had that Latin flavor going for her," Marcus said, slapping Adam up.
"So what's her story?" Adam asked.
"None of your damn business... You guys are asses. I'm heading out; my little bro found his mate today and he is bringing her over for dinner," I said while walking towards the garage. I was one of the few who owned their own property of land.
"Oh! What are you making? Can we come over too?" Marcus asked. That boy was always eating everything in my kitchen. "No! I will bring you a doggy bag!" I said while laughing.
I got in my escalade, and turned on the AC full blast. It was hot out today. Pulling out of the garage, I couldn't help but think how happy my mother would have been to know one of us found our mate.
My house was big-- it was a one of the mansions on land. I was hoping when I bought it, that I would have a big family to fill it with, but no such luck. I hadn't found my mate, and if it wasn't for my brother, it would feel as if I was drowning in emptiness. Now that Mason found his mate, it was an addition of another member to the family. When I reached home, I started to cook. Losing my mother had made me appreciate all the hard work she used to do for her boys. She loved us dearly, but when my father died during a rogue attack, my mother couldn't bear it, so she took her life too. That night I found her in the bath with a knife in heart. It was an image I could never wipe from my memory. I would never spare the life of a rogue. That was why my reaction to Alexa confused and agitated me. There was something about her... she was different.
I brought myself back to reality. No use dwelling on the past. I decided to make Mason's favorite stuffed shells, salad, and garlic bread. Simple enough, I thought to myself. I heard the door close, and I knew Mason was home.
"Where is my favorite brother in world?" he called as soon as he got in. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the living room, and found my brother standing there with the cheesiest smile ever.
"What's with the drama?" I raised one eyebrow, and grabbed him into a hug. "Dude, finding your mate is amazing, and I'm glad for you. But at least spare me from your antics," I teased. "So, what’s she like?"
He followed me into the kitchen, and I resumed cooking while he told me about his mate. He already looked bewitched. God knew how much more in love he could be. I couldn't believe my brother was this emotional about his mate.
"Nate, she's beautiful. She's got big hazel green eyes, tan skin, and light brown hair that falls down her back like velvet. Her body is amazing. Honestly, I don't know what I did to receive her as a mate, seeing my history as a player," he said. Then he then tensed a little.
"What is it, Mace?" I asked, seeing his sudden mood change.
"Nate, you're my brother, and I love you to death man, but..." he began. The oven beep before he could finish. He got up from the stool.
"Hey, where are you going?" I asked, wanting to know what he was about to say.
"She'll be here any minute. I want to wash up."
I sighed and nodded.
After setting dinner on the warmer, I went up to my room to wash up as well. I threw on jeans and a T-shirt, towel drying my hair and ran my fingers through it real quick. Hearing the doorbell, I heard Mason walking down the hall.
"I'll get it!" he said. He sounded so damn excited. I rolled my eyes again, and smiled.
I made my way towards the kitchen, turning off the warmer. It was then that I caught a familiar scent of pineapple and coconuts. Confused, I sniffed myself; maybe her scent was still on me. I knew something was off, because my wolf was on high alert as I walked towards the noise of chatter. I met up with Mason, and he stopped me from walking past him.
He looked serious. "Nate, my mate's a rogue, but I loved her the moment I saw her. Please accept her," he whispered.
I looked at him and his pleading eyes, before turning and heading towards the living room. Her scent hit me like a ton of bricks. I stood frozen in place until someone cleared their throat. My gaze landed on a smaller version of Alexa, only she was slightly taller. They could easily pass off as twins. I looked down to see she had her hand out to greet me.
"Umm, hi, I'm Dahlia," she said, and I took her outstretched hand in mine, giving her a genuine smile.
"Dahlia, it is very nice to meet you. You can call me Nate."
"Okay, Nate, this is my sister Alexa," she pushed her forward towards me a smile. I reached out and grabbed her hand in mine. I couldn't help but notice how she fit me perfectly.
"So we---" I was about to say something when she cut me right off. I was a little taken back. I looked at her as she gave me a weird look. I wasn't quite sure what she was trying to warn me about until she introduced herself as if we hadn't met before.
"It's nice to meet you, and thank you for inviting us for dinner," she said before taking her hand back. I smiled awkwardly at her, playing along with her game for now.
"It was no trouble. My brother her told me he found his mate, and that in itself is something to celebrate. So why don't we head to the dining area, and I will bring out dinner?" I said. Then I grabbed Mason by the neck and pulled him ahead with me.
"You know, Mason, you could have given me a little more warning," I hissed at him.
"Ouch! Man, that hurt. I'm sorry, but I know how you are about rogues. But she's a part of me, and she's not like all those other rogues. She wouldn't even kill a mosquito when it landed on her arm. Just trust me, Nate." I nodded and made my way to the dining area. "I will be right back with dinner."
"I'll come and help," Alexa quickly said while getting up from her chair. She followed me into the kitchen, and I frowned to myself. why was she putting up an act? What was she really planning to do? Once inside, I slammed the door shut pinning her to the wall. I wanted to figure out what the hell was going on.
"What are you playing at?" I growled.
I stood in front of her with a stern face and my mouth shut, waiting for her response. She stepped back a little.
"What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything," she hissed at me. Whoa, she had a hot temper.
"You come to my house and act as though we have never met. My brother finds his mate, who just so happens to be a rogue. Lucky for your sister, my brother is naive enough to not see how wrong this is, on top of that she will be leaving in a week," I spat.
Her expression clouded with anger, and she turned a little red. "Will you stop calling us that?"
"That's what you are, and that's what I will call you," I snapped back. "Don't forget where you are! In my house!," I reminded her.
She let out her breath, as if trying hard to control herself, and again that attraction I felt for her resurfaced. What was it about her?!
"You're right, and I am sorry. I didn't tell her about our meeting, or about... who we are, when I picked her up from school. She was so happy when she found out about Mason, telling me about him being her mate and how he wanted her to meet his brother. I was not going to rain on her parade," she said. "Listen; let's just get this over with. I will tell her tonight. I just want to be the one to do it," she whispered.
"What about my brother? Do you think he's going to let her leave just like that? She's his mate, and if you know anything about that, they can't be separated. They are bound together," I said angrily.
"Well, of course I would never make her choose for her to stay or come with me. She is Mason's responsibility, if he has accepted her as his mate," she said seriously, and her eyebrows drew together.
I laughed sarcastically while leaning against the Island.
"Oh, this is good; I see what you're trying to do. Very clever, Alexa-- using my little brother so that you and your sister can be part of the pack."
Her mouth dropped open, and I was sure she was searching for some very pretty curse words to use on me, but she finally let out a low snarl. Damn, that was sexy. I continued looking at her with narrowed eyes and a slight frown, unable to make her out. Why was she such a mystery to me? I could read her, yet I couldn't guess her motives. She spotted the dishes behind me, and went to grab them. While she was heading out, she turned to me and said, "Believe me; I don't want to be here any more than you want me here. We share the same hatred towards each other, I will happily take the omega rank, if that is what I need to do for us to stay here and for her to be with her mate. You might hate me, and I sure as hell hate you, but I would put up with that for her sake."
Then she walked off with the dishes, her hips doing their seductive sway, and I just stood there, puzzled. Dinner, my mind reminded me. Right.
I followed behind her with the rest of the dinner, and nearly knocked her over when I bumped into her, realizing that she'd stopped suddenly. I looked over to see what she was looking at, and I saw my brother practically have sex on the table.
"DAHLIA...!" She yelled, making the two of them jump, and even me.
" Dude! We eat on this table," I yelled at my brother.
The two of them bumped their heads, trying to jump off each other "Oh god, Lex, I'm sorry-- I didn't hear you guys come in," she said while unraveling herself from Mason.
"Mace, that is what the bedroom is for, not my table. Don't do that shit again," I warned him.
Alexa smacked my arm when the kids weren't watching, and I raised my eyebrows at her. I couldn't help but look into her gorgeous green eyes, and my wolf seemed to enjoy the feel of her hands on my body. She quickly turned towards the two in front of us, and gave her sister a disapproving look. It was almost funny to watch her be the strict disciplinarian. They both looked a little embarrassed, but watched us curiously, noticing the tension in the room, until I spoke. "Let's just eat before everything's getting cold."
Everyone scuffled into their seats, Alexa included, and I fought hard not to be amused at her reaction to me. I'd seen her checking me out earlier, and I'd seen her nervous at my presence, but it didn't mean we had anything going between us. She was a rogue, and that alone was enough for me to stay away from her.
This was the most awkward dinner I can say I ever had. I kept my gaze on my plate. "Nathaniel," I looked up at her when she said my name. " The food is wonderful. I honestly can't say when the last time I had a home cooked meal" she said, then her eyes went wide at her own compliment, and she ducked her head, looking down at her plate. I saw the pink rise in her cheeks, and felt awkward. She'd caught me off guard.
"I...ah, am glad you enjoyed it."
"Nathan, can I be excused with Dahlia?" Mason said while looking from me to Alexa.
"Sure, I'll clean up here you kids go have some fun" I stated. I glanced discreetly at Alexa, and saw her strict-disciplinarian expression again. "Lia, please behave," she said, and I watched as they exchanged a look.
"I know...I know," her sister said while walking off hand in hand with Mason.
I shifted my attention to the dishes and cleaning, and for a few, tense moments, it was just the silence and us.
Then I said, " You do know that eventually they're going to mate, don't you?"
"Yes, obviously. So?" she snapped.
"My point is, they're going to have sex sooner or later, so you need to let the mother hen act go."
She gasped. "Excuse me? I'm sorry, I don't know how you raise your brother, but my sister is not that type of a girl. Yes, I know she will mate with him, she’s not even sixteen! She hasn't even gone through her first phase, for god's sake. Everything is not about sex."
I frowned to myself, and looked away. With that, she huffed and got up out of the chair, grabbing my plate and whatever else she could. I followed her into the kitchen, and couldn't help watching her for a moment. Her feisty attitude was a serious turn on. She was even hotter when she was pissed. And I didn't know where that came from, but I knew I was aroused. I couldn't resist her-- I had to find a way to put my hands on her. The safest place I could think of without getting slapped was her waist. I watched as she got ready to wash the dishes, and then I leaned close to her ear, inhaling her heady scent as I did so.
"You don't have to wash those. I have a dishwasher."
She closed her eyes. She felt so perfect. She turned around in my arms, and I maintained a firm grasp on her hips. I watched as she looked at my lips, then followed all the way up until she met my eyes. My wolf wanted her. I could feel him surfacing. At the same time, I could see her eyes cloud with desire-the same kind that I felt.
"I can smell your arousal," I breathed, leaning closer until our noses almost touched. She was about to meet my lips, when the doorbell rang. She jumped, moving out of my hold. I groaned automatically-- who the hell was at the door? It better not be Marcus, or I would kill him.
"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean...I... ah..." She was apologizing? What for? Maybe she was afraid because my wolf surfaced.
"No! I should be the one to apologize," I said, and all the desire faded from my eyes. Shit. What was I about to do? You were going to kiss a rogue, my mind accused, and I closed my eyes in despair. God, no. This was not supposed to happen. Alexa blinked, unsure and confused. I went serious, frowning, and said, "Look, that didn't mean anything. I’ll get the door."
I stalked out of the kitchen, unwilling to deal with the crazy impulse I'd just been about to fulfill. If I would have kissed her back in the kitchen, it would have been the end of us. I had to keep more control on my thoughts and impulses. When I opened the door, I saw that it was Addison. She was wearing a long black trench coat with a revealing little number, and immediately, I let out a low growl. She pushed me against the wall, and started to kiss me. My wolf was already aroused. I started to kiss her back, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist.
Maybe I was still pissed about not being able to kiss Alexa, or maybe it was anger directed at myself for being so careless-I responded urgently, and before I knew, we were against the wall, and she was reaching out to unbutton my shirt.
All of a sudden, she stopped, looking over my shoulder.
"Nate," she mumbled, "Who the hell is that?"
"Who is what?" I asked. Until her scent hit me. My body tensed, and my mind came back to its right place. What the hell was I doing?! I turned to look at her, but she didn't even spare me a glance. She looked towards Addison.
"Uh, I am Alexa-- Mason's mate's sister. I was just here picking up my sister and head out, so I will hurry out of your way," she said, never looking my way. She called up the stairs for Dahlia, and hearing footsteps, I knew she was coming. As soon as Mason and Dahlia came down, Alexa looked at her.
"I will be out in the car waiting while you say bye to Mason. It was nice meeting you Nathaniel," she said in a hurry to me. With that, she walked out the door. I watched as Dahlia and Mason exchanged words. Then she looked at me, giving me a quick smile, and walked out the door.
"Well, I guess congratulations are in order, little man," Addison said while exposing her half naked body to my brother.
"Whatever! Nate, I'm going to bed," he said and walked off.
Addison turned to me. I was pissed; I embarrassed myself and for her being a slut in front of my brother.
"Get OUT...!" I yelled.
"What do you mean, get out? What the hell's your problem?" She hissed.
"Not now, Addison," I said through clenched teeth, "This really isn't a good time." I grabbed her arm and yanked open the door. "We'll talk about this later."
She started protesting, but I shut her up with a look, pushing her out and slamming the door behind me. What the fuck did I get myself into?
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